Welcome to my place!


Ok time for a drastic update and a few changes.  Will keep this short and simple. 

 Lots of changes in the past few years.. kids growing up, new jobs, new house.  The oldest is will be starting 7th Grade in the fall, and the youngest will be a 4th grader,  can't believe they haven't killed each other yet but almost every mom says that of their children..  Started a new job in January of 06 which is turning out to be a really good job for me..  I am still doing some computer consulting and techie work.

On with the picture pages........


Hey look pictures!   More pictures(2001)!   2002 Pics

2003     2004   2005   2006

July 1991 c-k2.jpg (26165 bytes)

May 2006

The Critters        Dedication Page   The House

Although I don't frequent the chat rooms as often as I used to, all my friends that I have met along the way are still in my thoughts. 

Mostly now I can be found on   AIM(Springfire26)

  Yahoo Lacesilver & Springfire26

sadly I don't play Diablo as much as I used to, now into playing WOW


A couple of hobbies that I have

My Fish

My Cowboys

My Petz Kennel   this will take you away from this site.

I love to surf, see some of the neat stuff I have found


I do get this updated from time to time so please bookmark this and keep checking back.....

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Please drop me a line if you have similar interests or any comments: springfire26@yahoo.com

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This page has been visited Counter times since Aug '97.

Last Updated June 19, 2006 by Springfire

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