Cub Scouts Pack 137 Pollok, Texas
Chartered by O'Quinn Baptist Church
Welcome to our site
Other Scout
Camp Pirtle
Glad you stopped by.
  Our pack consists of:
Tiger Cubs   (1st  grade)
Wolf Cubs    (2nd grade)
Bear Cubs    (3rd grade)
Webelos I     (4th grade)
Webelos II    (5th grade)

Other pages on this site will give special information about each group and current activities.

click on Cub Scout name above to go to that page for info
Upcoming Events:
Toot Toot- Cubs will be taking a field trip to the Texas State Railroad on Sat. Sept. 22.  Fall Cub-a-ree will be at BSA Camp
Pirtle near Carthage Texas on Sept 28-30

October brings field trip to a farm, Red Ribbon Week parade and our Halloween Party.
Pack and Den Leaders
Cubmaster: Phil Alexander
Ast Cubmaster:
Webelos: Robby & Lisa Hollingsworth
Bear: Susie Townsend
Tiger:Beth Clopp & Denise Alexander

Pack Committee Members
Rev. Steve Cowart
For more information
call the following:

Phil         853-2033

or click on the "Email us" below to send us a note: