Well now, some of the things that I like best, are all the silly things there are to do... Mostly to just take a break and waste some time. Here are some of my favorites. |
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YOU'LL LOVE THIS PORK!!!![]() To Pass The Pigs, Click on the Pork! |
Funster Online word game. Sort of a cross between Boggle and Scrabble |
Get A Life This will REALLY help!!! |
How To Keep An Idiot Busy Check this one out for a good chuckle! |
Annoy Home Page Feel like irritating someone? This is the place! |
Do It Backward Just type in a URL and see the page backward |
Virtual Bubble Wrap Try to score higher than the other neurotic bubble poppers |
Roll 'Em Java Yahtzee Game-Fast and Fun |
Colossal Humor Page and Humour Net Mailing List The Funny Bone of the Internet |
Online Crosswords Just like it says...do some crosswords |
C*E*A Center For The Easily Amused...Is this you? |
Twisted Tunes Kip Adotta, Dr. Demento, Wierd Al...they're all here |
Island Casino Real gambling: slots, video poker, sports...$$$ |
Gross Sounds Send 'em to your friends! |
Video Poker Just like the real thing, only you *don't* get paid. |
BC's Blackmail Send an anonymous email and feel better! |
Addicted To Stuff Put in your 2 cents and it will be posted...from worries to cars...it's all there! |
Oracle Humour Archives and Mailing List Jokes and more jokes! |
The Redneck Gal's Home Reader My Absolute Personal Fav! Not only for the gals. |
Warp Bill Gates' Face Oh yes! You can make him even uglier!!! |
Media Dunk Tank Game Shockwave...hit the target with the ball and dunk your fav celeb in a tank of acid...AHH! |
The Onion It's pretty, it's fun, and it gives you bad breath. |
Grossology Lab Play "Diabolical Diarrhea"/Intestinal PacMan-Shockwave |
Multi User White Board Paint and chat at the same time...a real war zone here! |
Black Jack Great Shockwave game from the Smirnoff Vodka Folks |
Play Acrophobia & You Don't Know Jack
Yours truly, was chosen as the
Redneck Gal Fan Of The Year
Drive-Bys Since 11/18/97
Please Visit
The Official J.A.P. Website
...thanks to Pogomom for keeping me up to date on the fun stuff!
animated .gif (c)Kitty Roach
Page created by:
Deborah DeStefano