1828.... In a court deposition of the estate of David Norville, who died intestate in Bedford county and who owned several tracts of land...."and another tract on the War Trace fork of Duck River, being an undivided one half of a one hunderd and five acre tract called "The Cartmill Tract" and conveyed by John Cartmill to said David Norville, the whole tract was conveyed to David but your petioner, John C. paid half of the purchase money and has the bond of said David for title, and is equally entitled to the

northern half of said land...."

Deed Book AA page 62...26N0v1828: Elizabeth Wallace, admx. to John Cartmill, 175 acres. Elizabeth Wallace, surviving adrmx of Robert Wallace, deceased, of Bedford Co, TN, sold to John CArtmill of Bedford Co, land in Bedford Co, on the WarTrace Fork. Borders T.F. Bradford, War Trace Fork and Willaim Peacock. Whit: John Slade, William Wallace and William M. CArtmill. Registered:26 Feb 1829.

Deed Book TT 137:22 APR 1851 Peter Waite and others to Orville Muse....several acres and tracts of land......"Also, a tract conveyed by John Cartnell(Cartmell) to William Waite in 1828." Reg. 26 Sep 1851.


"A power of attorney from Duncan McFarland to Alex McFarland dated Aug 2,1790(given unto the said Alex full power and authoirty to ask,demand,sell for recover and receive all debts, dues,etc.) was duly acknowledged by the said Duncan and admitted to record.

Also from the same records we found deeds and land contracts for the McFarland and John Mc Donald, as well as some REALLY interesting stuff. For example, Alex McF was sued by another man(no details given) and he lost,paid $400.00 and 6 d's in Damages. He was also indicted with four other men in the death of a neighbor and there is a court document in which their attorney submits a letter of mercy to the court! Again, I couldn't find out

what happened after the plea of mercy was admitted.

Then we have Sarah McFarland who is brought before the court on a charge of LUNACY! The records don't say who wanted to declare her crazy but in the second recording ,a month later, she is represented to by Robert McF, an attorney who later becomes a judge and is a big whoo in TN history.

Anyhow, the jury finds that Sarah is not "an idiot" and possesses "one room of furniture, a negro boy and $128.00 cash...and that she is able to care for herself and her affairs."

But the kicker, the real heartbreaker was (Are you sitting down, Dan'L??) that ggranddaddy Duncan was among the few who voted against the ratification of the Constitution of the United States in 1789, at the convention. (Data from THE STATE RECORDS OF COLONIAL NORTH CAROLINA) The reason we looked in NC was because there were land grants made and recorded in NC that ended up being TN. Another example of how the land changed around them. The records did not say why old Duncan voted against the constitution, he had voted for other measures but it looks tricky in some of the family history.

One of the McFarlands was condemned as being "an enemy of all free people

seeking liberty and justice" ,for selling powder to the redcoats in VA. (I'm almost positive he was not our direct descendant...almost)


Film #0272997 - Bath Co., KY Court Order Books; 1811-30

Vol. A, 1811-21


June court, 1811

pp11 - John Cartmell overseer of old ironworks road


Sept court, 1812

pp56 - ordered that Alexander Tavis? be appointed surveyor of

the old ironworks road from flat creek to

John Cartmells in place of John Cartmell who is

discharged and that the said John Cartmell allot hands

to said surveyor; ordered that Usual Crooks be

appointed surveyor of the old ironworks road from

John Cartmells to pheasant run in place of

John Cartmell

Dec court, 1812

pp64 - Robert Crockett surveyor of road



Jan court, 1814

pp99 - William Craycraft discharged as surveyor

- mentions Andrew Cartmill & prickly ash road

Feb court, 1814

pp102 - John Cartmill signature & seal

Dec court, 1814

pp146 - Ordered that John Crockett allot hands, not to exceed

ten in number, to work under Robert Crockett, surveyor

of road from the Bourbon road to the forks of prickly

ash, and make report to the court

Bath Co., KY Court Order Books; Vol. A (Cont)


Feb court, 1815

pp154 - allotment of hands to work under Robert Crocket survey

of road from Rowland Burbridges etc. horse mill to

fork of prickly ash; includes David Cartmill &

Robert Crockett; submitted by John Crockett?

pp155 - deed of conveyance from Robert Crockett & Mary his

wife to James Gay acknowledged in open court by

Robert Crockett & Mary his wife and ordered to be


pp156 - Andrew Cartmill appointed survey of that part of

prickly ash road which lies between the forks of

prickly ash and the mouth of -------? in place of

Henry Mynes; hands to assist includes Thomas Cartmill,

Andrew Cartmill & Warner Claton

Oct court, 1815

pp199 - Hardage Smith appointed surveyor of that part of the

old ironworks road which lies between the croping of

flat creek and John Cartmills in place of James Hill

who is discharged; hands alloted to assist include

Hardage Smith, John Atkinson, & John Cartmill

Bath Co., KY Court Order Books; Vol. A (Cont)


Feb court, 1816

pp212 - David T. Foster appointed constable; bond with

Robert Crockett & Thomas Triplett, Jr.

May court, 1816

pp223 - ordered that Spencer Boyd Junr. be appointed surveyor

of that part of the prickly ash road which lies

between the fork of prickly ash and the mouth of

baldeagle in the place of Andrew Cartmill who is

discharged; hands to work include Thomas Cartmill,

Andrew Cartmill & Warren Claton

July court, 1816

pp229 - ordered that Robert Crockett & Jacob Warner be

recommended unto his excellency Isaac Shelby Esq.?

Governor of the Commonwealth of Kentucky as fit men

and proper persons to fill the vacancy as coroner in

this county; due to resignation of Joseph Dawson

Aug court, 1816

pp228 - Robert Crockett [appellant] vs Thomas Iles [appellee];

alias summons issued agianst appellee returnable at

next court

Nov court, 1816

pp248 - Robert Crockett, appellant vs Thomas Iles, appellee;

ordered that judgement of the Justice be reversed &

that the appellant recover of the appellee his costs

by him about his suit in this behalf expended

pp249 - Robert Crockett produced commission from the governor

appointing him coroner in Bath County who took the

several oaths required by law


Oct court, 1817

pp283 - a majority of the justice of this county being present

they proscribed to lay the county levy as follows


[includes following entries]

Robert Crockett per account $16.34

Bath Co., KY Court Order Books; Vol. A (Cont)


Apr court, 1818

pp311 - ordered that John Cartmell? be appointed surveyor of

that part of old ironworks road between said

Cartmill's? and the croping of flat creek

May court, 1818

pp315 - ordered that Andrew Cartmell, Hebron Rall,

Thomas Cartmell & George Lansdown or any three of them

view nearest & best way to turn the prickly ash road

pp318 - ordered that John King, Miles Sweeney, John Cartmell &

David Finley or any three of them view nearest & best

way to turn the springfield road beginning at

Montgomery Co. line to intersect the pricly ash road

at or near the mouth of McIlhennys land


Feb court, 1819

pp369 - We Thomas Fletcher Conl. Cornst.? 65th Regiment

Kentucky Militia and John Crockett Lt. Conl. of said

Regiment this day made a settlement with

Archibald Hambleton? paymaster of said Regiment

pp370 - allotment of hands to work on John Cartmills survey of

the old ironworks road from said Cartmills to the

cropping of flat creek; includes Thomas Atkinson,

William Atkinson, James Atkinson & Hardage Smith

Oct court, 1819

pp403 - a majority of the justices of the peace in this county

being present they proceeded to lay the county levy as

follows, towit:

pp404 Robert Crockett pr account 22

Bath Co., KY Court Order Books; Vol. A (Cont)


Feb court, 1820

pp433 - we the subscribers do certify that we have this day

made a settlement with the paymaster of the 65

Regiment K? M? for the year 1818 and find the accounts

to stand as above stated and find a balance due from

said paymaster of $25.48 dated 08 Jan 1820

John Crockett Col comd

65 Regiment KY? MI?

Apr court, 1820

pp442 - ordered that Andrew Cartmill be permitted to turn

the prickly ash road from Richard Boyd's lower line

and to intersect the old road opposite the said

Cartmill's house

Note: pages are not numbered after this point

Nov court, 1820

- on motion of William Costigan it is ordered that

John Crocket, William Burbridge, Robert Crocket &

Thomas Cartmill or any 3 of them view the nearest & best way

to turn the prickly ash road beginning near his house and to

intersect the old road near William Burbridge's


Feb court, 1821

- on motion of Hebron Rice ordered that Andrew Cartmill,

Thomas Cartmill, Spencer Boyd & Richard Boyd or any 3 of

them to view the nearest and best way for road from top of

ridge above Jeremiah Power's blacksmith's shop on the new

cut road to intersect the road that leads to Owingsville

near the ponds

Mar court, 1821

- we the subsrcibers have this day settled with

Archibald Hamilton paymaster 65th Regiment K? M? find a

balance due from said Hamilton to said Regiment for the year

1820 of $72.07;

19 Jan 1821 John Crockett Col

65th Rgt K? M?

