
WELCOME Jaseon Outlaw [new District Executive] and Linda Tanger [new Vice Chairman]
To the Tres Ranchos District
Flyer At the 2001 Council Banquet
Congratulations to Kathy, Jed and Marcus
Thank you to the TR members for nominating your fellow scouters this year. Because of you and the numbers of nominations submitted TR won 3 out of the 11 awards for 2001. Good Job!!! Start collecting information for nominations now so that we can top this next year.
Nomination Forms are now out for the 2001 District Awards. Your fellow scouters deserve the recognition they have earned. Start completing your nomination forms today.
This is an interest survey. Would you like to compete in a dutch oven cook-off at this years Scout-o-rama, if so let Barbara know asap. She would like to include this event at SOR if there is interest in doing it. Call her at 317-1706 or email her at: barlen4@juno.com
Marcus has reminded us that he will be teaching Dutch Oven Cooking at the University of Scouting. If you do not know how be sure to sign up for his excellent course -- or stop by at lunch time to sample the food.
Who are the Scouts and Scouters of Tres Ranchos? Are we serving our
community the way we should? What do YOU think?
Tres Ranchos District Retreat has changed to a one day event Sat. Jan 27th. It will be local. There will be a luncheon. More details will follow.
Whether you
are a registered unit leader with pack, troop, team, or crew, or a
member of a district committee, or a commissioner, or even a Scouting
member at large, we need your ideas. The decisions made at this meeting
will shape the future of our district.
For Information Contact Mary Haro, 510-895-2333 x 401
or by e-mail: mharo@scotco.com
Troop 603 is forming a
Venturing Crew. If you or someone you know is between the ages of 14 and
20...graduated the eighth grade...is a boy or a girl...and likes to have fun
(some high adventure)...come check Venturing out....
We are
accepting applications. You can contact Edith at home (510)
538-6635 if you are interested.
Troop 819 is also forming a Venturing Crew. Contact Leonard for information.
Hi, everyone!
I recently spoke with a Scouter Alumnus, now living out of council, who
is searching for some very old (20-30 years old) plans for a "folding
kayak", also known as a "skimmer". Apparently the plans were drawn up
by a former high school teacher in Hayward, and the design was simple
enough for Scouts to do the actual building.
If you find anything in your troop's archives, or if you know someone
who might have information about this project, or even if you have a
simple design for something similar, please contact me at
mharo@scotco.com. John Roundtree would appreciate it very much.
Mary Haro
Editors Note: I believe I once saw something like this in a reprint from Boys Life in the 1960's. If anyone has a copy of that it might help.
Here is the link to the BSA site that has on-line Cub Scout Fast Start
Training. I found it very informative:
Cub Fast Start
I also located several other very useful Cub Scout sites, many I'm sure you
already know about.
Being the amateur "Webmaster", I have linked them from Pack 603's Web Site I
created as a reference tool for others in the Pack.
Feel free to check these out as well at:
Reference Tool
Hi everyone!
Pow Wow / University of Scouting has just been posted to the Council web
site at
Would you please link to it from your district sites? It has a partial form
of online registration. If you see or hear of any problems with it, would
you please send me the information for correction?
Jo Marshall

Diane and Bonnie are offering a Commissioners Training.
The dates are Mondays:
January 29th, February 26th and March 26th
Time is from 7-9 p.m.
Location is the YLTC
There is no charge
Anyone who is considering serving in the position of a Unit Commissioner, anyone currently serving but never completed training, anyone who has recently accepted the position of Assistant District Commissioner.
The Unit Commissioner is a generalist whose passionate, overriding mission in Scouting is to help units succeed.
If so, please consider getting involved.
Help the leaders in the San Francisco Bay Area Council provide a quality program for the boys!
Hi everyone,
I just had a call from a teacher in the San Lorenzo School District who is looking for volunteer readers for a program in the district. Parents will be attending classes to learn English while the children will be with a volunteer reader. Anyone (adult or scout) who might be interested, please let me know. The volunteer program
is called the Storytime Reading Program and it is in the San Lorenzo School
District. Many of the district's schools are in the program. The program
runs Monday thru Thursday and is in the afternoons and evenings. For more
information or to sign up, call Amparo at (510) 317-4289.
ANNOUNCING Chili Dinner prior to January Round Table. We have been invited to partake in a Chili Dinner on the evening of our Round Table by Scout Executive Steve Barnes. There will be a communications meeting with officials from the SFBAC and Tres Ranchos. Dinner and the communications meeting will start at 6:30pm in the room normally used for the Boy Scout breakout. Use this opportunity to ask Steve about any portion of the program in the SFBAC.
Cub Scout Pack 726 of Castro Valley is proud to announce that it will be celebrating its 50th Anniversary in February 2001! We are looking for former members to join in our festivities and share some of their experiences in the Pack. I am seeking advice on how to get this information in the Bay Area Scouter. Any ideas?Please respond to romantinab@yahoo.com Thanks so much! Tina Benjamin (510)

Available now at the SCOUT SHOP

The TRES RANCHOS DISTRICT NOW HAS A E-MAIL GROUP WHICH YOU CAN JOIN. You will be able to send messages to everyone in the group at once about items of interest to scouters in our district. The advantage of this system is that you can put yourself in the system and make your own changes as your email address changes. Emails you receive will be to the group name and will not display every address the email was sent to. Please sign up now.
 Click to subscribe to Tresranchosdistrict
Click Here to Unsubscribe and send empty email.
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View Current Postings
Starting in September you will be able to register and transfer scouts and scouters at Round Table meetings. This will help us keep our rosters current for mailings and the annual rechartering. Please help us keep this information current.
 Troop 603 Celebrates 75 years at Camp Royaneh
 Wente's 2000 Patch
Check out this neat site.
 UN World Hunger. Each day you click on this site you authorize one of their corporate sponsors to make a food donation to the UN World Hunger project. What a easy way for us to do a good turn.
Membership - Carlen Colgett
Finance -
Program Chairman - Mary Haro
Training - Alan Marples
Cub Training - Dave Williamson
Boy Scott Training - Randy Wright
Camping - Bill Parker
Advancement - Alan Dunn
Activities - Marcus Krause
Webmaster - Peggy Patterson
Cub Scout Roundtable - Ron Flynt
Boy Scout Roundtable - Uncle Buck
A chairman is needed for the Cub Summer Event. It can be anything that would excite cubs to have a fun day. Bring your ideas to Marcus.
Experienced Scouters are needed as Commissioners. Contact Diane if you can help. Commitment is for 1 night a month -- plus Blue & Gold Dinners, or Troop and Eagle Court of Honors. Share your expertise with a Cub or Scout Master and help keep our units healthy.
Our Units
Pack 818 in downtown San Leandro needs a Commissioner. If you are interested in the position and in helping this new pack become successful please contact either Diane or Karen
Welcome to Pack 725 at Independent School in Castro Valley sponsored by Reality World Real Estate. For this year this is a Tiger Cub only Pack.
Troop 819 has announced that they need "GIRLS" for the Venture Crew they are starting on September 1st. Contact Leonard is you know of anyone who might be interested.
SILVER BEAVER AWARD - forms and past receipients

2000 Winners
Diane Riggs
George Domm

Adult knots
Your 14 year old scouts might enjoy this boating experience, and it will keep them involved in scouting. Call for more info 537-6722.
What was the Tres Ranchos District named after 21 years ago?
See our photo gallery
2000 is Nationals year of the
VOLUNTEER. They are attempting to add more volunteers to the program. Check it out and volunteer today.