CHINSAN japanese chins

Pride in the Past - Faith in the Future

Ch Chinsan Yosh Eko

Our Chin kennel was established in 1984 with 8 imports from
"Koto-Chin" the NZ kennel of Joy Marbeck.
We have continued successfully with line breeding from this foundation stock.
More recently with the addition of a jointly owned import from the UK.

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Since 08/99  

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Ch Chinsan Tsuki
Ch Koto-Chin Masataka (Imp NZ)
NZ CH Sternroc Yam Sekai Ichi (Imp UK)
Koto-Chin Kiako (Imp NZ) & Chinsan Yum Yum
Ch Chinsan Anrui
Ch Chinsan Tama
Ch Chinsan Kazarike
Ch Chinsan Kikoshi
Ch Chinsan Yosh Eko