Jenny and Chris in 1988

Young Chris and Jenny, circa 1988

How did we meet? Well, it was sort of a blind date...(All you "When Harry Met Sally" fans, picture Chris and Jen sitting on the famous couch)

As many know, Cincinnati (among other places) has a grocery chain called Kroger's. What many don't know is that the store is a sort of family dynasty for us. Several members of Chris's family made their start at Kroger's, including his dad, who is now in high local management with the company. Jenny's dad worked there too during college, and her great uncle Ralph designed the company logo.

So as fate would have it, 1988 found them both running ragged in Kroger One-Hour-Photo separate stores. Jenny had just started at the Forest Hills store, and she and the other new hires had been told to "call those people at the Tylersville store" if they had any problems. One day, she made a panicked phone call to ask how to do a PBL (don't ask) and guess who answered?

But that wasn't how they met...

A woman named Lauren took her management training at Forest Hills, got to know Jenny, and then went to work up in Tylersville. Somehow she decided that the two dynasties should meet. Lauren called Jenny. Chris called Jenny. Jenny called Chris. And finally a date was set for that Saturday, September 17, 1988.

One Uno's Pizza (but no garlic bread) and a Tom Cruise movie later, and the rest is history...

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