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Family Life

Family Life In Islam A collection of wonderful articles from Jamaat.org...issues dealing with structure and importance of family and education.
SoundvisionLots and lots of family stuff at Soundvision. Every month they do a different theme. If you search around you can find all articles on their past themes. Including information on parenting, tv, education, gender roles, finances, race relations and so much more!


Arabesq Homeschool Academy An Islamic Online Academy! Message boards, a mailing list, homework help, pages and pages of advice, information, resources and links.
Homeschooling for Young Muslim Families Resources,information and advice for homeschooling. Links to printable worksheets on all subjects and a Muslim Homeschool Support Forum.
Islamic Homeschooling ResourcesYou will find a variety, insha Allah, of subjects covered here, in an effort to provide parents with a diversity of materials from which to select projects and curriculum. Topic covered include math, fine arts, language, history, etc....
IQRA School! A curriculim of programs including akhlaq, aqidah, fiqh, seerah, Quran, arabic and Islamic Social studies! Mashaallah!
MHSNR Muslim Homeschool Network Resource! Get information about the next convention, speaker engagements, a list of resources, a free game for kids and more!
MUFEAH Muslims Unite for Education at home!MUFEAH is the name of the homeschool newsletter and support group. The goal is to provide muslim homeschoolers with as much resources as possible.
Muslim Family Book club Discuss the latest children's book, parenting or any Islamic book that interest you, get book recommendations, great prices on quality islamic books as well as the popular Usborne books.
Muslim Home Educators on the Web Includes guidelines for lesson plants, basic teaching concepts, homeschool resources, a list of colleges that accept homeschooled students, misc. education sites, a masjid locator, a quran reading schedule and so much more!
Muslim HomeschoolingReasons to Homeschool Your child. Articles to read here include Unit Studies,Test Your Child's Reading Level ,Homeschooling on a Budget,Homeschooling Fatwa,Homeschooling a Large Family,Memorizing the Quran.......
Palmetto Muslim Homeschool Resource Network The mission intended is to serve every muslim homeschooler in the U.S. Extensive one-on-one homeschooling support via e-mail,access to their restricted homeschooling club and a complete online resource pack! A wealth of information here for homeschoolers!

Kids Sites

Islam for Children MyshaAllah, another great service from Jamaat.org. A list of the stories of the prophets, starting with Muhammad, peace be upon him , and the story of the revelation of the Quran, the angels, and then Adam and follows with the rest of the prophets in chronological order! I printed these pages and made a book!
Islamic Kid's Handbook This page main purpose is to teach Muslim children how to worship ,what do we have to believe in ,and why.
The Islamic Page for Kids Sister Mahira's very original, very cute, islamic website for kids! Sections include, 5 pillars of islam, Your parents, Great stories, and more!
Kid's Corner at Islam.orgThis kids site has lots of goodies for kids! Includes illustrated stories and poems about the prophets of islam. There is children's audio and video programs, activities, games and even a COOL cursor!
Play and Learn This site has print out coloring pages and arabic worksheets. There are other useful resources as well. However, this is a shia site. Take what you need and leave the rest!


Children-Suheil Laher's Islam page There are three very interesting and extremely useful articles on this website: Naming children, Kunya, and The Islamic Education and Upbringing of children. I most especially recommend the last one.
The Muslim Attachment Parenting Page What can I say... I love this site. MyshaAllah. What is attachment parenting and why is it Islamic? Check it out to learn more!
Sex Education: An Islamic Perspective A very thorough online resource on the issue of sex education, pregnancy, gender roles and more! Authors include Shahid Athar M.D. and Farhad Khan! Parents check this out! Very enlightening!

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