W M Sudduth Majr

Court Order Book Vol. A ends with Sept court, 1821

Film #0272997 - Bath Co., KY Court Order Books; 1811-30

Vol. B, 1825-30

Note: dates are wrong; Vol. B starts in 1821


Oct court, 1821

pp4 - We the subcribers having this day settled with Archibald

Hamilton late paymaster of the 65th Regiment Kentucky

militia find a balance due from said Hamilton of $44 and

one and a half cents which he has handed over to us

together with all orders in his hands on said regiment

given under our hands this 7th day of July 1821

John Crockett

comd 65th Regt K M

W M Sudduth Lieut Col


Feb court, 1822

pp27 - ordered that Lewis Moore be appointed surveyor of the

ironworks road from John Cartmills to the croping of

flat creek in place of John Cartmill

- mentions hands to work under John Cartmill surveyor of

road from said Cartmills to croping of feasant run

Sept court, 1822

pp54 - ordered that Robert Crocket be appointed surveyor of

the beaver road from the top of caringtons hill to the

beavor? works in place of William Yeoman

Bath Co., KY Court Order Books; Vol. B (Cont)


Mar court, 1823

pp89 - on motion of Richard Boyd ordered that William Bailey

Andrew Cartmill George Jamison and Thomas Cartmill or

any three of them view nearest and best way to turn the

prickly ash road where it passes by Richard Boyd's

Sept court, 1823

pp114 - the Commonwealth against Bartlett Meeks on a charge of

vagrancy; jury includes Thomas Cartmill

Oct court, 1823

pp127 - allotment of hands to work under Isaac Shrout surveyor

of that part of road from forks of the road at

John Underwood's and the forks of prickly ash; road to

include Robert Crockett and John Crockett [pass by or

through their land?]


Apr court, 1824

pp149 - ordered that Alexander Donaldson be appointed surveyor

of that part of the new cut road which lies between

the east corner of Wm. Donaldson's field and

Robert Crockett's in place of Jeremiah Power who is


Sept court, 1824

pp168 - ordered that John Duckworth be appointed surveyor of

that part of the old ironworks road which lies between

John Cartmills old gate and the cropping of feasant



Mar court, 1825

pp204 - ordered that the road district including that part of

the prickly ash road that lies between the forks of

the road above castigans and the mouth of baldeagle be

divided and that Thomas Cartmill be surveyor of that

part of it which lies between castigons and the point

where Allen Gudgell's land crops the same


Bath Co., KY Court Order Books; Vol. B (Cont)


May court, 1827

pp319 - last will and testament of Hebron Ralls produced &

proven by oaths of Andrew Cartmill & Elzahan Offill

[witnesses to will]; mentions motion by

Elizabeth Ralls & Thomas Cartmill, two of the

executors in sd will [probate granted to them]

June court, 1827

pp325 - ordered that Jones Lockridge be appointed surveyor of

the ironworks woad which lies between John Cartmill's

and the crossing of flatcreek

- ordered that James H. Crooks be appointed surveyor of

that part of the old ironworks road which lies between

John Cartmill's old gate and the crossing of pheasant


Sept court, 1827

pp333 - Robert Crockett guardian for Samual D. Hodge infant

heir of Samuel Hodge dec'd produced and made oath to

an inventory as such which is ordered to be recorded


June court, 1828

pp374 - on motion of John Cartmill ordered that

John Loughridge William Morgan Enos Burnes and

Thomas Welch or any three of them view nearest and

best way to change the road leading from Owingsville

to Paris beginning at the west end of

Jones Loughridge's fence thence to run on the line


pp375 John Cartmill and Robert Morgan to John Jones' line

thence northwardly to the old road

Aug court, 1828

pp378 - a power of attorney for Thomas E. Duvall

Sarah Ann Duvall and Elizabeth W Cartmill late

Elizabeth W Duvall and Harrison Cartmill her husband

to James T Duvall was produced and acknowledged in


Nov court, 1828

pp390 - on motion of Mary Boyd ordered that Geo B Jameson?

Bailey? Tackett Andrew Cartmill & Allen Gudgel or any

three of them settle with the administrator of

Rich'd Boyd dec'd

Bath Co., KY Court Order Books; Vol. B (Cont)


June court, 1829

pp429 - ordered that Lemuel? Offield? Jonithan Ward

Thomas Yarber? & Andrew Cartmill or any three of them

view nearest and best way to turn the prickly ash road

beginning at the upper end of Thomas Cartmills fence &

to intersect the old road at or near the line between

said Cartmill & T D Owings?

Nov court, 1829

pp443 - Andrew Cartmill improperly charged on the

commissioners book for the year 1828

pp446 - a majority of the justices of the peace in this county

being present proceeded to lay the county tax:

Jane Caldwell to care of Robert Crockett 25.00


Feb court, 1830

pp461 - on motion of Thomas Cartmill ordered that

Arthur Doggett be commanded to show cause why he shall

not give counter security to said Thomas Cartmill as

guardian for Reuben Morgan infant orphan of

John Morgan dec'd

May court, 1830

pp472 - Arthur Doggett who was summoned to appear at this

court to give counter security to Thos Cartmill as his

security as guardian for Morgans heirs, appeared in

court and failed to give counter-security to said

Thomas Cartmill. Whereupon it is ordered by the court

that said Doggett be displaced from guardianship and

it is further ordered that said Thomas Cartmill be

appointed curator of the estate of Reuben Morgan

infant orphan of John Moore dec'd

microfilm ends at pp492 [Sept 1830]


I'm still rereading everything I have. From the GA Posse a few things to gnaw



Augusta County, Virginia

24 JUN 1764 John Cartmill

bondsman/administrator to Thomas Thompson's will

1768 John Cartmill appraised James Hugate (Fugate?) estate

1769 John Cartmill, SR. executor of James Knox's will

NOV 1773 John Cartmill's will "partly proved and lie for further proof."

Book # 2 Page 187

[I think we are dealing with several Johns. This may be the first John and

the father of Thomas. Maybe this is Captain John, and he did indeed get a

land grant and Thomas inherited it. And moved on to it in Kentucky. This will

definitely needs to be looked into]

13 JUN 1789 Thomas Cartmill and Mary to Abraham Ingram. 358 acres East branch

of Greenbrier River [Maybe inherited from John]

1804 Miller and John Cartmill, JR vs. Hogg. Land dispute [But then who's this

guy? Maybe the problem is just because he's a junior, doesn't necessarily

mean he's the son of John, Sr. They didn't know back then that it had to be

direct to name them Jr.]

1811 "John Cartmill is about to leave this Commonwealth." Court Records.

Now we've got:

Virginia Military Records

From J.T. McAllister

21 MAR 1800

Warm Springs, Virginia

.........."truth of the statements of the applicants, they were compelled to

make sworn statements, naming the officers under whom they served; giving a

detail account of their services, including any battles in which they were

engaged, and generally such information as would enable the department to

grant the pension. Those sworn statements were forwarded to the War

Department and are on file there. The names which I send you are compiled

from copies of these statements which are in my possession."

Captain John Cartmill, Botetourt [Is this Augusta County? I stay confused}

Lieutenant John Cartmill, Botetourt

Lieutenant Henry Cartmill, Botetourt

Ensign Henry Cartmill, Botetourt

Just a little food for thought. But I'm betting on this John's will to name

our Thomas. The John in Harrison could be a first cousin to Thomas. I think

Elijah in Fayette County was a first cousin.



Paula & Daniel,

Here is info I transcribed from Bath Co., KY court order books A & B. I did

not try to separate out the Cartmill info from this.

Daniel - There are a couple of Donaldson references I happened to copy in


Film #0272997 - Bath Co., KY Court Order Books; 1811-30

Vol. A, 1811-21


June court, 1811

pp11 - John Cartmell overseer of old ironworks road


June court, 1812

pp46 - on motion of Maryan Atkinson & John Atkinson,

certificate is granted to obtain letter of

administration on estate of Thomas Atkinson dec'd

July court, 1812

pp51 - inventory & appraisal of estate of Thomas Akinson dec'd

approved; amount of sale bill also approved

Sept court, 1812

pp56 - ordered that Alexander Tavis? be appointed surveyor of

the old ironworks road from flat creek to

John Cartmells in place of John Cartmell who is

discharged and that the said John Cartmell allot hands

to said surveyor; ordered that Usual Crooks be

appointed surveyor of the old ironworks road

from John Cartmells to pheasant run in place of

John Cartmell

Nov court, 1812

pp63 - hands to work on old ironworks road; includes

M. McLothlen

Dec court, 1812

pp64 - Robert Crockett surveyor of road

Bath Co., KY Court Order Books; Vol. A (Cont)


Jan court, 1813

pp67 - additional inventory & appraisment of estate of

Thomas Atkinson dec'd returned approved & ordered to be


Feb court, 1813

pp68 - inventory & appraisement of estate of William Cantmell?

dec'd returned approved & ordered to be recorded

Apr court, 1813

pp73 - Thomas Foster appointed deputy sheriff to Thomas Iles

pp76 - adminstration granted to William Oakly & Edward Parker

on estate of Thomas Oakley dec'd

June court, 1813

pp78 - mentions road through Jessa Foster's land & through

Nathaniel Foster's land to Licking River

pp79 - Thomas Foster appointed constable in Bath Co.

pp81 - ordered clerk of court to deliver the original will of

Thomas Oakley dec'd to Joel? Parker after he commits

the same to record in his office

July court, 1813

pp83 - ordered that William Craycraft be appointed surveyor of

the prickly ash road from the Nicholas Co. line near

Peter Hendricks to James McIlhenny's in place of

Eli Hazlerig who is discharged

pp84 - mentions David T. Foster, deputy sheriff of Bath Co.

