A Digest of a Manuscript by C. Tharp
The name of Lippincott is one of the oldest English surnames of local origin, having been traced back to the "Lovecote" of the Doomesday Book of William the Conqueror, compiled in 1080. Without listing various families it is noted that the name is highly regarded in England and numerous coat-of arms bestowed upon gentlemen of that name, some as early as the 15th century. In one branch of the Devonshire Lippincotts the name appears to have gone through the transformation of Leppingote, Leppingcotte, Leppyncott, and Lippincott, and according to the latest authorities it is from this branch that the American Lippincotts are descended, although the earlier authorities favor one of the other lines.
Richard Lippincott, the founder of the family in New Jersey and Pennsylvania, although belonging to a branch of the family of his contemporaries and fellow believers of too mild and peaceable a disposition to be either happy or contented amidst the conditions that prevailed in England during the latter years of the reign of Charles I, in consequence associated himself at an early date with the settlers of the colony of Massachusetts Bay, and taking up his residence at Dorchester he became a member of the church there, and April 1, 1640 was chosen to one of the town offices, being made freeman by the court of Boston, May 13, 1640. Here his eldest son was born and was baptized September 1641. A few years later, however, he removed to Boston where his second son and eldest daughter was born and there baptized entered on the records of the First Church at Boston; in the entry of the son the father being noted as "a member of the church at Dorchester." This baptism was November 10, 1644. Even New England Puritanism, however, was of to militant a character for Richard Lippincott, and he began to differ more and more from his brethren of the church in regard to some of their religious doctrines, and so tenacious of his opinion was he that on July 6, 1651, he was formally excommunicated. About a year later, in 1652, Richard Lippincott returned to England in the hope that under the Commonwealth he might find a greater degree of religious liberty than was obtainable among his fellow-colonists in Massachusetts. That to some extent at least his hopes were gratified seems evident from the name of his third son, Restore or Restored, who was born at Plymount, England, in the following year, 1652, as there can be no doubt that he received his name in commemoration of his father's restoration to his native land and to the communion of more congenial spirits. Just what Richard Lippincott's religious views at the time were can only be a matter of conjecture, but they evidently harmonized more or less with those of George Fox and his adherents as became a member of the Society of Friends, and soon after his profession of faith became a partaker with his fellow believers in their suffering for their principles and in the persecutions to which they were subjected. In February, 1655 while he was residing at Plymounth, Devonshire, the mayor of that town caused his arrest and imprisonment in the town jail near the castle of Exeter, his offense being it would appear that he had made the assertion that "Christ was the word of God and the scriptures a declaration of the mind of God."
Several months, later, in May, 1655, according to Sewell's History of the Quakers, he, with others, testified against the acts of the mayor and the falsehood of the charges brought against them. In commemoration of this release from imprisonment he named his next son, born that same year, Freedom. The following few years seem to have been comparatively quite ones with him, the only noteworthy event in his life being his making of a home for himself and family at Stonehouse, near Plymount, and the birth of his daughter, Increase in 1657, and of his son Jacob in 1660. In this last mentioned year he was again imprisoned by the mayor of Plymouth for his faithfulness to his religious convictions, being arrested by the officers at and taken from a meeting of Friends in that city. His release was brought by the solicitation of Margaret Fell and others whose efforts in behalf of imprisoned Friends were so influential with the newly restored King Charles II as to obtain the liberation of many. In comparison with this treatment in Boston, Richard Lippincott experienced in Plymouth were such that he at lenght determined to make another trial of the new world, and once more bidding farewell to his native land he sailed again for New England in 1661 or 1662, and took up his residence in Rhode Island, which he found to be a Baptist colony very tolerent of various forms of belief. Here his youngest son, Preserved, was born in 1663, and received his name in commemoration of his father's preservation from persecution and from the perils of the deep. It is a curious fact that, omitting the name of his third child, Abigail Lippincott, taken in the order of their birth, from the words of a prayer, which needs only the addition of another son, called Israel, to be complete, thus Remember John, Restore Freedom, Increase Jacob, and Preserve (Israel). Whether this arrangement was accidental or due to a premeditated design cannot be determined; it is probably a coincidence, as although in strict accordance with the ways in fashion among the Puritans of that day, so complete an arrangement as this is extremely rare.
In the Rhode Island colony each of the settlements was at first regarded as an independent establishment; but in 1642 it was determined to seek a patent from England, and Roger Williams having gone to the mother country for that purpose, obtained in 1644 through the influence of the Earl of Warwick, a charter from Parliament uniting settlements as the "Incorporation of Providence plantations in the Narragansett Bay* in New England." Complete religious toleration was granted together with the largest measure of political freedom, but owing to jealousies and exaggerated ideas of individual importance, the settlement did not become really united until 1654 and it was nine years later that they sough and obtained a charter of "Rhode Island and the Providence plantations." from King Charles II, which served as the constitution of the colony and state down to 1843. In the following year, 1664, the Dutch Colony of New Netherland came into the possession of the English, and the next year, 1665, an association was formed at Newport, Rhode Island, to purchase lands from the Indians, and a patent was granted to them, This movement has been initiated by people of Gravesend, Long Island, but the residents of Newport were considerably in the majority and the success of the movement is mainly due to them and to their efforts in raising the greater part of the money to pay the Indians for their land and in inducing persons to settle on it. Of the eighty-three Newport subscribers who contributed towards buying the Monmouth county, New Jersey, land from the Indians and towards defraying the incidental expenses in treating with the natives, Richard Lippincott gave by far the largest subscription, L16 10 shillings, which was more than twice that of any other contributor except Richard Borden, whose amount was L11, 10 shillings. * Narragansett Bay, an inlet of the Atlantic Ocean in the SE part of Rhode Island.
