Some years ago I read that the jerking response that occurs as we fall into twilight sleep is a learned response from the past when our ancestors would sleep in trees

You've heard the stories in reputable magazines and TV shows about organ recipients. After receiving the organ, they tend to develop traits that were uncommon for them but very common for the donor. These range from the foods they desire to activities they enjoy.

Reincarnation is discovered through past life regression or hypnosis. People find themselves remembering their past lives and tragedies. On some occasions, they have been able to describe in detail the homes, towns, and even their own names from past lives. After some research, we are told that it is all verified! Wait! How many of us could have been royalty, presidents or someone famous?

DNA Memories.....Could it be that our DNA does carry memories of each and every ancestor? That the learned response is a remembered response?

After receiving an organ you would now have additional DNA Memories that trigger some changes in behavior.

Or the past life is not your very own past life but that of your DNA (your ancestor). In which case, if a president or other famous person had several children, the possibility of many people having the same past life memory would be possible.

Be sure to check out some of my favorite online shopping sites. Check Barnes & Noble for more info on DNA Memories. Grab a quick snack and send your loved one a bouquet of flowers. When you find out where you lived in a past life, book a trip to visit

Please let me know what you think.

April 1, 2001


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