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October 22, 1957 to July 23, 1976

These awards are for my military service rather than our site. I am as proud of these awards as I am of that service. My almost 20 years of Naval Service are a major point of pride in my life.
Thank you all who honor that service with these awards!

You are welcome to Liberty's Torch. You can place it on your web site to show the world that you support keeping the torch light for freedom. Lady Liberty has held the torch for you for many years, now you can hold the torch as a symbol of your Liberty in the Free world.

Thank you, Larry
Larry Brugh's Liberty's Torch Award

There's no graphic with this 'award', but I'm so proud of it, I want to share it. Kathy's husband served in Vietnam and the Gulf War. This is from a chat line posting in which we were discussing veteran and POW/MIA topics.
Kathy wrote:
"I was recently grocery shopping at our local commissary when I saw an older gentleman outfitted in camouflage pants and a POW hat that had many neatly arranged pins stuck to its visor. I walked up to him and I said, Thank you! This gentleman, in return, gave me a pin of an angel that had been specially blessed by a local priest for the Vietman Vet’s. He handed this to me and asked that I give this pin to my husband with a message of just two beautiful words, Thank you. This made me wonder just how many other’s, in their busy FREE lives, take the time-out to talk and visit with a Vet?
So now I say to you Charlie.....Thank you. Kathy"
Thank You! Kathy

To honor a vetI'm very proud of this award! It was one of the first of any kind we received. Who it came from matters a great deal, too!
Thanks, Doc

because of the dedication and sacrifices of many thousands of people before, during and after my career. Many contributions were far greater than mine. But in my own humble way, I believe I contributed in maintaining this land for you.
Thank you all, for the opportunity!

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