The first deed from the Indians is dated March 25, 1665, and is for the lands at Nevesink, from the sachem Popomora and his brother Mishacoing to James Huddard, John Bowne, John Tilton, junior, Richard Stout, William Goulding and Samuel Spicer, for and on behalf of the other subscribers. April 7, 1665, Popmora and his brother went over to New York and acknowledged the deed before Governor Nicolls, and the official copy is in the office of the secretary of state, New York, liber 3, page 1. Another copy is preserved in the records of the proprietors of East Jersey at Perth Amboy, where there is also a map of the land embraced in the purchase, while still a third copy may be found in the office of the secretary of state at Trenton. Two other deeds followed and on April 8, 1665, Governor Nicolls signed the noted Monmouth patent, one of the conditions of which was "that the said Patentees and their associates,, their heirs or assigns, shall within the space of three years, beginning from the day of the date hereof, manure and plant the aforesaid land and premises and settle there one hundred families a least." The reason for the founding of the Monmouth settlements is given in the patent as the establishment of "free liberty of Conscience without any molestation or disturbance whatever in the way of worship." In accordence with the terms of this patent, Richard Lippincott and his family removed from Rhode Island to Shrewsbury, New Jersey, among the earliest settlers of the place. With him went also a number of other members of the Society of Friends and they at once formed themselves into the Shrewsbury Meeting, which for a long time met at Richard Lippincott's house. He himelf was one of the most prominent in all public matters. In 1667 the inhabitants of Middletown, Shrewsbury and other settlements included under the Monmouth patent, found themselves so far advanced, with dwellings erected and lands cleared that they had opportunity to take measures to establish a local government. Their grant from Nicolls authorized them to "pass such prudential laws as they deemed advisable" and as early as June, 1667, they held an assembly for that purpose at Portland Point, now called Highlands. On December 14 following another assembly was held at Shrewsbury; and although Governor Carteret and his council considered these assemblies as irregular they are nevertheless the first legislative bodies that ever met in New Jersey. This "General Assembly of the Patentees and Deputies" continued to meet for many years and its original proceedings are still preserved. In 1669 Richard Lippincott was elected a member of the governor's council as one of the representatives from Shrewsbury, but being unwilling to take the oath of allegiance unless it contained a proviso guaranteeing the patent rights of the Monmouth towns he was not allowed to take his seat. In the following year, 1670, he was elected by the town as an associate patentee, one of the "five or seven other persons of the ablest and discreetest od said inhabitants" who joined with the original patentees formed the assembly above mentioned, wyhich according to Nicoll's patent had full power "to make such peculiar and prudential laws and constitutions amongst the inhabitants for the better and orderly governing of them," as well as "liberty to try all causes and actions of debt and trespass arising amongst the inhabitants to the value of L10." In 1667 the governor's council passed a law providing that any town sending deputies who "refused on their arrival to take the necessary oaths," shall be liable to a fine of L10; consequently Richard Lippincott who was chosen to represent his town in 1667, did not attend, and as a result the council passed another act fining any member who absented himself, ten shilling for each day's absence. In 1670 the first meeting for worship was established by the Friends; and in 1672 this was visited by George Fox who was entertained during his stay by Richard Lippincott. His residence was on Passequeneiqua creek, a branch of the South Shrewsbury river, three-fourths of a mile northeast of the house of his son-in-law, Samuel Dennis which stood three-fourths of a mile east of the town of Shrewsbury.
Soon after this Richard Lippincott made another voyage to England, where he was in 1675 when John Fenwick was prepared to remove to West Jersey; and on August 9, 1676, he obtained from Fenwick a patent for one thousand acres in his colony, which he probably purchased as a land speculation since neither he nor his children ever occupied any part of it. May 21, 1679, Richard Lippincott divided this plantation into five equal parts, giving to each of his sons a two hundred acre tract. Having at length found a fixed place of residence where he could live in peace and prosperity, Richard Lippincott settled down to "an active and useful life in the midst of a worthy family, in the possession of a sufficient estate, and happy in the enjoyment of religious, and political freedom." Here he passed the last eighteen years of his life of varied experiences, and here he died November 25, 1683.
Two days before his death Richard Lippincott made his will and acknowledged it before Joseph Parker, justice of the peace, January 2, following his administratrix, her fellow bondsman being her son's father-in-law, William Shattock, and Francis Borden. There seems, however, to have been some irregularity in the will or its provisions, particularly in omitting mention of an exuctor; for on the day when the widow gave her bond, Governor Thomas Rudyard issued a warrant or commission to Joseph Parker, John Hans (Hance)and Eliakim Wardell "or any two of them, to examine Abigail, the widow of Richard Lippincott, as to her knowledge of any other last will made by her husband." An endorsement on the will, dated May 21, 1681, states that the "said Abigail has no knowledge of any other will and that she will faithfully administer the estate." The inventory of the personal estate, L428, 2 shilling, including debts due L30, and negro slaves L60, was made by Eliakim Wardell, William Shattock, Francis Borden and Joseph Parker.
