My genealogy is presented in a TINY TAFEL format. The data contains Surnames from my Family and my Cousin's Wife's family...which is the line that connects to the BOLLING, IRWIN, CHURCH, FERGUSON and ELDRIDGE surnames. She is a descendant of John ROLFE & POCAHONTAS. Most of my surnames came from Germany in the 1800's arriving in Illinois and then migrating into Iowa and later spread throughout the USA. Todate My data base contains over 16,000 names. My goal is to find "LOST COUSINS" & pull our family tree back into a giant Oak. If you find a match please send e-mail and we can exchange information. Also send me e-mail if you would like information about Tiny Tafels...... the * around dates indicates primary interest in those Surnames. I hope you will stop by often as I will be adding information from time to time. This page was created on June 20, 1997.
This page laston March 26, 2008.
Please sign my guestbook even if you just Say "HI" or just leave the Surnames you are looking for as you never know when I may be able to put you in touch with someone in a genealogy group that shares your Surnames.
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