Sept court, 1813

pp86 - allotment of hands to work under William Craycraft,

surveyor of road

- road from Nicholas Co. line to James McIlhenny's; begin

on bald eagle at James McIlhenny's and from thence on a

straight line to Henry Robertsons on mocks branch,

thence on a straight line to include Peter Hendricks on

somerset creek, thence bounded by the road to include

John McGunnells? at the head of said creek thence to

include William Craycrafts on miners branch and on to

the beginning;

- includes following hands: Henry Robertson,

William Robertson, Eli Haxlerig & Zadock Craycraft

Bath Co., KY Court Order Books; Vol. A (Cont)

1813 (Cont.)

Sept court, 1813 (Cont.)

pp87 - road from forks of prickly ash road to the cropping of

flat creek; hands include M. McLauthlin

Dec court, 1813

pp95 - Kesiah Oakley, widow & relict of William Oakley dec'd,

relinquishes right of administration on estate as also

did John Oakley son & next of kin to said decedent;

Jas Wade & George Case appointed administrators & gave

oath & gave bond with Edmond Oakley & John Oakley

pp96 - mentions Nancy Cantmell? & Edmond Wells administrators

of William Cantmell? dec'd


Jan court, 1814

pp97 - Edmund Oakley appointed guardian of William Polly &

Betsy Becraft, infant orphans of James Becraft dec'd

pp98 - mentions Margaret Hughes, widow & relict of

David Hughes dec'd

pp99 - William Craycraft discharged as surveyor

- mentions Andrew Cartmill & prickly ash road

Feb court, 1814

pp102 - John Cartmill signature & seal

Mar court, 1814

pp104 - mentions Nathan Atchison's land

pp105 - Christopher Oakly allot hands to surveyor

Apr court, 1814

pp107 - hands to work on road include Thomas Adkinson &

John Adkinson

July court, 1814

pp124 - on motion of Hezekiah Oakly, certificate is granted

for obtaining letter of administration in estate of

James McDaniel dec'd

Bath Co., KY Court Order Books; Vol. A (Cont)

1814 (Cont.)

Oct court, 1814

pp141 - Phillip Williams (appellant) vs John Yarbrough

(appellee) on an appeal;

pp142 - judgement reversed & appellant recover of the appellee

his costs by him about his suit in this behalf


pp143 - James Mappin infant orphan of James Mappin dec'd made

choice of John Mappin as his guardian

- will of James Mappin dec'd produced & proven

Dec court, 1814

pp146 - Ordered that John Crockett allot hands, not to exceed

ten in number, to work under Robert Crockett, surveyor

of road from the Bourbon road to the forks of prickly

ash, and make report to the court


Jan court, 1815

pp149 - List of delinquent fines for year 1813 in the 34th

regiment of Kentucky militia; returned by the sheriff;

a list of the fines returned by the sheriff of Bath

Co. in the year 1814;


Samuel Staton $1.00 insolvent

James Foster 0.50 Montgomery Co.

pp150 - Thomas McClain 1.00 same

William Roberts 0.50 same

Edward Roberts 1.50 same

Feb court, 1815

pp153 - inventory of appraisal of estate of

Thomas McClane/McClune? dec'd odrdered to be recorded

- hands to work on Mynes? mill road; includes

Wm. Becraft & Benjamin Becraft Junr.

pp154 - allotment of hands to work under Robert Crocket survey

of road from Rowland Burbridges etc. horse mill to

fork of prickly ash; includes David Cartmill &

Robert Crockett; submitted by John Crockett?

pp155 - deed of conveyance from Robert Crockett & Mary his

wife to James Gay acknowledged in open court by

Robert Crockett & Mary his wife and ordered to be


Bath Co., KY Court Order Books; Vol. A (Cont)

1815 (Cont.)

Feb court, 1815 (Cont.)

pp156 - Andrew Cartmill appointed survey of that part of

prickly ash road which lies between the forks of

prickly ash and the mouth of -------? in place of

Henry Mynes; hands to assist includes Thomas Cartmill,

Andrew Cartmill & Warner Claton

pp157 - on motion of Isaac Gray ordered that William Cracraft,

Bean? Smallwood, Enoch Burns & William Muns or any 3

of them view the nearest and best way for road from

upper corner of Wm. Cracraft's farm to Gray's sawmill

on flatcreek & make report

Mar court, 1815

pp163 - ordered that Edward McLaughlin be appointed surveyor

of that part of road which lies between the Montgomery

Co. line & Wm. Richards' sugar camp, & that

Francis Hopkins allot hands to said surveyor; also

ordered that Wm Burbridge Senr be appointed surveyor

of said road from Wm. Richard's sugar camp to where it

intersects the bourbon road & that Joseph Dosson?

allot hands to said surveyor

Sept court, 1815

pp196 - ordered that Kezia Oakley be appointed guardian to

Andrew George & Eliza J.? Oakley infant orphans of

William Oakley dec'd; Kezia Oakley together with

Edmond Oakley & John Oakley her securities entered

into bond in the penalty of $600

Oct court, 1815

pp199 - on motion of Keziah Oakly it is ordered that she be

appointed guardian to Austin Oakly infant orphan of

William Oakly dec'd whereupon she together with

Edmund Oakly her security entered into and

acknowledged bond in the penalty of two hundred

dollars conditions according to law

- Nancy Oakly infant orphan of William Oakly dec'd came

personally into court and with the assent of the court

made choice of Keziah Oakly as her guardian

- Hardage Smith appointed surveyor of that part of the

old ironworks road which lies between the croping of

flat creek and John Cartmills in place of James Hill

who is discharged; hands alloted to assist include

Hardage Smith, John Atkinson, & John Cartmill

Bath Co., KY Court Order Books; Vol. A (Cont)

1815 (Cont.)

Oct court, 1815 (Cont.)

pp199 - ordered that estate of Andrew McNab dec'd be

appraised; any three of men listed ordered to appraise

estate; names listed included Edward McLaughlin &

Michael Carpenter

pp200 - hands allotted to work on Joseph Hauses? mill road

includes Richard Lamasters

pp203 - ordered that Thomas Staton be exempt from working on

roads & paying county levy in future on account of


Dec court, 1815

pp207 - ordered that Christopher Oakly be appointed guardian

to James McDaniel infant orphan of

James? McDaniel dec'd


Jan court, 1816

pp209 - David T. Foster took oaths as deputy sheriff of this


Feb court, 1816

pp212 - David T. Foster appointed constable; bond with

Robert Crockett & Thomas Triplett, Jr.

Apr court, 1816

pp217 - inventory & appraisement of estate of William Atchison

dec'd; returned approved & ordered to be recorded

- ordered that sheriff pay Jacob Warner $234 balance due

him for building court house in Owingsville [appears

to be for his work in helping build court house]

pp218 - ordered that Allen M. Oakly be qualified as deputy

clerk of this court whereupon he took oath of office

Bath Co., KY Court Order Books; Vol. A (Cont)

1816 (Cont.)

May court, 1816

pp220 - on motion of Christopher Oakly, order of former court

appointing him guardian to Madison McDaniel infant

orphan of James McDaniel is rescinded

pp223 - ordered that Thomas Yarbrough be appointed surveyor of

that part of the post road which lies between

William Swetmans and Owingsville in place of

William Thompson who is discharged

- ordered that Spencer Boyd Junr. be appointed surveyor

of that part of the prickly ash road which lies

between the fork of prickly ash and the mouth of

baldeagle in the place of Andrew Cartmill who is

discharged; hands to work include

Thomas Cartmill, Andrew Cartmill & Warren Claton

July court, 1816

pp229 - ordered that Robert Crockett & Jacob Warner be

recommended unto his excellency Isaac Shelby Esq.?

Governor of the Commonwealth of Kentucky as fit men

and proper persons to fill the vacancy as coroner in

this county; due to resignation of Joseph Dawson

Aug court, 1816

pp228 - William Wiley [plaintiff] vs. Jacob Warner &

Joseph Dawson [defendants]; plaintiff received of the

defendants $12.50 in debts

- Robert Crockett [appellant] vs Thomas Iles [appellee];

alias summons issued agianst appellee returnable at

next court.

Oct court, 1816

pp239 - ordered that John T. Foster be permitted to qualify as

deputy sheriff in this county who took the several

oaths required by law

pp245 - Robert Fowler vs Christopher Oakly - continued to next


- Benjamin Becraft vs Robert Ewing - continued to next


Bath Co., KY Court Order Books; Vol. A (Cont)

1816 (Cont.)

Nov court, 1816

pp248 - Robert Crockett, appellant vs Thomas Iles, appellee;

ordered that judgement of the Justice be reversed &

that the appellant recover of the appellee his costs

by him about his suit in this behalf expended

pp249 - Robert Crockett produced commission from the governor

appointing him coroner in Bath County who took the

several oaths required by law

pp250 - Benjamin Becraft, plaintiff vs Peter Beshaw?,

defendant; ordered that plff recover of the defendant

$5.46 & 1/2 cents with interest from the 10th day of

Sept 1810? until paid

Dec court, 1816

pp254 - ordered that Christopher Oakly pay James Wade $1 for

one days attendance as a witness


Feb court, 1817

pp260 - ordered that sheriff pay Jacob Warner the undertaker

of the court house in Owingsville $500 for the years

1814 & 1815

Apr court, 1817

pp266 - hands to work on prickly ash road include

William M. Smith & Stroder? Smith

May court, 1817

pp269 - ordered that Mathers Smith be appointed guardian to

George D. Smith heir and representative of

William Smith deceased Nancy Thrift Kenon H. Thrift

and Rebeca Thrift heirs and representatives of

Sally Thrift dec'd late Sally Smith all heirs and

legal representatives of George Smith dec'd; also

mentions Lane Smith providing security

pp271 - mentions Edward McLaughlin as possible appraisor for

estate of John Carothers? dec'd

- Joseph Smith appointed surveyor of that part of forge

road which lies between the crop of slate at the

namut? forge and the mouth of Jones creek in place of

Michael Smith

Bath Co., KY Court Order Books; Vol. A (Cont)

1817 (Cont.)

