Electronic Mail
Message #335602
Date: Thursday, October 16, 1997 1:55:54 PM
To: Dbsandmd
Topic: Fwd: genealogical humor

....(Portion Clipped)....

Note: The following is a real note sent from a census taker in the 1800s to the government. This may explain why alot of us have variations in the spellings of our names:

"Centsus rekurds "I am a cencus taker for the city of Bufflow. Our city has groan very fast in resent years and now, in 1865, it has becum a hard and time consooming job to count all the peephill. Thare is not meny that can do this werk, as it is necesarie to have a ejucashun, which a lot of pursons still do not have. Another atribeart needed for this job is good speling, for meny of the peephill to be caounted can hardle speek inglish, let alone spel there name."

Created: Sunday, October 19, 1997, 01:52 PM Last Updated: Sunday, October 19, 1997, 01:52 PM