The Dutch proprietors of New Amsterdam had long been engaged in the slave trade and at the surrender to the English in 1664 the colony contained many slaves some of whom were owned by Friends. As early as 1652 members of this society at Warwick, Rhode Island, passed a law requiring all slaves to be liberated after ten years service, as was the manner with the English servants, who however, had to serve but four years. In 1683 the court at Shrewsbury passed a law against trading in slaves. These are the earliest known instances of legislation in behalf of negro emancipation.
Richard Lippincott was owner of a number of slaves; and in her will, dated June 28, 1697, and approved August 7 following, his widow, Abigail Lippincott, frees most of them besides leaving to her children and grand children much real estate and considerable bequests in money.
The children of Richard and Abigail Lippincott were Remembrance, John, Abigail, Restore, Freedom, Increase, Jacob, and Presevered.
Rememberance and John remained in Monmouth County, where they have numerous descendants; Restore and Freedom settled in Burlington County also leaving numerous descendants. Abigail and Preserver died in infancy and Jacob left no descendants.
1. Remembrance Lippincott the eldest son of Richard and Abigail Lippincott. lived at Shrewsbury, married Margaret Barber, of Boston, and died in 1722, aged eighty-two years. He was prominent in colonial affairs, a bitter opponent of George Keith, and clerk of the monthly and quarterly meeting of Friends at Shrewsbury. His children, four of whom died in infancy, were Joseph, Elizabeth, Abigail, Richard, Elizabeth again, Joseph, William. Abigail again, Sarah, Ruth, Mary, and Grace. His descendants through is sons Richard and William are numerous, and many descendants of Samuel, son of William, now resides in Pittsburg and other western cities.
2. John Lippincott "yeoman of Shrewsbury," second son of Richard and Abigail Lippincott, married first Ann Barber, and on her death in 1707 he married Jeannette Austin, and died in 1720. The eight children borne by his first wife were John, Robert, Preserved, Mary, Ann, Margaret, Robert and Deborah. Their descendants are now found chiefly in Monmouth county, New Jersey, Green county, Pennsylvania, and New York City.
3. Abigail Lippincott, born January 17, 1646, died March 9, 1646.
4. Restore Lippincott is treated below.
5. Freedom Lippincott the fifth child and fourth son of Richard and Abigail married Mary Curtis, of Burlington, as the following certificate from Book A, "Burlington Meeting Records," shows:
"Burlington, ye 14 of 8th mo., 1680"
"These are to certifie whom it may concerne that Freedom Lippincott, of Shrewsbury, and Mary Curtis of Burlington, hath declared their Intentions of Marriage at two general Monthly Meetings heare, & after ye consideration and consent of ffriends and relations they weare Joyned in marriage at a Publique Meeting in Burlington, ye day and yeare above written, in ye presence of us."
The names of the witnesses number twenty-one. Early after his marriage Freedom purchased lands on the Rancocas Creek near Bridgeboro', where he settled. He died in 1697, aged thirty-seven, leaving five children, Samuel, Thomas, Judith, Mary and Freedom. Samuel, the eldest son of Freedom and Mary Lippincott, had two son, Jacob H. and Samuel who had large family, they being prominent in Evesham, Burlington County, N. J.
Thomas Lippincott, second son of Freedom, an active and useful citizen, in 1711 purchased one thousand and thirty four acres of land lying in present townships of Chester and Cinnaminson; has also numberous descendants, as Rev. Thomas Lippincott of Illinois, his son, War of the Rebellion General Charles E. Lippincott, politician and editor, California Senator during his residence in that state, and one time auditor in Illinois, now banker at Chandlerville, Illinois. James I. Lippincott, of Haddonfield, N. J. editor of the American revised edition of "Chambers' Encyclopaedia,"and author and genealogist, who is now engaged in writing a complete history of the Lippincott family. Many many more renouned descenants are named not least of which is Charles Lippincott of Cinnaminson, Burlington County, N. J., the originator and publisher of the Lippincott family, which contains more than ten thousand Lippincotts, At the end of the nineteenth century it is stated that "undoubtedly the most numerous family in New Jersey is the Lippincotts and perhaps an exception of that of Haines, whose maternal ancestors were in many instances Lippincotts." It was further noted that the family is found in nearly every part of the United States and parts of Canada.
The youngest son of Freedom and Mary Lippincott, Freedom also settled in Evesham and had ten children; the descendants of but few reside in Burlington County, N. J. Of the sons, Solomon and Samuel settled in Gloucester County,
6.Increase Lippincott born in 1657 at the family home "Stonehouse", near Plymouth, England. Increase married Samuel Dennis. They established their home three-fourth of a mile east of Shrewsbury and three-fourth of a mile southwest of her father. Being among the earlest settlers of Monmouth County, New Jersey.
7.Jacob Lippincott settled in Gloucester County, N. J. but left no family, his children dying in infancy.
8. Preserved Lippincott the youngest son of Richard and Abigail Lippincott was born in 1663 in Rhode Island and died in infancy. His birth occurred the year following his parents return to New England after the family's 10 years residence at and near Plymouth, England.
4. Restore Lippincott is in the line of ancestry through his daughter Rebecca Lippincott and it is with him and his family we take greater interest.
Restore, the third son of Richard, was a member of the Council of New Jersey several years, and an active public-spirited citizen, who was much respected for his regard for truth and justice. In 1692 he bought five hundred and seventy acres of land in Northampton Township of Burlington County, N. J. upon which he settled, and in 1698 he, in company with John Garwood, purchased two thousand acres of land near Pemberton.
