
I love all kinds of music. Hip hop, slow dance, rock, metal, rap, alternative, classical. You might as well say that I like I like anything that is pleasing to my ear.

Some of my favorite groups in the past were: Some of my favorite songs were: That being said. Most of that list was compiled 10 years ago with only a few additions since because I simply couldn't determine many favorites that stood out. Until now. I recently began listening to an online dj, and he's on Tornado Radio. If you have Winamp click here to tune in, or copy and paste this address Dj Darkside will play any kind of rock but his favorite is metal. He loves Korn. And many of the songs he played from the beginning of the first show I tuned into I had not heard before, or just wasn't paying any attention to them before. But they drew me in. The more he played the more I liked. Until finally I started requesting music directly from him. I like the staple songs he almost always plays on his show. Those include:
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