Can you offer
assistance with our Most Wanted searches?
I apologize that parts of the site are not functioning. I am working on getting them back online.
Please send any queries to me via the email link below.
I used to host this from the University of Notre Dame server when I was a professor there. Over the last five years, I have switched employer three times due to corporate mergers, etc. I am now in a position to try to get all the databases back up over the next few months. Stay tuned. I
appreciate your patience in the interim. This has taken longer than I would have hoped.

Welcome to the Renaud Family Web Site. This site is a collaborative
effort primarily of individuals from the separate branches of the Family Tree of Guillaume Renaud
who was born in 1644 in Rouen, France, and served in the Carignan Regiment,
but we are interested in many French-Candian family names. If you descend from this line,
want to find out if you do, would just like more information, or would like to contribute
information, contact Dr. Raymond R. Reno through E-mail
or by phone at either 847-543-7369 or through mail at
347 Christine Lane, Hainesville, IL 60030.
You may also use the link below to submit a query regarding your Renaud ancestors as well
as any other ancestors from the Detroit River region of Ontario.
Much of the information gathered here benefitted greatly from the assistance of the staff
at the Marsh Collection Society
in Amherstburg, Ontario.
At present the following links to Renauds are available. These sites are under
construction. Continue to visit us as our association grows and our site continues to
We welcome you to become a part of this site.

Read the
Renaud Home Page Journal to keep up on new connections made through this site!
forget the unborn. The Church of the Holy Innocents Shrine
in Memory of Children Who Have Died Unborn.

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