German Shepherd Dogs
This Site is Dedicated to My Dwarf GSD "Trisha".
April 12, 1994 - December 29, 1999
It is with an extreme heaviness in our hearts that we say good-bye to our very special angel Trisha.
All materials on this website are under strict copyrights. No reproductions of any kind without express written consent from the author DJ Hensch-Dahl. Copyright 1999
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PLEASE!! If you know of anyone who has a dwarf GSD, or who suspects they may have a dwarf GSD, please ask them to fill out the questionniare on the Research page (you may print it out for them if they don't have access to internet). Send completed questionnaires along with dwarf's pedigree and picture to: Canine Research Database, Attn: Dwarf GSD, 615 Hall St., Redgranite, WI 54970 USA.
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Research being conducted at
University of Missouri regarding dogs and epilepsy. Your help is needed!!For all your Family Pets' needs go to
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This page was created by DJ Dahl and last updated November 2, 2003. This page hosted by Get your own Free Home Page