July court, 1817

pp275 - John T. Foster jailor of Bath Co. resigned his


- Allen M. Oakly (appellant) vs. Daniel Conners? &

Lloyd Howard (appellees); appellees moved the court to

dismiss their appeals which motion is ordered to be


pp276 - Allen M. Oakly vs Conner & Howard; appellant by his

att. motion the court to quash the attachment and bond

which is ordered to be overruled

- Allen M. Oakly vs Conner & Howard; ordered that

judgment of the justice be reversed & that the

appellant recover of the appellees his cost by him

about his suit in this behalf expended

Bath Co., KY Court Order Books; Vol. A (Cont)

1817 (Cont.)

Aug court, 1817

pp278 - last will & testament of Thomas Ingram? dec'd produced

& proven by oaths of John L.? Oakly & Peter Davis

witnesses thereto inscribed

pp280 - Jacob Warner vs. Jenny? Lowery?, William Caldwell &

Walter Caldwell; ordered that plaintiff have judgment

against the defendants William & Walter Caldwell for

$500 with interest from 10th day of Feb 1817 until

paid, also his costs by him in this motion expended.

This judgment is entitled to a credit of $160

Oct court, 1817

pp282 - last will & testament of Thomas Kincaid dec'd was

produced & proven; Abigail Kincaid [widow & relict of

Thomas Kincaid] together with William Atchison &

Joseph Smith Senr entered into & acknowledged bond

pp283 - a majority of the justice of this county being present

they proscribed to lay the county levy as follows


[includes following entries]

Robert Crockett per account $16.34

Jacob Warner per account $12.

John T. Foster per account $13.50

($6.50 of which is paid)

David T. Foster per account $ 6.50

pp284 - ordered that sheriff pay Jacob Warner undertaker of

the courthouse $800

pp287 - road from John N. Stockwells mill on licking; mentions

Abner A. Smith & Weathers Smith [road pass thru their


- allotment of hands to work under Jacob Warner surveyor

of that part of the old ironworks road which lies

between John Shultz' shop & the furnace; names include

George Warner, Thomas Warner, Jacob Warners hands,

Reazin? McDaniel, Benjamin Becraft & John McClain

Bath Co., KY Court Order Books; Vol. A (Cont)

1817 (Cont.)

Nov court, 1817

pp290 - on motion of John T. Oakly it is ordered that the

former commissioners appointed to divide the real

estate of William Oakly dec'd be discharged; ordered

that Jacob Warner, Elijah Chastain, Tinion? Ferguson &

Joseph Dawson or any three of them to divide the real

estate of William Oakly dec'd amongst the heirs,

towit: John T.? Oakly, Anna Case late Anna Oakly,

Sally Stones? late Sally Oakly, Nancy Jackson late

Nancy Oakly, Austin Oakly, Anderson Oakly,

George W. Oakly, Eliza Oakly, and Madison McDaniel

heir at law of Polly McDaniel late Polly Oakly

- ordered that Nuble Cannon be appointed surveyor of

that part of the flat creek road which lies between

the mouth of marks? branch and Daniel Duty

Dec court, 1817

pp299 - John Hopkins vs Allen M. Oakly; case continued to next



Feb court, 1818

pp306 - ordered that sheriff pay Jacob Warner, undertaker of

the court house, $300

- Jinney Lowery? executor of Jacob Lowery? dec'd vs.

David T. Foster & John Trumbo; pltf recovered of

defendant $227.30

Mar court, 1818

pp308 - ordered that Joseph Smith be appointed commissioner of

tax for the year 1818 in that part of Floyd attached?

to Bath

Apr court, 1818

pp309 - John Warner senr one of men appointed to appraise

slaves of estate of Thomas Barnes? dec'd

- ordered that Hardage Smith's list of taxable property

for year 1817 be entered

pp311 - mentions John Penix entering into bond

- ordered that John Cartmell? be appointed surveyor of

that part of old ironworks road between said

Cartmill's? and the croping of flat creek

Bath Co., KY Court Order Books; Vol. A (Cont)

1818 (Cont.)

Apr court, 1818 (Cont.)

pp313 - ordered that Isaac Gray, William Craycraft,

John Kincaid & Thomas Meteer or any three of them view

the nearest & best way for springs ----- road

beginning at south end of Isaac Gray's land thence

through his land to intersect the prickly ash road

near Eli Hazleriggs

May court, 1818

pp315 - ordered that Andrew Cartmell, Hebron Rall,

Thomas Cartmell & George Lansdown or any three of them

view nearest & best way to turn the prickly ash road

pp317 - ordered that James Staton be appointed surveyor of

that part of the mudlick road which lies between the

Olympian springs and the croping of saltlick creek in

place of William G. Rice who is discharged

pp318 - ordered that John King, Miles Sweeney, John Cartmell &

David Finley or any three of them view nearest & best

way to turn the springfield road beginning at

Montgomery Co. line to intersect the pricly ash road

at or near the mouth of McIlhennys land

- amount of sale of estate of William Oakly dec'd

returned approved and ordered to be recorded

Aug court, 1818

pp327 - ordered that Robert Alexander, Charles Taylor,

John Robertson & James Hawkins or any three of them

view nearest & best way for road from John Robertson's

on the Nicholas Co. line thence through said

Roberton's line & through the lines of John Burton

thence to little flat creek thence down the reek to

the lower end of the widow Nesbits field thence to

intersect the bluelick road at the mouth of

Robert Alexanders land

Oct court, 1818

pp329 - Jacob Steele charged by Margarette McClain as being

father of her male bastard child; ordered to pay annal

payments of $20 for five years

pp334 - ordered that Milly Yarbrough's list of taxable

property for the year 1818 be entered

- ordered that John Yarbrough's list of taxable property

for the year 1818 be entered

Bath Co., KY Court Order Books; Vol. A (Cont)

1818 (Cont.)

Nov court, 1818

pp336 - four men named to settle and adjust all accounts with

S. Stockton administrator of estate of James Yates


- Bill a negro slave the property of James Hughes of

Montgomery Co. accused of attempted rape of

Jane Weaver? a white woman; jury includes

Christopher Oakly & John Warner?

pp339 - motion by Edmond Oakly for leave to build water grist

mill on slate creek near mouth of butlers branch

pp341 - named four men, any three of them to settle and adjust

all accounts with Jacob Trumbo & William Atchison

administrators of James Mappin dec'd

Dec court, 1818

pp344 - motion of Charles Jones & Thomas McClain to obtain

letters of administration in estate of John McClain

dec'd; mentions Jacob Warner assisting in bond


Feb court, 1819

pp368 - allotment of hands to work on that part of the old

ironworks road between Lemasters Q? and the Montgomery

Co. line; includes Isaac Lemaster & Benjamin Lemaster

pp369 - We Thomas Fletcher Conl. Cornst.? 65th Regiment

Kentucky Militia and John Crockett Lt. Conl. of said

Regiment this day made a settlement with

Archibald Hambleton? paymaster of said Regiment

pp370 - allotment of hands to work on John Cartmills survey of

the old ironworks road from said Cartmills to the

cropping of flat creek; includes Thomas Atkinson,

William Atkinson, James Atkinson & Hardage Smith

Apr court, 1819

pp378 - ordered that Thomas Yarber be appointed surveyor of

the prickly ash from the forks of road above

castigans? to the mouth of baldeagle branch in place

of Bates? Tackett

Bath Co., KY Court Order Books; Vol. A (Cont)

1819 (Cont.)

May court, 1819

pp383 - ordered that Joseph G. Williams & Joseph Smith be

recommended to fill office of Justice of peace in

Bath Co.

pp385 - ordered that John E. McDannald be appointed surveyor

of that part of the Mariah Forge road which lies

between cropping of slate at said forge & Owingsville

July court, 1819

pp392 - allotment of hands to work with Andrew Kincaid

surveyor of the road leading from Bloomfield to the

end of Thomas Meteer's land; includes John Penix Junr?

& William Penix

pp395 - mentions Charles Jones & Thomas McClain,

administrators of estate of John McClain dec'd;

Nancy McClain widow & relict of John McClain

pp396 - Joseph Smith appointed constable in Bath Co.

Aug court, 1819

pp400 - ordered that Joseph Smith be appointed constable in

5th district of this county

Oct court, 1819

pp403 - a majority of the justices of the peace in this county

being present they proceeded to lay the county levy as

follows, towit:

Thomas Staton Junr allowed 25

pp404 Robert Crockett pr account 22

John Smith pr ---- amt of deposition? 61.25

pp406 - Hardage Smith appellant vs. John B. Stucklefried?


pp408 - List of delinquent levies for 1819

Everman?, Thomas 1 to Montgomery cty

pp409 Manley, Samuel 1 moved to Fleming

Mappin, Joseph 1 ran off

Rudder, Charles 1 insolvent

Rudder, John 1 insolvent

Staton, Benjamin 1 insolvent

Staton, Thomas 1 insolvent

Staton, Soloman? 1 insolvent

- List of delinquent levies for year 1818

Carpenter, Absalom 1 to Nicholas

McDaniel, Roger 1 moved away

Robertson, Lawson 3 moved away

Trimble, Wm. 1 moved away

Bath Co., KY Court Order Books; Vol. A (Cont)

1819 (Cont.)

