Here is a list of the people who make up the group! If a name of the list appears as a link, you can click on it to quickly and easily send e-mail to them!

Les Beaver
OK, technically he's not single, but Les is still a part of our group. He serves as substitute Sunday School teacher when necessary. His wife, Ann, was part of the world-famous and undefeated Bearden Softball team.

Bryan Berry
Brian is working on his master's degree in public administration at UTK. He was also a member of the world-famous (and this year undefeated) Bearden Softball team.

Susan Cliff
Susan recently paid a visit to the new young adult Sunday School class and despite the fact that Michael was subbing that day, she came back. She is currently studying at Pellissippi State.

Jeff Cook
Jeff is one of the newer members of our group. Jeff hails from the Nashville area and recently graduated from UT.

Julia Davis
Julia is famous around our group for her quick wit and good sense of humor. She has moved from Knoxville to California pursuing her graduate degree. Julia is now engaged and will be married in October.

Steve Dockery
Steve is a new member of our group and recently became a member of Bearden UMC.  

Marilyn Elam
Marilyn has followed her dreams to Nashville, where she is attempting to get a job working for the esteemed governor of Tennessee.

Sheila Eubank
One of Sheila's many claims to fame is her rendetion of "Ahab the Arab" at the annual church talent show. She is also Jen's mom and a member of the world-famous Bearden choir...

Amy Marie Fiscor
Amy is probably most famous for the incident where she and Debby were swapping injury stories in some strange contest. But we still love her. She's of in Nashville now, pursuing her dream job in engineering.

Todd Granger
Todd played on the world-famous Bearden softball team this season. Todd is a teacher down in Chattanooga. Pray for the children.

Christi Hanna
Christi is a huge University of Tennessee fan! (Aren't we all, though?) Christi has taken a position as a youth director at another church in Knoxville. We wish her all the best and hope the kids don't give her too much of a hard time.

Michael Hickerson
Also known as the guy who created this web page and updates it from time-to-time. In addition, he's our resident Star Trek and X-Files fan and also the "leader" of the group. (Which is a scary thought...)

Bob Larsen
For years, Bob was that little brother we all never had...or really wanted, for that matter. Bob is currently is currently in school. We're all kind of proud of him.

Cindy Larsen
Cindy is currently up in Kentucky studying to become an ordained minister. (If you are ever in Kentucky, she's the one with the big power T on her car!)

Debby Larsen
Debby is often prone to unique injuries. She also is a wee bit competitive--to the point that she refuses to admit that Michael beat her at UNO on the church retreat. 

Stan & Fran Love
OK, so they're not single, but the Loves are still honorary members of our group. Stan currently serves as our Sunday School teacher and Fran occasionally pays our class a visit. They've also had us over on several occasions for dinner, which was enjoyed by all.

Carol Luper
Carol is a member of the Bearden UMC choir. She is also studying at Pellissippi and works as a cook at Naples restaurant.

Whitney McKenzie
Whitney is a long-time member of Bearden UMC and was a part of the world-famous Bearden softball team over the summer. After graduating, Whitney has purused her career in the great state of Mississippi. But she still drops by for a visit from time to time, which is always welcome.

Tessie Oliver
Tessie recently took the plunge into church membership at Bearden, after having been a member of our Sunday School class for the past two years. Apparently, we haven't yet found a way to scare her off.

Rich Osborne
After two years at Bearden, Rich got his master's degree for UTK and then took a job in Georgia. He currently resides there and still contends that baseball is superior to football. We are still praying for him to see the light in this matter

Eric Rogers
Has been quoted as saying, "My eyebrows come together in a most alarming way." We're not quite sure what that means and most of us are too scared to find out. Eric is currently serving with Campus Crusde.

Cathy Sramek
Cathy (or Cassy) is a new member of our group, along with her son Nikolas. Cathy finally made the plunge into Sunday School a few weeks ago and has decided she is a fan of the world-famous Bearden softball team.

Courtney Sutphin
Courtney hails from Virignia, but we don't hold that against her (Her fandom of Virginia Tech, yes...her being from Virginia, no.) Courtney just finished up her master's degree from UTK.

Leslie Wall
Leslie visited us for a few weeks a couple of years ago and has recently made a return to our group. She's a teacher in Knox County, working with 7th graders. We are all praying for her.

The Wallace Family
They've been honorary members of our group for so long, that we decided it was high time we put them on our web page. Barry, Laura, Craig and Erin are long time supporters of the group and like to sometimes share in our wacky adventures. Odds are that if Barry and Michael are together, Star Trek is being discussed.

Andy Zimmerman
Andy just finished up his medical technician degree at UT and is currently working at UT hospital. In addition to that, Andy helps out with the Boy Scouts and is our resident nature lover.

Bearden United Methodist Church
4405 Sutherland Ave
Knoxville, Tennesse
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