Kanawha County in the War of 1812
This is an excerpt from History of Kanawha County, by George W.
Atkinson (Charleston, 1876)
Through the kindness of Thomas J Mathews, I have been furnished with
the original muster roll of Captain John Wilson's Company of riflemen
attached to the Second Regiment and First Brigade of Virginia troops,
in the war with Great Britain in 1812-14. The company was made up
in Kanawha county and consisted of fifty-six men. John Wilson was
Captain; Robert Wilson, his younger brother, was Lieutenant;
William C. Wilson, Ensign; Johan Bagby, Orderly Sergeant;
Dabney Jones, Second Sergeant; John Sisson, Third Sergeant;
Hiram Cobbs, Fourth Sergeant; Chrisholm Ellis, First Corporal;
Henry Cartmill, Second Corporal; John Fisher, Musician; and
the following privates: George Weldy, William Fowler, James Fowler,
John Donnally, Asa Fowler, Thomas Casdorph, Isham Barly, Langton Ward,
Joseph Dawson, Alexander Taylor, John Medley, Jacob Casdorph,
Thomas Mathews, Alexander Cartwright, Thomas Parish, Joshua Fowler,
John Ray, Gabriel Dawson, Thomas Milam, Andrew Slaughter, John Campbell,
Thomas Cobbs, Moses Milam, Thomas Lowe, Solomon Casdorph, Thomas Hensley,
James Henseley, John Guthrie, Archibald Price, Edmund Price, John Smith,
Malcom McCown, Roger Paull, Samuel Priestly, Joseph Stitt, James Newport,
Leonard Fisher, Elisha Smith, Moses Brown, Henry McLaughlin, Luke
Shiverdecker, Simeon Milam, James McCown, Leonard Cooper, Joel Rucker,
and John Cooper.
1996 Becky Falin