Welcome To Mimi's Cooksbox

How I Got That Name . . .

When I was little, I used to carry around a small box full of little toy pots,
pans, plates, anything "tear-tag" off grocery store shelves, (recipes, coupons) you get the idea.
Well, I don't know how it got named my "cooksbox", but that was what everyone called it.
Once, I left it at my Aunt's house and I am told I whined until my Mom went back to get it!!!

And in case you are wondering, yes, I had an Easy-Bake Oven.

Now I'm a big girl and have a home of my own, a big "cooksbox" so to speak.
I will be posting some of my favorite "tried & true" recipes, so
feel free to stay awhile and take a look around!!!

Have Fun!!!

Places To Fill Your Cooksbox

More Places To Fill Your Cooksbox

Recipes From My Cooksbox

Awards and Webrings

Bread Machine Ezekiel Bread Recipe Offer

Book Review: "Desserts That Have Killed Better Men Than Me"
by Jeremy Jackson

Book Review: "Matzoh Ball Gumbo: Culinary Tales of the Jewish South"
by Marcie Cohen Ferris

Book Review: "The Cornbread Book" by Jeremy Jackson

Book Review: "Home Cooking" by Laurie Colwin

Book Review: "More Home Cooking" by Laurie Colwin

Mimi's Hobby - What I Like To Do (In My Spare Time)

My little corner of the web is *always* under construction . . . please excuse the mess . . .

This site formatted to fit your screen. (How do they know??? )

Questions???  Comments???

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To E-mail Mimi

May 1997

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