Chief Sez
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I've tried to put a little smile and chuckle into my award. In no way does this detract from my appreciation or depth of feeling for what these folks are saying. Rather, it enhances it.

Whenever I look at these sites, they make my day. Sometimes they bring a tear to my eye. But always, ALWAYS they remind me what we have in our Great Country, what it has taken to achieve it, retain it and what it will take to maintain it.

Please visit all these sites. You will be richer for the experience!


I have removed links to dead URLs. If an awardee has been removed in error please let me know.

THE GOAT LOCKER. Master Chief (ret) Greg Peterman's 'Goat Locker' is the best Chief Petty Officer site on the net. It's been a favorite of mine ever since I became a web surfer. He also has some great pages on the Submarine Service and the Navy in general. Some of my art for the award came from his clipart page. This is a 'Must See' site!

Chuck 'Doc' Stewart. Not only are Doc's Dedication and Military sites among the most touching and moving on the web, his other sites are pretty darn good, too. What this tireless Vietnam vet has done for all veterans is beyond measure.

Veterans For A Change. Laura Phillips. Through Doc's organizational efforts Laura was UNANIMOUSLY voted an on-line Honorary Vet by hundreds of on-line vets. Never was an honor more richly deserved. As a teacher, she educates her young students in the true meaning of the sacrifices and contributions made by veterans toward our freedom. She pours her heart and soul into this labor of love, both in and out of school. Please visit her site. My attempt at describing Laura's wonderful work in a few sentences falls woefully short.

The Chief's Place. Retired Chief Jim Burke has a very tastefully done site, with an eloquent dedication to a POW/MIA Chief Petty Officer. More importantly, as a Para-Medic, Jim continues to provide a vital service to his community, his nation and his fellow-man.

Chief Cook's Home Port. Reserve Chief Peg Cook has a beautiful site. She also has a beautiful heart as evidenced by her pages and a stout heart as evidenced by her full time profession. Peg is a Deputy Sheriff. Dedication and Service whichever hat she's wearing.

The Meadow Years. George M. 'Gunny' Fallon is the energy behind Operation Just Cause. As I've become involved with our POW/MIA issues, I've met some outstanding, dedicated people on the web. Gunny Fallon stands tall among the best. As you navigate the web on these issues, you will encounter his name often. When you realize his contributions, you will stand in awe of this great American. Visit and learn.

You too, can make a difference!

Wings Of Eagles. SITE NO LONGER AVAILABLE, Feb 2008. Bryan Jones' absolutely beautiful site dedicated to the F-15 Eagle. Bryan is an Eagle crew chief and you'll find anything and everything to know about Eagles on his site. Jet Noise: The Sound of Freedom!

Slane's World. SITE NO LONGER AVAILABLE, Feb 2008. The link will bring you to Slane's POW/MIA page, where you can honor her adopted POW/MIAs. You can also link to some of the most beautiful and touching patriotic graphics anywhere. The work and the words will tell you how Slane feels about our country and those who gave so much for us.

Aircraft Carriers, Aircraft and other Warships. Guy Derdall's outstanding site has gotten even more outstanding-er. You gotta' see what he's done. A truly outstanding tribute to the ships and aircraft of the Navy. This site is a must sight.

Al Varelas USMC. This is a must see site. Not just because of the visual beauty, which is great. But more, because of what is in his heart. What he says. What you can 'feel' about him. I've seen some beautiful, from the heart Military/Vet sites in my surfing. Believe me, Al Varelas' site is among the very best! Do yourself a favor. Sight this site, you will cite the site's author.

RM1 Cahall's Naval Site. Pride Runs Deep among Navy people and Navy families. RM1 Kathi Cahall's husband has put up a fantastic tribute to his Naval Reservist wife and the important work she does for all of us. Another Must See site!

USS Flasher SSN613. SITE NO LONGER AVAILABLE, Feb 2008. Ric Hedman's Flasher site is an outstanding tribute to his boat and all submariner's. A good place to begin your tour of our undersea sailors and their sites!
I've awarded Ric his second award for his "The Saga of the Submarine" site. SITE NO LONGER AVAILABLE, Feb 2008.

Military Memories. Bob Heurung's Memories site is a blend of nostalgia and touching sincerity for the sacrifices of all who served. His pictures are truly worth a thousand words.

Shotgun Jack. What a great site in appearance, content and feeling! John Carpenter has been there, done that. His site is a monument to all who have served.

The Burrows Homepage. SITE NO LONGER AVAILABLE, Feb 2008. Lcdr Jerry Burrows (ret), a Navy Airdale and a mustang BB stacker, has done a superb job in presenting his Naval Career and his family. His justifiable pride is evident in this beautiful site.

NavVets. NCCS Ed Reese (ret) founded the NavVets organization and has compiled a fantastic set of pages loaded with Naval History and Lore. This site is also a great place to locate a lost shipmate.

A Squid's Career. MMCS (ret) Bob Barbee's site gives an outstanding and informative description of his Naval Career. Plus he has the courage to show us his human side. I like this site!

Veteran's Net. I can't say enough about Steve Lapan's (former Airdale BB Stacker :-) site. Out of his own pocket and his own time, he has built and is maintaining a terrific site listing FREE benefits and other things available for veterans. Job listings and much more. America owes it's vets and Steve is telling her. Check it out!

AMH1AWUSN. AMH1 Robert Rhodes is an active duty Navy Petty Officer (Airdale type!) stationed at NASJRB Willow Grove. His site is a beautifully laid out dedication to his family and his Naval Career. Both of which he is justifiably proud. Robert also displays a sincere POW/MIA page.

Vets Helping Vets. SITE NO LONGER AVAILABLE, Feb 2008. This is just one of Mike and Terri Crow's sites. But it's indicative of the special kind of people they are. Go here and visit their other sites too. You will come away richer for the experience. They will touch your heart.

My Salute To Aviation. SITE NO LONGER AVAILABLE, Feb 2008. Jim Adams has put together an absolutely beautiful site dedicated to Military Aviation. This is the kind of site that warms the heart and thrills this retired Navy Airdale. This is my kind of site! I love it!

This award goes to three sites for three ships. Bruce Helmboldt honors his father's ship, USS Bache DD470 plus the two he served aboard, USS Warrington DD843 and USS Joseph P. Kennedy DD850. The Chief Sez all three sites may display the award. Great Tin-Can pages!

This award will not be given lightly. The ol' Chief must be truly 'blown away' by the site.
Based on the site content, and personal contact via e-mail, the 'ol Chief's perceception of what is within the awardee's heart, is a major factor in selection.

Laura's Rose.
In accepting her award
Laura gave us this rose
and the one on the next
40 Winner's Page.
We are honored!

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The Background Music is "BROTHERS IN ARMS".
Dedicated to the entire brotherhood and sisterhood of the US Armed Forces.
Past, Present and Future.

Lifted from Guitar Midi

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