GSD Friends & Their Humans

Jassu and some friends resting in a hayloft after
a tough practice mission in Northern Maryland.

The links below will take you to some very dear friends. You'll also meet their human masters.
signed: Peto, Susi, Kessu, Jassu, Hukka, Pimu, Jolla, Hex and Kely.
Even though they've gone to the Rainbow Bridge,
Peto, Susi and Kessu were original signers with their pawprint, so their names stay.

THE KESTLER PACK With the awesome TITO, plus the rest of the pack. (4)THE OSBORNE PACK GSD Nutz Almost As Bad As Us. (5)
JUSSI And Rolle, a real Finnish GSD.THE THOMPSON PACK Only Slightly Saner GSD Nutz. (4)
THE HUBBARD PACK Includes a tribute to Siggy, a real K-9 Cop. THE KLENTZMAN PACK More Mildy Sane GSD Nutz. (3)

Max Our first GSD friend on the net!Rocky, Tonga, Cindy and CeeJay
GSD NUTZ Award winners. A great group!
Gus and Shadow. Ya' gotta' see these guys. Colorado livin' for Shepherds!
A Story For Our Time
A Tale of Courage and Grit ~ With a Twist
A Rousing Adventure
Available Now!
. . . boldly go where
no pet fancier has
gone before. . .
ANJA She was our featured K-9 hero for Feb. 1998 on the GSD Menu page.
Anja crossed the Rainbow Bridge, Sept. 9, 1998. Please visit her page.

Do You Think Your Pack Human(s) Deserve This Award?
Put Your Paw On The Mouse, (Don't Squash It!), Point On The Picture and Left Click.
(Don't Eat The Mouse, Either!)

'BORN FREE' for the Spirit of the GSD.

GSD animatedGSD animatedGSD animatedGSD animatedGSD animated

Bye', Hope You Liked Our Friends.
Press BACK to return to the GSD Menu page.
You can also re-visit any one of us by clicking on our name.

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Photos by Annie
Photo Editing by Charlie
Animated GSD from: Sasha's World
Originally Designed By: Riad Dagher
Animations Sized To Relative Differences By Charlie

Last Update: 9/22/2002
Web Author: Charlie Joseph


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