These are my two boys, Nuggi and Yo. They act like,
and are treated like my children, the only difference
being is that I can't claim them on my taxes. They are
spoiled rotton.
Nuggi is a 13 lb, 11 year old,
male grey tiger. He has been with me for 9 years. He is a
big mama's boy. He always has to be snuggled up to me or
touching me in some way. His favorite places to be are in
my lap and across my arms (like now) when I'm trying to
type; on the couch when I'm there and be right against my
leg; or curled up in my arms at night when it's time to
go to sleep. Nuggi's favorite toy is two old shoe laces
tied together. He's got his "string" meow, and
he usually meow's it when your busy or trying to sleep.
This page was created a year
ago, but on March 20, 1998 Nuggi
passed away. Click on his name at the top to go to his
special Tribute page.
Yo, who came from the no-kill
cat shelter where I work at, is a 15lb, 7 year old,
British Blue,who's been with me for 4 years. Yo goes to
any immediate family member who's handy to give him
attention. When he can't get the attention then he's
usually laying out on the screened balcony (his favorite
wicker chair is out there) where he can enjoy the nice
weather, or playing "road kill" (like he's
doing now) with his big fat body all sprawled out, legs
in the air. Yo's favorite toy is a crumpled up piece of
paper. But, be sure not to crumple it up in his hearing
then throw it away. If you do that he'll think your
playing, and knock over the garbage can just to get his
Hi everyone--My name is Yo, and
Mom decided it was time that I helped her on her website.
Mom even said I could design my own page. Come visit me
and let me know what you think! I want to make new


My Ancestry