Restore Lippincott married Hannah Shattock daughter of William Shattock, of Boston, in 1673-4 by whom he had nine children all of whom lived to marry except one daughter. His second wife was Martha (Shinn) Owens, by whom he had no issue. Thomas Chalkley, and eminent Friend, in his journal states that he was present at the funeral of Restore Lippincott, at Mount Holly, in 1741, and was informed that "Restore left behind him nearly two hundred children, granchildren, and great-grandchildren."
Among the very numerous descendants of Restore may be mentioned James, of Mount Holly, a surveyor and conveyancer, well known throughout the county for his large experience and ability in settling estates, who owns part of the old homestead farm of his grandfather, Arney Lippincott, near Pemberton: the Rev. Caleb A., his brother, who was a distinguished Methodist minister; Morgan and William G., retired farmers at Mount Holly; Charles, of Burlington; Stacy B. James, Wilkins, Joshua, Joseph, and many other thriving farmers near Mount Holly; also Crispin, of Vincentown, father of the Rev, Benjamin C., an able Methodist divine, and Rev. Joshua A., now Professor of Mathematics at Dickinson College, Carlisle, Pa.; Albertson C. and Freedom W., of Evesham, influential and successful farmers; Judge Benjamin H., of Moorestown, and many others. It is proper to state J. B. Lippincott, the celebrated publisher of Philadelphia, is a direct descendant from Richard and Abigail, through Restore 's son James, and his fourth son Jonathan.
Among the children of Restore and Hannah Shattock Lippincott is: Jacob Lippincott who married Mary Burr in 1716, -- much is reported of Jacob and his son Restore of Gloucester County, N. J. His. Soc. Bulletin Sept. 1955 Vol. 5. No.1.
A daughter of Restore and Hannah Shattock Lippincott was Rebecca Lippencott born November 24, 1684 in Monmouth Co., New Jersey. Her marriage to Josiah Gaskill on April 5, 1704 in Burlington Co., New Jersey became the link to generations yet unborn.
History of Burlington Co., New Jersey "Lippincott" pps. 222-223.
Genealogical and Memorial History of the State of New Jersey pps. 531-542.
Bulletin of the Gloucester Co., Historical Society Vol 5 No. 1 Sept. 1955.
A Digest of a Manuscript by C. Tharp
Amy Shreve and Josiah Gaskill Jr. copied from Ref: "Heacock Family History" by Charles Clement Heacock (1851-1914),
Biographical Dictionary of Rhode Island & History of the Shreve Family pps 17-27.,
Dictionary of American Biography p. 134, Mrs. Alex Koleda, Mrs. Eva Daniels, and Mrs. Freida Heaman Taylor & Related family historians.
Sheriff - Shreve
From: Dictionary of American Biography
An account of Shreve, Thomas Hopkins (Dec.,17,1808 - Dec. 22, 1853), Writer and editor, was born in Alexander, Va., the only son of Thomas and Ann (Hopins) Shreve. On his fathers side he was descended from Thomas Sheriff (Shreve), who first appears in the records of a suit at law in New England in 1641, and who headed a line of Shreve numerous and prominent in colonial New Jersey. His grandfather Caleb Shreve served in the New Jersey assembly during and after the American Revolution. His granduncle, Israel Shreve, father of Henry Miller Shreve was a colonel in Washington's army. Shreves were Quakers. T. H.. Shreves lived in Cincinnati where they had gone in 1827.
Genealogy and History of the Shreve Family.
Library. Genealogy Dept. Book; Ge, 929, Sh 8, 124. pp 17,18,19,20,21,26 & 27.
The Ancestry of Thomas Sheriff, of Rhode Island may be traced, but the early records of that province show conclusively that he had eight children and was a property owner when he died.
As late as 1737 the members of the family that remained in the country retained the name "Sheriff", while Caleb left and emigrated to New Jersey adopted the name Shreve.
The following is taken from the "Dictionary of Rhode Island" and is the authority for it.
Thomas Sheriff; his date and place of birth is unknown, he married Martha (?) before 1649. Thomas Sheriff died May 29th, 1675. Martha married 2nd, Thomas Hazard and 3rd Lewis Hues. _____ Plymouth, Mass., Portsmouth, R. I.
1641, Dec. 7. He and Wm. Brown complained against ____ ___ford in an action of trespass. They attached four goats and a lamb in the hands of Samuel Eddy and Joshua Pratt, amounting to 33s, and several other sums in other persons' _____.
1660, Dec., 10. Thomas Sheriff deeded Thomas Hazard a __ of a share in Misquamicut, and also paid him 20 pounds, sterling in exchange therefor 30 acres in Portsmouth, and an orchard, etc. all to belong to Thomas Hazard for life, and for the increase of Thomas Hazard to be for Thomas Sheriff and his wife Martha for their lives, and at death of both of them to go 2nd to John Sheriff, and his heirs, and for want of issue of John Sheriff, 3rd Caleb Sheriff, etc.
1675, Jun., 11. Inventories (of estate) 28 pounds, 12s., viz.: house and land, __ horse and mare ,7 pounds, 2 cows, 3 calves, 5 ewes, 5 lambs, 8 __ , a feather bed, 6 pillows, 2 bolsters, 6 blankets, ring, flock, __ pounds pewter, warming pan, silver dram cup, looking glass.
