Boy scout adult training
Adult leaders in Boy Scouting need certain
basic information in order to bring a quality program to Scouts. Leaders need to know the objectives and methods of Boy Scouting and they need guidance on how to be effective leaders.
Fast start
This course, with the use of a video, provides basic
training in the areas of The Troop Meeting, The Outdoor Program, and Troop
Organization. The troop committee usually provides it at the Troop level.
This is also known as
Scoutmastership Fundamentals or Boy Scout Leader Basic Training. This training is offered to adults once a year in our district. It usually follows Fast Start Training.
Supplemental training
Boy Scout leader roundtables
Roundtables are supplemental training and are held monthly for the purpose of giving adult
leaders the skills and ideas they need to deliver an exciting Boy Scout program to boys. The roundtable serves also to renew each Scouter’s enthusiasm and dedication. It is held on the second Thursday of each month, September through May. There
is a special summertime session June through August. It is currently held at the Epiphany Lutheran Church located at Carolyn Drive in San Leandro. Please see Council Annual Planning Calendar or Webb Calendar.
Merit badge counselor training
Merit Badge Counselors are highly
valued in Scouting. Each counselor must be a registered Scouter. Training is
provided by the council/district. You must be 18 years of age and proficient in
the merit badge subject by vocation or avocation. Please see council calendar
for dates or call the Training Center for information.
Skills day instruction
training for Boy Scout leaders to improve their outdoor scouting skills. This
is usually offered in conjunction with Acorn training, but maybe taken after
Acorn for refreshment on a yearly basis. For dates offered check the Acorn
schedule and the Council Annual Planning Calendar. This is usually held at Bay
Trees Park in Castro Valley. See Acorn and Acorn flyers
Train the trainer
course is designed to train those who conduct training for leaders in Cub
scouting, Boy Scouting, Varsity, Venturing, Commissioner service and
district/council operations. It is a daylong program that will help the Scouter
sharpen their training skills and add pizzazz to their presentations. See
flyers and council calendar.
This is a new training program for the troop committee. It
is usually provided at the troop or district level.
The Troop Committee Challenge training for Boy Scout troop
committees was developed to help troop committee members understand their roles
and responsibilities. The mission of the Troop Committee Challenge training is
to help each troop committee work as a team to improve the Scouting experience
for adult and youth members. This three-hour program uses games, case studies
and discussion to make this a learning experience that will enhance every
individual's ability to deliver a quality program.
Youth protection
This training is usually provided at the troop level. Many
districts and councils also offer this training. This training is required
every two years.
Advanced training
The council provides this training. Participation is
for Scoutmasters, assistant Scoutmasters, and others directly in support of
troop operation.
Wood badge
This experience involves eight days and seven nights. It
maybe in a weeklong session or covered in three weekend sessions. Wood Badge is
an outdoor experience in which Scouters live the patrol method, gain knowledge
of the skills needed for effective troop leadership, and develop attitudes that
contribute to their ability to work with others. Participants learn outdoor
skills and how to use Scout methods to help boys in their personal growth and
Please see council Webb
page for course dates and location.
Boy Scout junior leader training
Scouting has a strong commitment to
leadership training. Troop level Junior Leader Training (JLT) provides an excellent
introduction to leadership skills. The Council and District level courses
provide additional training to strengthen the basic skills.
Many Councils offer training
for den chiefs at selected council gatherings. In the San Francisco Bay Area
Council, this is usually offered at the University of Scouting/ Pow Wow in
January. It is a half-day course for those interested in being a Den Chief or
for those who are Den Chiefs but would like training in that position. Scouts
learn how to help out with a Cub Scout den and pack.
Troop junior level training –
pinecone 1
is a part-day course with activities, games and possibly videos. Currently
being re-written for the district level and a new program is available for the
troop level by National. It will include troop organization and team building.
Patrol leader fundamentals –
pinecone 2
This is a one-day course that
offers the scout an opportunity to learn practical skills, such as how
to fill out a duty roster and manage other aspects of leading a patrol. See
flyer for details and council calendar
junior leaders skills – pinecone 3
under consideration and planning. More on this will be announced in the future.
one-day training on cold-weather camping sponsored by the Order of the Arrow.
It is taught by older scouts. Younger scouts will learn the essentials of staying
warm and dry while camping in snow and cold weather. This is usually offered in
January at the University of Scouting/Pow Wow.
is a seven-day course that is intended for Senior Patrol leaders, Patrol
leaders and other youth leaders. It is a Junior Leader Training Conference and
is conducted by the council in a camping situation. The course is an intensive
experience In Scoutcraft and leadership skills.