Mama is our four year old Calico. She has a personality all of her own. Most of the time she sleeps; however, about four times a day she becomes "PSYCHO Kitty". She has her routine down too, I'll tell you. Her inner body clock keeps better time than your watch. It is the most comical thing to see when she changes to "PSYCHO Kitty" we often wonder where she gets the energy. Because, at other hours in the day she is so lazy that she drags herself to her food and toys. Mama, however is the best cat a person could ask for, she is practically human and is very smart and independent. She is a GREAT cat for Arthur and I in that she
entertains herself and is never bored. She finds a toy in virtually everything. When we have to go away for the weekend she knows it, but instead of becoming bitter at us, she gets all spunky and the look in her eyes says it all... "PARTY TIME!!"
I think she enjoys our weekend trips more than we do.
Mindi and Mama talked with all of their pet and animal friends (you know in that animal talk that they all do)! Anyway... they forced me to include on this page the following suggestions for pet owners, as well as all the other people of the World.
2. Let
kitties keep their claws. Declawing is painful and
traumatic; cats can easily be taught not to scratch
furniture with the aid of a scratching post (try the
catnip- scented ones!) and firm, consistent instructions
on where they may and may not scratch. 3. Pick up plastic litter. The U.S. Office of Technology Assessment reports that the more than 20 million tons of plastic pollution produced each year pose a greater threat to marine mammals and birds than pesticides, oil spills, and contaminated run-off from the land. Animals get tangled in or swallow discarded six-pack rings, string, and fishing line, so always pick up plastic litter. 4. Tag your pets. Clear identification can save a dog or cat's life. Lost animals depend on that ID tag bearing your name, address, and phone number to get back home. 5. Spay/neuter your pets. 3,000 to 5,000 dogs and cats are born every hour in the U.S.--far more than can ever find good homes. Don't contribute to the tragic animal overpopulation problem--spay or neuter your animal companions. 6. Put life in your yard! Plant a mix of shrubs, trees, and flowers that will provide nuts, berries, seeds, and nectar to creatures throughout the year. Foster hollies, for instance, provide animals with winter berries for food, winter foliage for cover, and places to raise young. 7.
Help your local animal shelter. Shelters are always
in need of 8.
Shop cruelty-free. Animals don't need to suffer so
we can be beautiful. More than 500 companies now produce
cosmetics and household products that aren't tested on
animals. Contact PETA for a free
shopping guide to cruelty-free products: Write to them at
501 Front St., Norfolk, VA 23510, or call 757-622-PETA 9. Reduce or eliminate your meat consumption. Seven billion animals are killed every year in the U.S. for food. If you normally eat meat, try a week of vegetarian meals instead. How about vegetarian chili, stir-fry, tofu kabobs, veggie lasagna, hummus, or bean burritos? You'll never miss the meat--and you might find you feel so good, you'll keep it up after the week's over!