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A little about me:

My name is Crystal and I am 31 years old. I have been married to Randy Lilly since July 23, 1994. We have a daughter, Chelsea. She will turn 12 in October 2006. Chelsea is a very smart little girl. She reads a lot and makes good grades. She owns a turtle named, Squirtle. I tried to convince her to name him Yertle, but today's kids, what can you do? Pokemon is her world, Dr. Seuss was mine I suppose. I love animals. I own 6 cats: a black female named Oreo, we named her that because she has white fur along her middle and under her neck. A male siamese named Shadow. I named him that because he follows me around like he's my shadow. Our oldest cat is named Bandit. My mother and I raised her after her mother was unable to care for her. She got her name by stealing things and hiding them. We also took in a stray named Goliath,who is big as a house. We have KitKat, our long haired female who is as sweet as can be. Chelsea named Kitkat. What else do you expect a 1 year old child to call her kitty? She normally comes when you say "pretty". And finally, Cupcake, aka Disaster cat! She is always the cat that is bounding out of the room where you heard things falling. Most of my kitties get along well, except for Bandit, but she is an exception because she does not believe she is a cat.

Well as you can see I'm very pleased here, this was taken in March of 2004. Lewis Black had come to perform for us in Huntington. I hope he felt warmly appreciated. It was a very fun night. I came home with this photo and an auto graphed brand spanking new cd of hilarity. The pic shows Myself, my husband Randy, Lewis Black and his accomplice in humor John Bowman.

If you would like to contact me ASAP, I suggest paging me thru ICQ.

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Many people always ask me what my interests are when I meet them on the net. It isn't a popular question when you meet someone in person but, then again who ever said the internet was anything like real life, eh? Anyways, here are a few of my interests so check them out.

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