(widow) and husband, Thomas Hazard made a declaration (just after the husband's death, 1675, May 29): "This is to satisfy all to whom it my concern, whereas there is a promise ___many betwixt Thomas Hazard and Martha Sheriff, yet ____ said Thomas Hazard do take the said Martha Sheriff ___ own person, without anything to do that is her estate and with any thing that is hers" &c.
1691 Mar. 22, Martha Hues wife of Lewis Hues, made agreement with her son John Sheriff, which she by former husband, whereas said Lewis Hues married to his above named wife Martha, took an occasion privately to go away within six or seven weeks after he was married, taking away great part of her estate, that was hers in her former husband's time. She now surrenders all her estate real and personal to her son John, excepting provisions, bedding, &c. and such things as she gave her daughter Susanna Sheriff. John Sheriff to pay his mother 6 pounds, on Dec. 25th yearly for life, and thirty pounds good butter, and thirty pounds good cheese, and two barrels cider, two barrels apples, firewood, room at north east end of house she now lives in, east part of garden, and keep a horse or mare, &c.
1719, Mar. 17. The Will of his daughter Elizabeth Carter (proved 1719, Jul. 13, mentions her brothers John and Daniel Sheriff. Sisters Mary Sheriff, Sarah Moon, and Susanna Thomas, besides nephews and nieces, &c.
Children of Thomas Sheriff and Martha his wife:
1. Thomas Sheriff; b. Sept. 2, 1649.
2. John Sheriff; b Portsmouth, R. I. ; m. Jane Havens, Aug., 1686; d. Oct. 14, 1739.
3. Caleb Sheriff; b.(about 1652); m. Sarah Areson, of Long Island, about 1680; d. Burlington Co., N. J., 1741.
4. Mary Sheriff; m. Joseph Sheriff, d., Feb. 12, 1685; d. after 1706
5. Susanna Sheriff; m. _____ Thomas; d. after 1714
6. Daniel Sheriff; b. Little Compton, R. I..; m. Jane _____ 1688; d. 1737.
7. Elizabeth Sheriff; m. Edward Carter (no issue); d. June 5, 1719.
8. Sarah Sheriff; m. John Moon; d. June 24, 1732.
2. John Sheriff (or Shreve), the second child and second son of Thomas Sheriff and Martha ____, was b. in Portsmouth, R. I.; m. Jane Havens daughter of John Havens and Ann ___. She d. after 1739. He d. Oct. 14, 1739..
1680. Taxed 2s
1739, Sept. 27. Will-- proved 1739, Nov. 12. Ex. son John. To son John, my andirons, iron crow, split and grindstone. To son Caleb 5s. To son Daniel 30 pounds and two pewter platters. To son William 30 pounds, and two pewter platter, and all my bedding. To daughter Elizabeth 5s. to daughter Mary Fish 5s. To daughter-in-law, Mary Sheriff, wife of son John, 5 pounds and a pewter platter. To grandson John, son of Caleb, 5 pounds. To son John rest of personal.
Inventory; 193 pounds. 8s., viz. wearing apparel silver buttons and ___ cane. 20 pounds money due by bond. 115 pounds 5s., pewter, grindstone and ____.
John Sheriff and Jane Havens Sheriff Children:
John Sheriff; b. b. June 10, 1687; m. Mary _____.
Thomas Sheriff; b. Dec. 24, 1692
Elizabeth Sheriff; b. Nov.16, 1693 m. -- Burlington
Mary Sheriff; b. June 1`0, 1696; m. ___ Fish.
Caleb Sheriff; b. April 12, 1699.
Daniel Sheriff; b. Jan. 16, 1702.
William Sheriff; b. May 3, 1705
3. Caleb Shreve, probably the third child and third son of Thomas Sheriff of Rhode Island Colony, and Martha ___ , his wife, was born about 1652; m. Sarah Areson, daughter of Diedrich ( Derie) Areson of Long Island about 1680. He died in Burlington Co., N. J. in 1741.
Caleb Shreve permanently located in New Jersey on his marriage, about 1680. He lived after 1699 in Burlington Co., seven miles east of the present site of Mount Holly At that date his children numbered seven. The eldest, Martha, was 12 years of age. The five next oldest were boys , with probably the youngest Mary, an infant; a daughter and two sons were subsequently born. Previous to the birth of the youngest in 1706, the older daughter, Martha, married, in 1704.
The family otherwise remained unbroken by marriages and in 1711-1713, during which period Thomas, Joshua, Joseph, and Caleb were married. The marriages of the remaining children occurred; Jonathan in 1720, Mary in 1721, Sarah in 1724, and Benjamin the youngest in 1729. After marriage the father gave each child a fine farm, the precise location of which are not known. They were probable all living in Burlington County in 1739, as a pole book of an election held in that county that year had in it the names of every son and son-in-law, excepting John Ogborn. The four elder children had sons old enough to vote, but they may have moved to other places. In the list of voters is an Amy Shreve and Caleb, Jonathan, Samuel and Thomas Scattergood were probably sons of Martha Shreve and Benjamin Scattergood. The descendants of Benjamin, the youngest child, has preserved the best history of the family. He acquired from his father by Will the old homestead and became by contract with his mother, sole heir to her property, which subsequently they construed to cover her interest in the rumored Amsterdam ____. This instrument was executed February 28th, 1740-41 while she was living with Benjamin, and after the marriages of her other children.
Other branches had heard of the estate, and as a precaution had preserved their lineage to protect their claims: but as they became more remotely removed from the old homestead their records are not so complete, and assume a more traditionary character.
