Honeytiger's Lair

Greetings to you!!!! =)

This site is dedicated to my family and all our pets: Penny, Shiloh and Lonnie. I now have a page just for Our Family's Pet's with great picts of cool pets!

And if you are interested in seeing what I look like and learning a little more about what makes a Honeytiger tick, check out my bio page and my testimony page!!

And BELIEVE IT OR NOT I have some really great Friends....with some AWESOME picts and homepages!!!! Check 'em out....I will be adding more too so come back often!!! =)

Did you know that JESUS is in EVERY book in the Bible??? Find out how by CLICKING HERE

We choose to homeschool our son, he is 9 yrs. old and in the fifth grade. We use the The School of Tomorrow's ACE curriculum. If you are interested in home schooling, I will let you know now that it is a lot of work. But, if you are dedicated to instilling YOUR values and not the immoral values of the public school system then it is worth it.

Do you like good CLEAN comedy as much as I do? I hope so! You have GOT to check out Mark Lowry's Homepage. He offers something for everyone, from stories for the kids to serious stuff for us grownups. I saw him in concert last year and I hurt all over from laughing so much! If you EVER get a chance to see him, DO IT!


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A great site for Grapics Productions and web page design!!!!!!
Wolf howls to give you goosebumps from Wolf Haven!
The Best of the Christian Web!
Randy Glasbergen's home page with GREAT cartoons!
Free stuff from kitty litter to mouse pads!
A really COOL site if you like our feathered friends!
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