Welcome to Jamie and Abby's home page.

I was a police officer for Excelsior Springs, MO from 1995 to 1997. Now I am a police officer for Kansas City, MO. I work Dog Watch at Metro Patrol Division, which stretches from State Line on the west to Blue Ridge on the east and from Brush Creek on the north to either 85th Street or Bannister Road on the South.

Abby is a Probation and Parole Officer. She has her own website (much better than mine at AbbyMcAdams.com I also have a list of Law Enforcement Sites.

I am also have a Police shoulder patch collection so like every other patch collector in the world i have a patch page.

Here is a picture of my daughter Emma.


If you would like to see other pictures of things in my life click on the following:

Jamie at work

Daylight? Did I oversleep again??

If you can't tell yet we are a family big into law enforcement. Here are some links to some of our favorite law enforcement links

The Police Officer's Internet Directory

The Missouri OnLine WebRing
This Missouri OnLine Ring site is owned by Jamie McAdams
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Police Guide

Some of my favorite sites

St. Michael, Patron Saint of Police Officers-Protect me and keep me safe

Any questions and comments feel free to contact me at jamiemc4525@sbcglobal.net

Patches State Patches

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