Nov court, 1819

pp414 - administrations granted Nancy Baily & Noble Barns on

estate of Robert Baily decd; bonds with William Baily

& John Baily

pp415 - ordered that Edmund Oakley's list of taxable property

for year 1819 be entered

Dec court, 1819

pp416 - settlement with Jacob Warner undertaker of the court


pp418 - ordered that James Staton be appointed surveyor of

that part of mud lick road which lies between the

Olympian Springs and the croping of salt? lick in

place of William Reed who is discharged

- Edmund Oakley vs John Ragan - case continued

- Edmund Oakley vs Richard Ragan - case continued

- on motion of Edmund Oakley ordered that attachment be

awarded him against Michael Carpenter for a contempt

offered this court in failing to attend when summoned

as witness in behalf of said Oakley against

John and Richard Ragan


Jan court, 1820

pp422 - indenture dated 16 Dec 1818 between

David Thomas Foster of Commonwealth of KY late deputy

sherriff for Jacob Sorency? sherriff of Bath Co. of

one part & George Johnson of the other part; deed of

conveyance from David Thomas Foster to George Johnson

pp429 - Edmund Oakley, appellant vs Richard Ragan, appellee;

appellant to recover of appellee his costs by him


- Edmund Oakley, appellant vs John Ragan, appellee;

appellant to recover of appellee his costs by him


- ordered that Edmund Oakley pay James Wade &

Daniel Carpenter one dollar each for attending two

days each as witnesses in behalf of said Oakley

- ordered that Edmund Oakley pay Absalom Carpenter &

William McDaniel? fifty cents each for attending one

day as witnesses

Bath Co., KY Court Order Books; Vol. A (Cont)

1820 (Cont.)

Feb court, 1820

pp431 - George Kincaid surveyor of part of flat creek road

which lies between the lower corner of John Bailey's

fence on the mouth of Burks' branch; road description

mentions widow Mappin; hands include John Bailey,

Jesse T. Bailey & James Mappin

pp432 - inventory of James Hazlerigg decd returned approved

pp433 - we the subscribers do certify that we have this day

made a settlement with the paymaster of the 65

Regiment K? M? for the year 1818 and find the accounts

to stand as above stated and find a balance due from

said paymaster of $25.48 dated 08 Jan 1820

John Crockett Col comd

65 Regiment KY? MI?

Apr court, 1820

pp439 - ordered that the order heretofore made by this court

granting letters of administration on the estate of

John McLain to Nancy McLain be so changed as to read

Patsy McLain there being a mistake in the Christian

name in the other order

pp442 - ordered that Andrew Cartmill be permitted to turn

the prickly ash road from Richard Boyd's lower line

and to intersect the old road opposite the said

Cartmill's house

pp444 - John Willson appointed surveyor of road from Nicholas

county line near said Hendrixes? to James McIlhany's?

in place of Peter Hendrix; hands include

William Robertson, Job? Smith, William Cracraft &

Zedekiah? Cracraft

pp447 - allotment of hands to work under Joseph Smothers

surveyor of road from Hugharts mill to baldeagle;

hands include William Cracraft, Zadock Cracraft,

William Hamilton, Thomas Bradshaw & James Bradshaw

May court, 1820

pp448 - ordered that Philip McClosky be placed in care of

Christopher Oakly until next court

pp451 - ordered that James Sorrel be permitted to change that

part of the Iles mill road which passes through his

farm so as to run through between the new and old

field & that Elisha Sorrel surveyor of said road

observe the same

Co., KY Bath Court Order Books; Vol. A (Cont)

1820 (Cont.)

July court, 1820

pp454 - ordered that George B. Jamison be appointed surveyor

of that part of prickly ash road which lies between

the forks of the road above Castigans and the mouth of

baldeagle in place of Thomas Yarbrough

Aug court, 1820

pp461 - Elisha Sorrels Schedule & Statement as a United States

Pensioner; 16 Aug 1820; Elisha Sorrel aged 66 years,

resident in said county; served in Revolutionary War

in 10th Virginia Regiment commanded by

Col. Edward Stephens and in Capt. John Gillassans?

Company; number of pension is 9113; date of original

application 17 June 1818;

pp462 listing of Sorrel's livestock worth $70; farmer by

trade; wife about 57 and unhealthy; 3 children living

with him: sons John Sorrel & James Sorrel, daughter

Phebe Sorrel; John of age to work for himself

pp471 - ordered that David Ulery be appointed surveyor of road

in place of John P? McDaniel

Oct court, 1820

pp473 - Enoch Smith Junr granted certificate for estate of

Joseph Smith decd

pp476 - a majority of the justices of peace in this county

they proceeded to lay the county levy as follows

Christopher Oakly allowed per account & $28.25

of deposition

John Atkinson per account 1.00

James Atkinson per account 12.00

Jacob Warner per account 16.

pp477 John McCullough to the care of Thomas Iles 30.00

John E. McDaniel per account 3.00

Note: pages are not numbered after this point

Nov court, 1820

- on motion of William Costigan it is ordered that

John Crocket, William Burbridge, Robert Crocket &

Thomas Cartmill or any 3 of them view the nearest & best way

to turn the prickly ash road beginning near his house and to

intersect the old road near William Burbridge's

Bath Co., KY Court Order Books; Vol. A (Cont)

1820 (Cont.)

Dec court, 1820

- motion of Maryann Atkinson widow & relict of Thomas Atkinson


- inventory & appraisal of Joseph Smith decd returned approved

- amount of sale bill of estate of Joseph Smith decd returned



Jan court, 1821

- John House bound as apprentice to William McDaniel to learn

trade of tanner? and currier

- Allen M. Oakly shortly indends to apply for licence to

practice law

Feb court, 1821

- ordered that Thomas Iles have leave to keep tavern at his

own house

- on motion of Hebron Rice ordered that Andrew Cartmill,

Thomas Cartmill, Spencer Boyd & Richard Boyd or any 3 of

them to view the nearest and best way for road from top of

ridge above Jeremiah Power's blacksmith's shop on the new

cut road to intersect the road that leads to Owingsville

near the ponds

Mar court, 1821

- allotment of hands to work under James Walker surveyor of

springfield road was returned approved and ordered to be

recorded as follows, towit: beginning at mouth of McIlhany's

land thence to include William Cracraft thence to include

the Meteers thence to include James Huffman thence to

include Samuel Moore thence to include Joseph Walker thence

to include James Walker thence to include Isaac Gray thence

to beginning

- George Small surveyor of part of blue lick road; mentions

Abraham Smith, David T. Foster & William Robertson's old


- ordered that Richard Robinson be appointed surveyor of

prickly ash road from mouth of baldeagle branch to

James McIlhany's Esq.

Bath Co., KY Court Order Books; Vol. A (Cont)

1821 (Cont.)

May court, 1821 (Cont.)

- we the subsrcibers have this day settled with Archibald

Hamilton paymaster 65th Regiment K? M? find a balance due

from said Hamilton to said Regiment for the year 1820 of


19 Jan 1821 John Crockett Col

65th Rgt K? M?

W M Sudduth Majr

Apr court, 1821

- ordered that the record of William Oakley a late justice of

the peace in this county be delivered to James Wade Esq.

- hands to work under George B. Jamison surveyor of road from

fork of prickly ash to mouth of baldeagle; mentions farms of

Thomas Yarbrough & Andrew Cartmill

- William Barnet apprenticed to William McDaniel to learn

trade of tanner? & currier

June court, 1821

- ordered that John Robertson be appointed surveyor of road

from Nicholas County line to intersect the post road at the

mouth of Roebert Alexander's line

- alias summon against William Warner, Travis? Warner, &

others for failing to give in their list of taxable property

for the year 1820

Sept court, 1821

- mentions Abrahmam Power

- on motion of Edmund Oakley ordered that Henry Chiles Junr,

John Goodpaster & Jacob Warner be appointed commissioners to

divide the real estate of which William Oakley decd seized &

possessed amongst his heirs at law haveing due regard

therein to the widows right of dower

- William Bailey executor of William Bailey decd

Court Order Book Vol. A ends with Sept court, 1821

Film #0272997 - Bath Co., KY Court Order Books; 1811-30

Vol. B, 1825-30

NOTE: dates are wrong; Vol. B starts in 1821


Oct court, 1821

pp2 - a majority of the justices of this county being present

they proceeded to lay the county levy towit:

pp3 Jacob Warner per account $12.

Thomas Staton & wife old and infirm 50.

to the care of Thomas Iles

pp4 - ordered that Enoch Smith be qualified as Deputy surveyor

of Bath Co.