There is no reliable authority for a correct tabulation of the family of Caleb Shreve and Sarah Areson in the order of ages. The order must be conjectured from the dates of their marriages shown on the church records of the Society of Friends in Burlington County, assuming the sons married at the age of twenty one and the daughters at eighteen, or thereabouts. However the dates of the birth of Joshua and Benjamin have been authoritatively transmitted to their respective descendants. The authority for their names is Caleb Shreve's Will, dated April 5th, 1735; others may have died in infancy or unmarried previously. The authority for the places of their births is the late Samuel H. Shreve; New York City. The places of there deaths, where noted, is the probate records of the state. The precise locations of their homes are unknown, excepting Benjamin's nor whether their places of residence were permanent or transient. The marriages of eight were in Burlington County, New Jersey, by Friends Ceremony. there is every reason to believe Josuah's was also by Friends Ceremony. No record of David is found, excepting in his father's will and the election poll book in 1739 for Burlington County. Caleb Shreve devised to each: Thomas, "my eldest son;" Joshua, Joseph, Caleb, Jonathan, "my son-in-law" Benjamin Scattergood, Mary Gibbs and Sarah Ogborne, five shillings; my son David Shreve, one good cow -- said bequests are designated as "completing his (or her) portion" --undoubtedly referring to the farms given them in his lifetime.
[Third Generation]. Children of Caleb and Sarah Areson Shreve:
Martha Shreve; b. 168_: m. Benjamin Scattergood in Burlington County, New Jersey in 1704 (declared March 3) by Friends Ceremony at Chesterfield Meeting
Thomas Shreve; b. 168_; m. Elizabeth Allison in Burlington County, New Jersey, May 26, 1711, by Friends Ceremony at Burlington Meeting; d. in Burlington County, New Jersey, July __, 1747.
Joseph Shreve; 168_; m. Hope Harding in Burlington County, New Jersey, in 1711 (proposed second time July 3,), by Friends Ceremony at Burlington Meeting; d. before 1757.
Joshua Shreve; b. April 5, 1692; m. Jane ____; d. 1752 (?).
Caleb Shreve; b. 169_; m. Mary Hunt in Burlington County, New Jersey, May 8, 1713, by Friends Ceremony at Chesterfield Meeting; 2nd. Ann ___; d. 1746. Caleb Shreve second married Mary Atkinson October 6, 1718, Burlington Co. N. J.
Mary Shreve; b. 169_; m. Isaac Gibbs, Jr., in Burlington County, New Jersey, January 5, 1722, by Friends Ceremony at Chesterfield Meeting.
Sarah Shreve; b. 169_; m. John Ogborne in Burlington County, New Jersey, January 19, 1724, by Friends Ceremony at Chesterfield Meeting.
Jonathan Shreve; b. 169_; m. Hannah Hunt in Burlington County, New Jersey, by Friends Ceremony at Chesterfield Meeting; d. 1756.
David Shreve; b. 169_, d. after 1735.
Benjamin Shreve; b. June 9, 1706: m Rebecca French in Burlington County, New Jersey, February 23, 1729 by Friends Ceremony at Springfield Meeting; d. 1751.
A limited account of Martha Scattergood, Thomas Shreve, Joseph Shreve, etc. runs through pages 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, and part of 26. where Caleb Shreve, son of Caleb and Sarah Aerson Shreve is again taken up. He being in our line of descant.
Children of Caleb and Mary Atkinson Shreve:
Amos Shreve.
Amy Shreve; m. Josiah Gaskill, August 3, 1737.
Rachel Shreve.
Mary Shreve.
Caleb Shreve.
The descendants of Thomas Sheriff continue several more pages, naming members of his descendants. but I will continue the lineage only through Amy Shreve and Josiah Gaskill.
It is known by the record that the human race has journeyed a course subservient to gods. It appears basic to the human mental concept of life and death. Many faiths allow for difference in belief and practices, some have not. The Christian faith from its beginning declared all other religions false. ("the power is in our hand and therefore the strongest will fend off") Justice in the hands of man has often been cruel and monstrous even in the self righteous, and so here a tale emerges relating a historical event in the lives of the Southwick family in the settlement of our fore-fathers in North America..
Salem First Church, Salem Court Records, Town records, Salem Records, First Annuls of Salem, etc
The Southwick Genealogy
First Generation: - (p. 65, 68, 69)
Lawrence Southwick, Their is tradition in the Southwick family that Lawrence came from Lancashire, England, to America in 1627, and returned to England and brought his wife Cassandra and son John and daughter Mary to Massachusetts in 1630, on the May Flower, in company with William Bradford and others, and settled at Salem, Massachusetts. We do not find any mention of his name in the public records of Salem until 1639, when he and his family were admitted as members in the First Church of Salem, and two acres of land was given him by the town of Salem, to carry on the business of manufacturing glass and earthen ware. There is a tradition that he was one of the first to manufacture glass in America. This two acres of land was called glass-house field, as there were two others engaged in the same business, and the land is so designated to-day on the records and maps of said property, although the manufacturing has long ceased to be carried on there. Said land is a valley running easterly from Aborn Street, and is on the south side of what is called Gallows Hill, where several persons were hung during the Salem Witchcraft delusion, a very dark page in the history of sectarian bigotry in Massachusetts.
Last will and testament of Lawrence Sethick "Southwick"
pages 67, 68.
