Tonya's Educational Corner
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Tonya's Education Page
Hello and THANKS for stopping by my educational corner on the web. I
am very glad you are here, even if you got here by accident. Don't leave because
I have found some very neat and helpful stuff for teachers as well as students and parents.
So... come on, climb aboard my bus, and take a look around. There will be something here for

Learning to Read
Tips to make teaching your child to read effective and enjoyable.
Literature for Children
Choose the appropriate literature for your child through these reviews, authors notes and tips.
Ask Dr.Math
Students, parents and teachers submit questions that are answered by Dr. Math.
Geometry and Art
A web site that contains many different ideas on how to teach abstract geometry. Includes detailed presentation plans and descriptions on how to make many of the visual aids that you wll need.
Mega Math
Designed for elementary school children and teachers. A good site for teachers who want to plan mathematical activities and children who want to explore math on their own.
Helping Kids Learn Science
Methods to help your child understand science. Also includes motivators to help your child want to learn science.
Science Learning Network
Helps teachers plan lessons and demonstrations that help kids explore various areas of science.
Bill Nye the Science Guy
Science television program-- makes science fun and easy.
Education Place
This site contains interesting internet resources for children. A variety of information, games, and activities for children of all ages.
Kid Link
Kidlink is an organization that helps children aged 10-15 from all over the World talk to one another.
How to teach your child to be safe by avoiding unsafe situations.
High School Student's Survival Guide
This site contains a list of resources for high school students. Organized by subject so you can focus on a particular area of interest.
Study Tips
Study tips to help you survive high school.
Ask Eric
Educational Resources Information Center-- "ERIC" is a taxpayer-funded information system that provides access to education-related literature for teachers, administrators, and others.
Teachers Helping Teachers
The best tips and hints you can find will come from other teachers. Find this and much more at this web site.
Teachers Net
A variety of resources for teachers with an emphasis on discussion groups. A good place for teachers to trade tips, ask questions, and look for help with a specific problem.
An online Magazine devoted to the teaching profession. Contains classroom decor, organization tips, lesson plans, classroom management, employment opportunities, and much more.
K-12 Resources
Some well-organized collections of resources relating to many areas of K-12 education.
The Substitute Teacher Home Page
A survival guide for substitute teachers. Includes classroom management tips, time fillers, employment opportunities, and much more.
Salary Rank
See how your salary compares to that of the average salary in your state, and all the other states in the United States.
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Hey You Graphics.
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