Renaud Home Page Resource Center -- Name and Origin
Meaning and Origin of Surname Renaud
In my reading, I have yet to find a definitive statement of the meaning of this name. It appears both as a first and surname in French cultures. One has to notice the similarity to the French word for fox "renard". There are tales of people from Germany, whose name meant fox, having it changed to "Renaud" or a variant.
As stated above, the name appears to be of French origin. My ancestor, Guillaume Renaud, came from France to New France (Québec) in 1665 as a soldier to secure the new settlements from attacks from the Iroquois. His descendants account for many of the Renauds who lived and still in the Detroit River region of Ontario, Canada and Michigan. In addition to Guillaume, there appears to have been two other Renauds, Jean Renault, and Pierre-Andre Renoud. If you have information about this, please send us information.
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