- We the subcribers having this day settled with Archibald

Hamilton late paymaster of the 65th Regiment Kentucky

militia find a balance due from said Hamilton of $44 and

one and a half cents which he has handed over to us

together with all orders in his hands on said regiment

given under our hands this 7th day of July 1821

John Crockett

comd 65th Regt K M

W M Sudduth Lieut Col

pp5 - on motion of David T. Foster it is ordered that

Peter Mann Chester Glover Thomas Mosely and James Mann

or any three of them allot and assign to Susannah Foster

late Susannah Rogers widow and relict of Charles Rogers

deceased her right of dower in the real and personal

estate of which her deceased husband did? seize and


pp7 - allotment of hands to work under Jeremiah Powers

surveyor of the road beginning at the widow Donalsons


pp8 describes boundary for road, mentions Bryan Power,

James Power, Absalom Power, Joshua Power,

Dead Man Power? & George Power

Bath Co., KY Court Order Books; Vol. B (Cont)


Jan court, 1822

pp15 - ordered that James Sorrel be appointed surveyor of the

Iles Mill road which lies between the widow Wises? and

Iles Mill in place of Elisha Sorrel who is discharged;

hands include Joseph Sorrel Sr John Sorrel

James Sorrel & son Joseph Sorrel Junr & William Sorrel

pp25 - ordered that Benjamin Becraft be allowed two days

attendance as a witness Reed vs Botts and traveling 12


Feb court, 1822

pp27 - ordered that Lewis Moore be appointed surveyor of the

ironworks road from John Cartmills to the croping of

flat creek in place of John Cartmill

- mentions hands to work under John Cartmill surveyor of

road from said Cartmills to croping of feasant run

Apr court, 1822

pp36 - ordered that Robert Fletcher orphan of Elizabeth Cory

about 12 years old be bound as apprentice to

Isaac Shrout

June court, 1822

pp40 - Thomas McDaniel obtained license to practice law

Sept court, 1822

pp54 - ordered that Robert Crocket be appointed surveyor of

the beaver road from the top of caringtons hill to the

beavor? works in place of William Yeoman

- ordered that Josiah Collins Spencer Boyd Allen Gudgel

and Thomas J.? Young or any three of them settle and

adjust all accounts with Jermiah Power executor of the

last will and testament of James Power dec'd

Bath Co., KY Court Order Books; Vol. B (Cont)

1822 (Cont.)

Oct court, 1822

pp62 - list of delinquent taxes for 1821:

persons names levies to where removed or


Cory, James 1 run off

pp63 Carpenter, Absalom 1 no property found

pp64 Power, George 1 moved to Illinois

Smith, Abraham 1 to Nicholas

Staton, Solomon 1 no property

pp65 Yarbrough, William 1 no property found

- delinquent revenues list

persons names horses total to where removed

value or insolvent

Becraft, Benjamin 1 20 insolvent

pp66 - McDaniel, Henry 1 50 moved to Ind

pp68 - list of delinquent revenues for 1821:

persons names horses total


pp69 Staton, Samuel 2 100 no property found

Staton, Solomon 2 100 no property found

pp70 Staton, Benjamin 2 80 no property found

- list of delinquent taxes for 1821:

persons names levies

pp72 McGlaughlin, Edward 1 insolvent

McClain, Solomon 1 insolvent

McClain, Charles 1 insolvent

Maupin, John 1 moved to Clay

McClain, John 1 insolvent

McClain, William Sr. 1 insolvent

Dec court, 1822

pp80 - Thomas Iles justice of peace authorized to celebrate

rites of matrimony in Bath Co.

Bath Co., KY Court Order Books; Vol. B (Cont)


Jan court, 1823

pp82 - William Yarbrough appellant against Thomas Yarbrough

appellee; this cause dismissed; agreed

Mar court, 1823

pp89 - certificate granted Christopher Oakley to obtain letter

of administration on estate of John Goff dec'd; bond

with Benjamin Wills

- on motion of Richard Boyd ordered that William Bailey

Andrew Cartmill George Jamison and Thomas Cartmill or

any three of them view nearest and best way to turn the

prickly ash road where it passes by Richard Boyd's

Apr court, 1823

pp95 - allotment hands to work under Richard Lamasters

surveyor of the Alexander & Stocktons Mill road

returned approved; beginning at David Lorrencys? blue

grass patch and so on till opposite the said Lamasters

house to include John Jones Robert Freeling

Samuel Moreland and Lorson Moreland

June court, 1823

pp99 - ordered that Hugh Kerrick be appointed surveyor of that

part of mudlick road which lies between the Olympian

Springs and the cropping of salt lick creek in place of

James Staton?; hands include James Stayton,

Reuben Stayton, William Stayton, John McLain,

William McLain, James McLain and James Sorrell

pp100- on motion of James E. Warner ordered that Isaac Gray

William Craycraft John Kincaid and Andrew Kincaid or

any three of them view nearest and best way to extend

the springfield road from where said road intersects

the prickly ash road so as to intersect the Mill branch

road at the west corner of Thomas Fletcher's woodland


pp102- ordered that Absalom Power be appointed surveyor of


July court, 1823

pp107 - ordered that summons issue against Sally Hostley to

cause her to appear here at next court to show cause

if any she has as can say why her infant son

Abraham Cory should not be bound as apprentice

Bath Co., KY Court Order Books; Vol. B (Cont)

1823 (Cont.)

Sept court, 1823

pp114 - the Commonwealth against Bartlett Meeks on a charge of

vagrancy; jury includes Thomas Cartmill

Oct court, 1823

pp117 - ordered that John Bailey senr be exempt from paying

county levies in future on account of age and


- allotment of hands to Thomas Meteer surveyor of that

part of springfield road which lies between the

prickly ash road and Samuel Moore's returned and

approved; commencing at Saml Moores running to

Joseph Caldwell's sens thence to Joseph Walker? junr

so as to include William? Noe thence to Isaac Gray's

thence to William Craycraft's thence to

Charles Huffman's thence to beginning

pp120 - ordered that William McClain be exempt from paying

county levies in future on account of age and


pp122 - a majority of justices of county being present they

proceeded to lay the county levies as follows, towit,

Thomas Staton & wife to care of Jesse H. Rice $50.00

William McCullough to care of Hugh Kerrick 50.00

pp126 - deposition of Ebinezer Filson proving the

Revolutionary claim of James Philson

pp127 - allotment of hands to work under Isaac Shrout surveyor

of that part of road from forks of the road at

John Underwood's and the forks of prickly ash; road to

include Robert Crockett and John Crockett [pass by or

through their land?]

Dec court, 1823

pp130 - Elizabeth Oakley against William Stewart and

Harrison Conner on recognizance of bastardy;

defendants discharged

pp133 - mentions Susannah Foster late Susannah Rogers widow

and relict of Charles Rogers dec'd

Bath Co., KY Court Order Books; Vol. B (Cont)


Mar court, 1824

pp145 - on motion of Sarah Cory it is ordered that a subpoena

issue against Philip Williams to cause him to appear

here at the next court to show cause if any he can say

why her infant son Abraham Cory should not be

discharged from his service as his apprentice

Apr court, 1824

pp149 - ordered that Alexander Donaldson be appointed surveyor

of that part of the new cut road which lies between

the east corner of Wm. Donaldson's field and

Robert Crockett's in place of Jeremiah Power who is


June court, 1824

pp155 - inventory and appraisement of estate of Robert Bailey

dec'd produced

pp156 - ordered that William Craycraft be appointed surveyor

of that part of the springfield road which lies

between Capt. Gray's house and the intersection of

said road with the Mile branch road and it is further

ordered that Arthur Mitchell and Samuel Stone Esqr.

allot hands to assist

Sept court, 1824

pp167 - ordered that Archibald Hamilton be appointed surveyor

of the old Winchester road from Lamasters old place to

the Montgomery county line; beginning at forks of the

Mount Sterling and Winchester road at Lamasters old


pp168 - ordered that Iverson? Perry? be appointed guardian to

Woodson Power and Elizabeth Power infant orphans of

Bryant Power dec'd under the age of 14 years

- ordered that John Duckworth be appointed surveyor of

that part of the old ironworks road which lies between

John Cartmills old gate and the cropping of feasant


pp170 - last will and testament of Joseph Smith dec'd produced

and proven

pp173 - Jacob Ragan and Mary Ragan administratrix of

John Ragan dec'd against Michael Carpenter; cause


pp174 - amount of sale of estate of James Yates dec'd returned


Bath Co., KY Court Order Books; Vol. B (Cont)

1824 (Cont.)

Oct court, 1824

pp179 - John Shrout appointed surveyor of that part of Iles

Mill road between Wm. Wise's and Iles Mill; hands

include John Sorrell, James Sorrell senr,

Joseph Sorrell jun?, and William Sorrell

pp180 - a majority of justices of county being present they

proceeded to lay the county levies as follows, towit,

Edward McGlocklin old and infirm 20.00

to the care of John McNabb

pp181 Thomas Staton and wife old poor and infirm 50.00

to the care of Wm. Barnes

pp185 - Jacob Ragan and Mary Ragan admx. of John Ragan dec'd

against Michael Carpenter; appellee

[Michael Carpenter] recover of the appellants $22.29 &

1/2 cts


Feb court, 1825

pp200 - John Yarbrough and wife vs. Daniel and James Rae?;

continued until next court

pp202 - Jacob McClain charged on oath by Martha Brown single

woman of this county with being father of her female

bastard child; court of opinion that Jacob is father;

Jacob is charged with annual payments of $20 for seven


pp203 - on motion of Eli Hazelrigg ordered that

Matthew M. Hamilton Dennis Burnes? Richard Hays and

William Cracraft or any three of them view nearest and

best way turn the prickly ash road that runs through

his own land

- mentions Patsey Butler late Patsey McClain widow and

relict of John McClain dec'd; mentions William Butley

husband of Patsey

- ordered that George McClain be fined $2 for contempt

of court

Bath Co., KY Court Order Books; Vol. B (Cont)

1825 (Cont.)