This will was allowed by the court 29, 9 mo., 1660. etc. (not copied in this text)
Lawrence and Cassandra Southwick both baptized 2 mo., 24th, 1639, at First Church, Salem.
Their Children were.
2nd generation:
1. John, born 1620, died October 25, 1672; married first Sarah Tidd; second, Hannah Flint; third Sarah Burnett (or Burnell)
2. Mary, born 1630; married Henry Trask, son of Capt. Wm. Trask.
3. Josiah, born 1632, died 1693; married Mary _____
4. Provided, born 1635, died 1640; as baptized in First Church, Salem Dec. 6, 1639. (Salem Court Records)
5. Daniel, born 1637, died 1718-19; married Esther Boyce, 1663.
6. Provided, born December1641; married Samuel Gaskill, December 30, 1662.
In 1653, Lawrence Southwick is overseer, Wm. Bacons will.-- Town Records p. 235.
April 8, 1659, Lawrence Southwick of Salem bought of Edward Lummus, of Ipswick, 3 acres of land. - Salem Records.
Henry F. Waters, of Salem, Mass., says: "The names Southwick and Eastuic (Eastwic), found on our Salem records both suffered more or less change by the slighting of the w; the former occasionally appeared as Sethick, Southerick, Suderick, etc., and the latter being rather fixed as Estick."
"In 1639 there were two acres of land set off for each of the persons Annanias Conklin, Obediah Holmes, and Lawrence Southwick; and there was granted to the glass men several acres of ground adjoining to their houses. This was in the neighborhood of Aborn street and near Strong Water Brook," (now, 1881, Salem and Peabody). - Felt's Annals of Salem
Daniel Appleton Whites records, First Church, Salem. "This Covenant was renewed by the church on a solemn day of humiliation, March 6, 1660, when also considering the power of temptation amonst us by reason of ye Quaker doctrine to the leavening of some in the place where we act and endangering of others, doe see cause to remember the admonition of our Savior Christ to his disciples, etc.
History of the People Called Quakers
John Grough
published 1790 - Dublin, Ireland
Volume I:
Lawrence and Cassandra Southwick, their sufferings, p. 349, 361;
Josiah Southwick, p. 349-361;
Daniel and Provide Southwick ordered to be sold for slaves, p. 376 to 381.
quoted in:
The Southwick Genealogy
pgs. 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, and 63.
The severities already inflicted on the members of this society had so afflicted many of the inhabitants of this colony that they withdrew from their public assemblies and met on the first day of the week, to worship quietly by themselves, for which they were fined 5 shillings per week, and imprisoned. Particularly Lawrence and Cassandra Southwick, an aged couple (who in the last year had been imprisoned and fined for entertaining Christopher Holder and John Copeland), with their son Joseph (Josiah), were sent to the house of correction, whipped in like manner as those before mentioned, and had their goods taken to the value of L 4, 15 shillings, for not coming to church.
For the same cause Edward Harnet, aged 69, and his wife, 73 years of age, had 37 shillings taken from them without regard to their circumstances, which were but mean, or their age, which would naturally excite tenderness. About this time (1658) there was a meeting at the house of Nicholas Phelps in the woods about five miles from Salem, and upon the information of one Butler, the six following residents were taken up and committed to prison: Samuel Shattock, Lawrence Southwick and Cassandra Southwick his wife, Josiah their son, Samuel Gaskin (Gaskill) and Joshua Buffum, who being kept close in the house of correction during the heat of Summer., from their husbandry, after three weeks confinement, represented their case to the court in the following letter:
This to the Magistrates at the Court in Salem.
Friends: Whereas it was your pleasure to commit us, whose names are under-written, to the house of correction in Boston, although the Lord, the righteous Judge of Heaven and Earth, is our witness that we have done nothing worthy of stripes or of bonds; and we being committed by your court to be dealt withal as the law provides for foreign Quakers, as ye please to term us; and having some of us suffered your law and pleasure, now that which we do expect is, That whereas we have suffered your law, so now to be set free by the same law, as your manner is with strangers, and not to put us on the account of one law, and execute another law upon us, of which according to your own manner we were never convicted, as the law expresses. If you had sent us upon the account of the new law, we should have expected the jailer's order to have been on that account, which that it was not, appears by the warrant which we have, and punishment which we bare, as four of us were whipped; so now according to your former law, friends, let it not be a small thing in your eyes, the exposing as much as in you lies, our families to ruin. It is not unknown to you, the season and the time of year, for those that live of husbandry, and what their cattle and families may be exposed unto; and also such as live upon trade. We know if the spirit of Christ did dwell and rule in you these things would take impression on your spirit. What our lives and conversations have been in that place is well known, and what we now suffer for, is much for false reports, and ungrounded jealousies of heresy and sedition. These things lie upon us to lay before you. As for our parts we have true peace and rest in the Lord in all our suffering, and are made willing in the power and strength of God, freely to offer up our lives in this cause of God, for which we suffer; yea, and we do find (through grace) the enlargement of God in our imprisoned state, to whom alone we commit ourselves and our families, for the disposing of us according to his infinite wisdom and pleasure, in whose love is our rest and life. From the house of bondage in Boston wherein we are made captives by the wills of men, although made free by the Son, (John 8, 36).
In which we quietly rest, this 16th of the 5th month, 1658.
