
Michele Denise Ballard

Michele "MichMich (pronounced MishMish)" Ballard lives with her husband Andrew in Geneva, Illinois and is 23 years old.  Her birthday is June 24, 1974.  Michele works in the public school district as an executive assistant in the curriculum & instruction office.  Some of her hobbies are reading and the Internet (like you had to ask), music, and working with children.

Favorite Quote: "I would say to each of you as students, who are suppose to be learning, as soon as that book is gone from your school library, do not walk but RUN to your nearest public library or bookseller and find out what your elders don't want you to know because THAT's exactly what you need to know." (From King's banned-books speech in Virginia Beach, VA).

Favorite Character: Easy question.  Ben Hanscom is my absolute favorite.  I've loved Ben since the first time I read "IT."  He was truly my first love.  As for any others, well, I must admit I was very amused by Trashcan Man in "The Stand."

Favorite Book:  Gerald's Game (Scared the ba-gebbies out of me!) but I love them all!

Least Favorite Book: Any in the Dark Tower series, but it's been a long time and as I am re-reading them, I'm realizing that maybe I read them a bit too young.

Favorite Novella:  Rita Hayworth and The Shawshank Redemption

Favorite Movie:  Shawshank Redemption and Christine

Least Favorite Movie:  Pet Cemetery

Favorite Short Story: Dolan's Cadillac, but I don't know if it would be my favorite.  BUT it was the only one I could think of.

Least Favorite Short Story: Hmmm, I just don't know.

Favorite SK Collector Item:  My copy of "Six Stories" #620. EEEEEEEEE!!  Although I must admit that since I have all of King's novels in hardback except for "Eyes of the Dragon" and the "Dark Tower: The Gunslinger" (I'm working on it), I would have to lump the whole collection as my favorite.  (Can I do that?)

If Michele were to meet Stephen King she would ask him:  "What do you find most intriguing about the support of your fans?" (Yes, I know, real original question.)

In Michele's own words:  "My husband and I moved to Illinois from West Virginia in December '95.  We are both full-time students: Andrew at Northern Baptist Seminary in Lombard and myself at Judson College in Elgin.  After I graduate in spring 1998 we are hoping to move back east.  I am hoping to start work on my Ph.D. in psychology at West Virginia University in the fall of 98. While we are living there Andrew will probably complete his degree through Eastern Seminary and be ordained in Morgantown.

Because Andrew is going to be a minister, our standing joke is that when we finally are settled and he has a church, we are going to line the walls of our entryway with King books. That would make for a GREAT conversation starter...don't you think so?  >:o)

 Copyright (c) Michael McAlcin, 1995-1997  Last updated: 10/21/97