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Firth Family

Hi! Thanks for stopping by our page. You've travelled all the way to Perth, Australia to visit. My name is Reg Firth. I'm blessed to be married to Janny (on 27 December 1973) and to have 6 fantastic children. They range from 28 to 15; three still live at home at the moment (one is married so that means we now have seven children!) And, we have our little Snoopy. A friend gave him to us, and he is such a gorgeous pet. He looks a bit like the little fella you see running across the page above this text. He's a Shih Tzu with curley short fur.

Natasha, after living and travelling overseas for 3 years, is working as an assistant to one of Perth's Commissioners for Industrial relations.

Our second eldest, Mark, was married in the Perth Cathedral on 7 March 1998. Mark and his delightful wife, Michelle, live about 20 minutes away from us. They have three children, Angela, Chantelle, and Vanessa. Needless to say, Janny and I are very proud grandparents; God certainly has blessed us. Mark is working in Information Technology.

Luke has almost completed study for a Commerce Degree (Information Technology); he spent most of 2003 in Canada, USA and Central America. He is now working as a Travel Consultant here in Perth. Peter is 3 years into an Arts degree (Psychology); Anouska is completing her last year of College; and Paul completing his fourth year. They have photo pages also.

I was born in Perth; Janny was born in Den Helder in Holland. So, if there are any 'Hollanders' out there please feel free to send us a note in Dutch! We are very involved in the Catholic Church, and in a lay Charismatic Community (check out the Community's home page sometime...see the link below). We seek to place the Lord at the centre of our marriage and our family life.

A few words from Janny, in Dutch

A Family photo Natasha's photos Mark & Michelle's photos Luke's photos Peter's photos

Anouska's photos Paul's photos Reg's Geneology Research into the Firth Family

Paul's Page

Mark & Luke's Page Disciples of Jesus Covenant Community

Have a look at the City we live in ... Perth is a great place!

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