Mar court, 1825

pp204 - ordered that the road district including that part of

the prickly ash road that lies between the forks of

the road above castigans and the mouth of baldeagle be

divided and that Thomas Cartmill be surveyor of that

part of it which lies between castigons and the point

where Allen Gudgell's land crops the same

pp206 - report of way to turn the priclkly ash road near

Eli Hazlerigg's returned approved and ordered to be

established; further ordered that Matthew A. Hamilton

be appointed surveyor of that part of the prickly ash

road which lies between James McIlhenny's to the

Nicholas county line

May court, 1825

pp213 - David McClain allowed 2 days attendance as a witness

pp214 - ordered that Edward McGlocklin be exempt from paying

county levy in future on account of age and infirmity

- John Yarbrough & wife vs Daniel G. Roe & James Roe; on

motion of plffs [John Yarbrough & wife] it is ordered

that they

pp215 recover of the defns $20

- Elizabeth Power appointed guardian to Deadman Power,

William Power, Laney? Power, John Power & George Power

infant heirs of William Power dec'd

pp216 - Margaret McClain vs Jacob Steele; plffs recover of the

defts $3.00

July court, 1825

pp219 - ordered that Vivion Ferguson, George Coleman,

William Anderson & Abraham Tomlinson or any three of

them settle and adjust all accounts with the

administrators of estate of William Oakley dec'd

- inventory & appraisement of estate of Solomon Morre

dec'd was returned approved

pp220 - mentions Jeremiah Power & Eleanor Power [in road


Aug court, 1825

pp224 - an instrument of writing perporting to be the last

will and testament of Elisha Sorrel dec'd was produced

& proven in open court by the oaths of John Sorrel &

Joseph Sorrel witnesses thereunto subscribed and

ordered to be recorded

Bath Co., KY Court Order Books; Vol. B (Cont)

1825 (Cont.)

Sept court, 1825

pp226 - mentions Elizabeth Power administratrix of estate of

William Power dec'd

Nov court, 1825

pp233 - a majority of the justices of the peace for Bath Co.

court being present they proceeded to lay the county


Edward McLaughlin old & infirm $30.00

to care of John McNab

Thomas Staton & wife old & infirm

to care of Wm. Barnes 50.00

Dec court, 1825

pp243 - administration granted Elizabeth Sorrel on the estate

of Elisha Sorrel dec'd


Jan court, 1826

pp246 - ordered that David T. Foster be appointed guardian to

Susan Rebecca Rogers infant orphan of Charles Rogers

dec'd under the age of 14

- mentions Susanna Foster late Susanna Rogers widow &

relict of Charles Rogers dec'd

- mentions David T. Foster guardian of John C.? Rogers,

Washington Rogers, Susan Rebecca Rogers infant orphans

of Charles Rogers dec'd & Eliza Ann Rogers the other

heir of said decedent

Bath Co., KY Court Order Books; Vol. B (Cont)

1826 (Cont.)

June court, 1826

pp264 - on motion of James Wells & Polly his wife late

Polly Becraft it is ordered that Edmund Oakley the

guardian of said Polly appear here at the next court &

render to this court an inventory and account of all

such estate or estates of said ward which has come to

his hands as also an account of the disbursements

- mentions Edmund Oakley & Christopher Oakley [road


pp265 - on motion of James Sorrel senr it is proved to the

satisfaction of the court that Thomas Sorrel died or

was killed during the revolutionary war and that a

warrant issued to the heirs legal representatives or

devisees of said Thomas Sorrel for 100 acres of land

and that James Sorrel senr is his oldest brother and

only heir at law

pp268 - Martha Brown vs Jacob McClain & Michael Goodpaster; on

motion ordered that this motion abate as to

Joseph Donahue and it is ordered that plff recover of

McClain & Goodpaster sum of $20

Aug court, 1826

pp271 - on motion of James McIlhenny ordered that

Joshua Hazelrigg Daniel Duty William Craycraft sr &

Isaac Gray or any three of them view nearest and best

way to alter the road from Owingsville to Sharpsburg -

to begin at southeast corner of James McIlhenny's

meadow - thence a strait course through sd McIlhenny's

woodland pasture thence through

Joshua & Eli Hazelrigg's lane to intersect said road

pp274 - William Sorrel [appellant] agst Reuben Traylor;

appellee to recover of the appelant sum of $7.50

- ordered that James Sorrel be exempt from paying one

county levy, improperly charged on the commisioners

for the year 1825

pp275 - ordered that William Sorrel pay Joseph Sorrel &

John Sorrel each 50 cents for 1 days attendance as a

witness in the suit of Sorrel agst Traylor

Bath Co., KY Court Order Books; Vol. B (Cont)

1826 (Cont.)

Sept court, 1826

pp283 - William L. Washington appointed surveyor of that part

of the prickly ash road which lies between

James McIlhenny's and the Nicholas county road line in

place of Matthew A. Hamilton

pp284 - ordered that James McClane be appointed surveyor of

that part of the leatherwood road which lies between

the top of the divide and where it intersects the

gills mill road

Nov court, 1826

pp287 - ordered that summons issue against Richard Lemasters,

Joseph McDaniel, John Howard [and others] for failing

to give in their lists of taxable property

pp289 - a majority of the justices of the peace for Bath Co.

court being present they proceeded to lay the county


Thomas Staton & wife old & infirm

to care of Wm. Barnes $50.00

Edward McLocklin old & infirm to care

of Jno McNab 30.00


Feb court, 1827

pp312 - John Jones administrator of Lane Smith dec'd against

George Copher; case continued

Mar court, 1827

pp314 - ordered that Peter G. Switzier be appointed guardian

to Eliza & Elizabeth Moore infant orphans of

Solomon Moore dec'd under the age of fourteen years;

mentions William Moore administrator of estate

Bath Co., KY Court Order Books; Vol. B (Cont)

1827 (Cont.)

May court, 1827

pp319 - last will and testament of Hebron Ralls produced &

proven by oaths of Andrew Cartmill & Elzahan Offill

[witnesses to will]; mentions motion by

Elizabeth Ralls & Thomas Cartmill, two of the

executors in sd will [probate granted to them]

pp321 - William Moore appointed guardian to Elizabeth &

Eliza Moore infant heirs of Solomon Moore dec'd; also

mentions Jonithan Moore & Charles Clayton as


pp322 - mentions Enoch Smith administrator of estate of

John Smith dec'd

June court, 1827

pp325 - ordered that Jones Lockridge be appointed surveyor of

the ironworks woad which lies between John Cartmill's

and the crossing of flatcreek

- ordered that James H. Crooks be appointed surveyor of

that part of the old ironworks road which lies between

John Cartmill's old gate and the crossing of pheasant


Aug court, 1827

pp328 - settlement of the estate of Solomon Moore dec'd

returned approved

Sept court, 1827

pp333 - a summon? vs? Edmund Oakly guardian for Patsy? Becraft

infant orphan of James Becraft dec'd continued until

next court

- Robert Crockett guardian for Samual D. Hodge infant

heir of Samuel Hodge dec'd produced and made oath to

an inventory as such which is ordered to be recorded

Bath Co., KY Court Order Books; Vol. B (Cont)

1827 (Cont.)

Nov court, 1827

pp339 - a majority of the trustees of this county being

present proceeded to lay the couty levy as follows


Thomas Staton & wife old & infirm

to care of Wm. Barnes $40.00

pp340 - on motion of Eliza Atkinson widow and relict of

Thomas Atkinson dec'd and John Atkinson it is ordered

that cert? be granted them for obtaining letter of

admn on the estate of sd decedent

pp342 - Thomas Iles appointed guardian for Elijah & John Baily

infant children of Anna Baily

- Betsy, Polly & William Bayley infant children of

Anna Bayley above the age of fourteen made choice of

Thomas Iles as guardian


Jan court, 1828

pp346 - ordered that William Jones be appointed guardian to

Margarett, Francis & Thomas McClain, infant orphans of

John McClain dec'd under the age of fourteen years

pp347 - Mary M. Power, Jno Power & George M. Power infant

heirs of William Power dec'd over the age of fourteen

years made choice of Edmond D. Power as guardian

pp348 - mentions land decended upon the death of

William Power, giving title among Edmond D. Power

Joshua Power William Power Mary M. Power John Power

George Power and Woodson &? Elizabeth Power infant

heirs of Bryant Power dec'd being the heirs at law of

sd William

Power dec'd; also mentions Elizabeth Power widow of


(Bath Cont) h Co., KY Court Order Books; Vol. B

1828 (Cont.)

Feb court, 1828

pp352 - mentions Levi Carpenter as one of appraisers of estate

of William Butler dec'd

- mentions Susannah Moore widow & relict of

Jonithan Moore dec'd

- Jonathan Crouch appointed surveyor of that part of the

leatherwood road that lies between the top of the

divide and where it intersects the gills mill road in

place of James McClain

pp353-4 - description of division of land to heirs of

William Power dec'd

pp358 - James Wade a person of credibility came personally

into court and being sworn states that he lived in the

neighborhood of Morgans station when the same was

taken by the indians in the year 1793 That he was

well acquainted with Abraham Becraft the reputed

brother of Benjamin Becraft and Peter Becraft and that

the said Abraham lived in the immediate? security of

the station when the same was taken and his wife and

all his children were killed by the indians except

three This witness saw their dead bodies and helped

bury them The three children that escaped was named

Benjamin Rachel and Betsy who lived in the immediate

neighborhood of the witness until they grew up to men

and women The witness was intimately? acquainted with

the sd Abraham until his death and knows that he never

was married afterward Rachel Becraft married a man by

the name of Jacob? Wyning? and Betsy married a man

by the name of George Owins which is ordered to be


pp358 - last will and testament of Jeremiah Foster dec'd

produced and proven; mentions Nathaniel Foster

Asa Foster & Jesse Foster executors in sd will

Mar court, 1828

pp360 - mentions Mary M. John & George Power infant heirs of

William Power dec'd over the age of fourteen; former

guardian Edmond D. Power; new guardian

Elizabeth Power; Absalom Power as security

pp368 - on motion of William Oakley and Robert Fowler

certificate is granted them for obtaining letter of

adm on estate of Christopher Oakley dec'd

Bath Co., KY Court Order Books; Vol. B (Cont)

1828 (Cont.)

