Welcome to our little place on the web. This is where our efforts at recording our family's history reside. Through these pages we have tried to create a means of keeping our ancestors alive for ourselves, for other family members, and for future generations. It is with pride, therefore, that we introduce you to our results. In these pages, you will find the names of those who have become family members through birth, adoption, marriage, or otherwise. Thank you for visiting. We hope you leave with a smile.

You can view our family history records by clicking on the record description below.
Family Group Sheets, Pedigree Charts, Profiles and Photos 
Alphabetical List of Surnames
Group Photos
Family Artistry
Our Brick Walls
To send an e-mail message, please click this button:
Acknowledgments: to The California Genealogy Club [CGC] and particularly its founder, Genzoli; to Whitemoonraven, who teaches a mean HTML class and who is an avid Native American history researcher; to Coolrogue1; to Hubcal who, in September, 2009, at age 89, went home to live with God and his beloved wife June; to the dedicated researchers at AfriGeneas, Random Acts of Genealogical Kindness, Georgia GenWeb, and other organizations. These are the online teachers, guides, supporters and, most of all, friends, who have made much of what you see here possible.
This page was last revised September 11, 2009
These pages are best viewed using Internet Explorer.