Lawrence Southick, Josiah Southick, Cassandra Southick,
Samuel Shattock, Joshua Buffum
The first victims of this severe law were Lawrence and Cassandra Southick, their son Josiah, Samuel Shattock, Nicholas Phelps and Joshua Buffum. They were called before the court 11th of 3rd month, 1659, and on their trial (such as it was), the same arbitrary spirit of tyranny appeared in their manner of executing as in passing their laws. The prisoners making a rational objection to their proceeding against them by their law as being in custody when it was made, and therefore as to them an ex post facto law. To their query whether it was for an offense against that law which then had no existence, they were committed to prison and banished, they received no reply; then one of them desired the governor that he would be pleased to declare before the people the real and true cause of their proceedings against them. He answered, it was for contemning authority in not coming to the ordinances of God. He further charged them with rebelling against the authority of the country in not departing according to their order; to which they answered they had no other place to go, but had their wives, children, families and estates to look after; nor had they done anything worthy of death, banishment or bonds, or any of the hardships or ignominious punishments which they had suffered in their persons, besides the loss of one hundred pound's worth of their property taken from them for meeting together. This remonstrance of their recent accumulated injuries silencing the Governor, Major General Denison made this unanswerable reply, that they stood against the authority of the country in not submitting to their laws, that he should not go about to speak much of the error of their judgment but added he, you and we are not able well to live together, at present the power is in our hand and therefore the strongest must fend off. After this the prisoners were put forth for a while, and being called in again, the sentence of banishment was pronounced against them, and no more than a fortnight's time allowed for them to depart on pain of death; and although they desired a respite to attend to their affairs and opportunity of a convenient passage to England might occur, the unrelenting malice of their persecutors would not grant them even this small and reasonable request; so Samuel Shattock, Nicholas Phelps, and Josiah Southick were obliged to take an opportunity that offered four days after, to pass for England by Barbadoes, in order to seek redress from the parliament and council of state there, but without success.
Lawrence and Cassandra Southick went to Shelter Island, where they some died, within three days of each other; and Joshua Buffum retired to Rhode Island. The proceedings of those haughty rulers are strongly marked throughout with the features of self-importance, inhumanity and bitter malignity, but I know of no instance of a more persevering malice and cruelty, than that where with they persecuted the aforesaid Lawrence and Cassandra Southick and their family. First, while members of their church, they were both imprisoned for entertaining strangers, Christopher Holder and John Copeland, a christian duty which the opostle to the Hebrews advised not to be unmindful of; and after seven weeks imprisonment, Cassandra was fined 40 shillings for owning a paper written by the foresaid persons. Next for absenting from the public worship and owning the Quakers' doctrine, on the information of one Captain Hawthorne, they, with their son Josiah, were sent to the house of correction and whipped in the coldest season of the year, and at the same time Hawthorne issued his warrant to distrain their goods for absence from their public worship, whereby there were taken from them cattle to the value of L4, 15 shillings. Again they were imprisoned, with others, for being at a meeting, and Cassandra was again whipped, and upon their joint letter to the magistrates before recited, the other appellants were released, but this family, although they with the rest had suffered the penalty of their cruel law fully, were arbitrarily detained in prison to their great lose and damage, being in the season of the year when their affairs most immediately demanded their attendance; and last of all were banished upon pain of death, as before recited, by a law made while they were imprisoned.
Thus despoiled of their property, deprived of their liberty, driven into banishment, and in jeopardy of their lives, for no other crime than meeting apart and dissenting from the established worship, the sufferings of this inoffensive aged couple ended only with their lives. But the multiplied injuries of this harmless pair were not sufficient to gratify that thirst for vengeance which stimulated these persecutors; while any member of the family remained unmolested. During their detention in prison they left at home a son Daniel and a daughter Provided; these children, not deterred by the unchristian treatment of their parents and brother, felt themselves rather encouraged to follow their steps and relinquish the assemblies of a people whose religion was productive of such relentless persecution; for their absence from which they were fined L10, though it was well known that they had no estate, their parents having been reduced to poverty by repeated fines and extravagant distraints; where fore to satisfy the fines they were ordered to be sold for bond-slaves by the following mandate: "Whereas Daniel Southick and Provided Southick, son and daughter of Lawrence Southick, absenting themselves from the public ordinances, having been fined by the courts of Salem and Ipswich, pretending they have no estate and resolving not to work, the court upon perusal of a law which was made upon account of debts, in answer to what should be done for the satisfaction of the fines, resolves, that the treasurers of the several counties are, and shall be fully empowered to sell the said persons to any of the English Nation at Virginia or Barbadoes, to answer to the fines" Pursuant to this order, Edward Butler, one of the treasurers, sought out for a passage far them to Barbadoes for sale, but could find none willing to take them thither. One master of a ship to whom he applied, in order to evade a compliance, pretended they would spoil the ships company. Butler replied, no you do not fear that, for they are harmless creatures that will not hurt anybody. The master rejoined, will you then offer to make slaves of such harmless creatures? and declined the insidious office of transporting them, as well as the rest. Disappointed in his designs and at a loss how to dispose of them, the winter approaching, he sent them home to shift for themselves till he could find a convenient opportunity to send them away.
Ref. notes:
History of the People Called Quakers.
By John Gough -- published 1790, -- Dublin, Ireland
Volume 1
Lawrence and Cassandra Southick, their suffering, p. 349, 361;
Josiah Southich, p. 349, 361;
Daniel and Provided ordered to be sold for slaves, 376 to 381.
Southwick Genealogy pps. 56-69.
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