June court, 1828

pp374 - on motion of John Cartmill ordered that

John Loughridge William Morgan Enos Burnes and

Thomas Welch or any three of them view nearest and

best way to change the road leading from Owingsville

to Paris beginning at the west end

of Jones Loughridge's fence thence to run on the line


pp375 John Cartmill and Robert Morgan to John Jones' line

thence northwardly to the old road

Aug court, 1828

pp378 - a power of attorney for Thomas E. Duvall

Sarah Ann Duvall and Elizabeth W Cartmill late

Elizabeth W Duvall and Harrison Cartmill her husband

to James T Duvall was produced and acknowledged in


Sept court, 1828

pp382 - William Jones guardian for Margarett Frances &

Thos McClain infant orphans of John McClain dec'd made

oath to his report

pp387 - settlement with administrator of John McClain dec'd

returned approved

pp389 - ordered that Jas Wade Jas A Hazlerigg Wm Anderson? &

Jacob? Cassity? be apptd to assign to Eliz Oakley

widow & relict of Chas? Oakley dec'd her dower out of

the land & make report to the court

Nov court, 1828

pp390 - on motion of Mary Boyd ordered that Geo B Jameson?

Bailey? Tackett Andrew Cartmill & Allen Gudgel or any

three of them settle with the administrator of

Rich'd Boyd dec'd

pp391 - administration granted Elizabeth Underwood &

Wm Underwood on the estate of John Underwood dec'd;

also mentions bond with John Underwood as security

pp392 - a majority of the justices of the peace in this county

being present proceeded to lay the county tax:

Thomas Staton & wife old & infirm to care of

W. Barnes $40.00

Jane Caldwell to care of Elisha Bradley

or last year 25.00

same same to care of Robert Crockett 25.00

Bath Co., KY Court Order Books; Vol. B (Cont)


Jan court, 1829

pp404 - mentions Morrison W Smith, Sarah F Smith &

Viehapence? T F Smith, children and heirs of

Charles A Smith dec'd

- bond from Charles A Smith of Harrison Co., KY to

Isaac Vanarsdale of Nicholas Co., KY dated

15 Feb 1823; 150 acre tract of land in Bath Co., KY;

tract adjoins that of James W Smith, D F Foster,

Lane Smith and Mathers Smith dec'd; also mentions said

Charles A Smith or heirs of Lyia? Smith dec'd or

Mathers Smith dec'd

Feb court, 1829

pp410 - inventory & appraisement of estate of Nancy Bailey

dec'd returned approved

Mar court, 1829

pp414 - Robert Moore appointed guardian to Emily Moore

Reuben Moore Mary Moore Willis Moore & John Moore

infant orphans of John Moore dec'd

pp417 - on motion of Absalom Power ordered that James Young

Andrew McNab Thomas A Young & Spencer Boyd or any

three of

pp418 them divide 200 acres of land on flat creek between

said Absalom Power & Jeremiah Power; division not to

interfere with rights which widow Power has to the use

of the same

May court, 1829

pp420 - mentions Absalom Power & Jeremiah Power

& 421

pp424 - John Robertson appointed surveyor of the road from the

Nicholas county line to the post road at the mouth of

Robert Alexanders lane

June court, 1829

pp429 - ordered that Lemuel? Offield? Jonithan Ward

Thomas Yarber? & Andrew Cartmill or any three of them

view nearest and best way to turn the prickly ash road

beginning at the upper end of Thomas Cartmills fence &

to intersect the old road at or near the line between

said Cartmill & T D Owings?

Bath Co., KY Court Order Books; Vol. B (Cont)

1829 (Cont.)

Aug court, 1829

pp431 - mentions Richard Robinson as surveyor of road

- on motion of John Atkinson ordered that Samuel Stone

George W Stone Thomas Hill & John Duckworth or any

three of them settle and adjust all accounts with him

and Elizabeth Atkinson as administrators of

Thomas Atkinson dec'd

pp432 - sale bill of estate of Samuel Moore dec'd returned


pp434 - mentions Iverson Perry guardian for Woodson &

Elizabeth Power

pp436 - Conrad Ginter fourteen years this day appeared in

court & made choice of Henry Chiles Jr as his guardian

pp437 - mentions Thomas Iles guardian of the infant heirs of

Robert Bailey dec'd

Nov court, 1829

pp443 - mentions Absalom Power as surveyor of road

- Charles C Bailey infant orphan of John Bailey dec'd

over the age of fourteen chose William H Lynam as


pp444 - James Bradshaw improperly charged on the commissioners

book for the year 1828 with one county levy

- Andrew Cartmill improperly charged on the

commissioners book for the year 1828

pp446 - a majority of the justices of the peace in this county

being present proceeded to lay the county tax:

Jane Caldwell to care of Robert Crockett 25.00

pp447 - Joshua Power appointed constable

- amounts of claims brought forward $349.50

Wm McGlocklin [McLocklin?] to the care of

Andrew McNabb 20.00

Bath Co., KY Court Order Books; Vol. B (Cont)

1829 (Cont.)

Nov court, 1829 (Cont.)

pp450 - tax on deeds since the 84h day of November 1828

date of

deed receptional? cts

11 May Commissioners to Jeremiah & Absm Power 50

28 Mar Carpenter M to Levi Carpinter 50

28 Mar do do to Squire Carpinter 50

12 Jany?1829 Hughes Wm to Wm Craycraft 50

28 July 1829 Oakly Solomon dec'd? to William Oakley 50

28 July 1829 Oakly Edmond S? to John Ginter 50

28 July 1829 Oakly John P & ux? to Nancy Folder? 50

09? May 1829 Willis Thomas to John Warner? 50

pp451 - Coonrod Ginter made choice of Elizabeth Oakley as

guardian; mentions security with John Ginter

Dec court, 1829

pp452 - settlement with administrator of Thomas Atkinson dec'd

returned approved

- mentions Thomas Iles guardian to Elizabeth Bailey

Polly Bailey Elijah Bailey & John Bailey infant heirs

of Robert Bailey dec'd

- Thomas Iles administrator of Nancy Bailey dec'd

pp453 - mentions William Lynam guardian of Charles C Bailey

- John Bailey & Warner Bailey executors of John Bailey



Feb court, 1830

pp460 - report of commissioners appointed to divide slaves of

Robert Bailey dec'd; William Bailey one of heirs of

said Robert

pp461 - on motion of Thomas Cartmill ordered that

Arthur Doggett be commanded to show cause why he shall

not give counter security to said Thomas Cartmill as

guardian for Reuben Morgan infant orphan of

John Morgan dec'd

Mar court, 1830

pp467 - settlement with John Baley junr and Warren Baley jr?,

executors of John Baley Senr dec'd

- mentions Jeremiah Power executor of Jas Power dec'd

Bath Co., KY Court Order Books; Vol. B (Cont)

1830 (Cont.)

May court, 1830

pp472 - Arthur Doggett who was summoned to appear at this

court to give counter security to Thos Cartmill as his

security as guardian for Morgans heirs, appeared in

court and failed to give counter-security to said

Thomas Cartmill. Whereupon it is ordered by the court

that said Doggett be displaced from guardianship and

it is further ordered that said Thomas Cartmill be

appointed curator of the estate of Reuben Morgan

infant orphan of John Moore dec'd

pp474 - Zachariah John and Charles W Bailey infant heirs of

Wm Bailey dec'd over the age of fourteen, made choice

of Warren Bailey as guardian

pp476 - ordered that Mahala Yarber infant child of

Randolph Yarber aged three years this 12th? Oct? 1830

be bound as apprentice to Benjm Ward until she reaches

age of 18 to learn trade art and mistery of


- indenture of apprentice between Mahala Yarber &

Benjm Ward was produced and acknowledged

- ordered that Jackson Yarber infant orphan of

Randolph Yarber be bound out as apprentice to

Benjm Ward until he ----? to the age of 21 to learn

trade art and mistery of blacksmith

- indenture of apprentice between Jackson Yarber &

Benjm Ward was produced and acknowledged

June court, 1830

pp479 - settlement with Moses Vice guardian for infant heirs

of Wm Baily dec'd returned to court approved

pp483 - settlement with the admrs of Christopher Oakly

dec'd retd appd

Aug court, 1830

pp485 - on motion of David E Burch? ordered that

James A Hazelrigg David E Burch Edmund Oakly &

John Shutts or any three of them view nearest and best

way for a road from the forks of the road near the old

gallows post at the corner of Jeremiah Poors fence

thence through the widow Goodpaster's land and by

Dawsons mill and through John Shutt's lane

thence with the mill road along Carter's? line &

Ragland's and by Edmund Oakly's thence by State? ----?

meeting house to intersect the old furnace road at the

county line near Clements corners

Bath Co., KY Court Order Books; Vol. B (Cont)

1830 (Cont.)

Sept court, 1830

pp489 - report of Wm Jones guardian for Thos McClain's heirs

was returned approved

pp491 - report of Kiziah Oakly guardn for Nancy Oakly

pp482 - Harvey Carpenter stands improperly charged with the

county levy for 1829 on court book, which is ordered

to be certified

microfilm ends at pp492 [Sept 1830]