Descendants of Stanislaus PAPROCKI


Stanislaus PAPROCKI was born in Poland. He married Antonina, who was born in Poland.
They had the following children:

+2 i. Michael PAPROCKI.


2. Michael PAPROCKI was born on 29 September 1829 in Poland. He died on 7 September 1894 in Milwaukee and is buried at St. Adalbert's Cemetery, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. He was married to Maryanna PISZCZEK about 1858 in Poland. Maryanna PISZCZEK was born about 1830 in Poland. She died about April 1870 in Poland. They had the following children:

+3 i. John PAPROCKI.
+4 ii. Francis PAPROCKI.
+5 iii. Antonina PAPROCKI.
+6 iv. Paul PAPROCKI.
+7 v. Eva PAPROCKI.
+8 vi. Adam PAPROCKI.

Michael PAPROCKI also married Francisca NOWAK about October 1873 in Poland. Francisca NOWAK was born in Poland. They had the following children:

+9 i. Josef PAPROCKI.
+10 ii. MaryAnn PAPROCKI.


3. John PAPROCKI was born on 16 April 1859 in Tlukomy, Poland. He was Baptised in Blugowo, Pila, Poland. He immigrated to Milwaukee, Wisconsin in 1880. He died on 29 October 1910 in Milwaukee and was buried on 3 November 1910 at St. Adalbert's Cemetery, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. He was married to Apollonia JASNIECKA on 13 November 1882 in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Apollonia JASNIECKA was born on 1 November 1862 in Cirkwitz, Posen, Poland. She died on 24 March 1930 in Milwaukeeand was buried at St. Adalbert's Cemetery, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. They had the following children:

+11 i. Anne PAPROCKI.
+12 ii. Evangeline PAPROCKI.

4. Francis PAPROCKI was born about 1862 in Poland. She was married to Anton GLYZEWSKI on 6 June 1881 in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Anton GLYZEWSKI was born in Poland.

5. Antonina PAPROCKI was born on 8 May 1866 in Tlukomy, Poland. She was Baptised in in Blugowo, Pila, Poland. Antonina PAPROCKI and LIJEWSKI had the following children:

13 i. Frank LIJEWSKI.

6. Paul PAPROCKI was born on 21 April 1867 in in Tlukomy, Poland. He was Baptised in in Blugowo, Pila, Poland. He immigrated on 22 January 1890 to New York, New York and was naturalized on 13 June 1922 in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. He died on 16 March 1946 and is buried at St. Adalbert's Cemetery.
He was married to MaryAnn JANUSZ on 11 October 1892 in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. MaryAnn JANUSZ was born on 12 October 1871 in Green Bay, Brown, Wisconsin, the daughter of Jan JANUSZ and Ewa PIOTROSKI. She died on 19 October 1912 in Milwaukee, and was buried on 24 October 1912 at St. Adalbert's Cemetery. They had the following children:

14 i. Roman L PAPROCKI.
+15 ii. Pauline PAPROCKI.
+16 iii. John B PAPROCKI.
+17 iv. Anna PAPROCKI.
+18 v. Francis PAPROCKI.
+19 vi. Frances Magdeline PAPROCKI.
+20 vii. Helen PAPROCKI.
21 viii. Aloysius PAPROCKI
+22 ix. Walter PAPROCKE.
+23 x. Felix PAPROCKE.
+24 xi. Cecelia Marcella Pauline PAPROCKI.
25 xii. male PAPROCKI was born and died on 20 January 1910 in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
+26 xiii. Paul P PAPROCKI.

Paul PAPROCKI wasalso married to Apollonia JASNIECKA (his brother's widow) on 23 April 1913 at St. Stanislaus Church, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Paul PAPROCKI and Apollonia JASNIECKA did not have children.

7. Eva PAPROCKI was born on 16 April 1870 in Poland. She died on 27 March 1950 in Wisconsin. She was married to John KABACZENSKI on 25 October 1886 in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. John KABACZENSKI was born on 4 April 1859 in Poland. He immigrated on 20 May 1881. He was naturalized on 17 October 1921 in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. They had the following children:

27 i. Apolonia KABACINSKI. She was married to Steven KUBACKI
28 ii. Frank KABACINSKI was born in October 1889 in Wisconsin. He died before 1920.
29 iii. Joseph KABACZENSKI was born in November 1893 in Wisconsin.
30 iv. Clemens KABACZENSKI was born in November 1898 in Wisconsin.
31 v. Monica KABACINSKI was born on 26 April 1901. She died on 12 October 1956.
32 vi. Vincent KABACZENSKI was born in 1905 in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

8. Adam PAPROCKI was born on 16 April 1870 in Poland. He immigrated on 2 December 1891 through Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. He was naturalized on 11 July 1911 in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. He died on 9 November 1933. He was married to Frances WOJTCZAK on 5 February 1895 in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Frances WOJTCZAK was born in 1875 in Poland. They had the following children:

33 i. Mary PAPROCKI Born on 17 October 1895. Died on 9 June 1896 in Milwaukee.
34 ii. Frank X PAPROCKI Born on 7 October 1896. Died 12 August 1897 in Milwaukee.
35 iii. Helina PAPROCKI Born on 22 January 1898 in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
36 iv. Catherine PAPROCKI. She was married to Ladislaus ROGACZEWSKI
37 v. Stephen PAPROCKI Born on 6 December 1902 in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
38 vi. John PAPROCKI Born on 13 June 1904. Died on 16 January 1914 in Milwaukee.
39 vii. Anna PAPROCKI. She was married to Joseph BRZEZWSKI
40 viii. Irene PAPROCKI. She was married to Joseph WIECHOWIAK
41 ix. Czeslaw Emil PAPROCKI. He was married to Marion SPANAUS
42 x. Martha PAPROCKI. She was married to Barney SIKORA

9. Josef PAPROCKI was born on 4 July 1874 in Poborka, Pila, Prussia. He immigrated on 16 April 1890 through New York City. He was naturalized on 9 June 1914 in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. He was married to Helen GRZESKI on 15 July 1902 in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Helen GRZESKI was born on 19 May 1882. She died on 10 January 1906 in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. They had the following children:

43 i. Rosie PAPROCKI was born on 10 February 1903 in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

Josef PAPROCKI also married Antonina about 1907 in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Antonina was born on 8 May 1876 in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. She died on 2 June 1953. They had the following children:

44 i. Clemens PAPROCKI was born on 6 February 1909 in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Died 4 Sept 1988 in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

10. MaryAnn PAPROCKI was born on 12 July 1877 in Poland. She died on 10 March 1964. She was married to Walenty (Valentine) JENDRZEJCZAK on 25 October 1897 in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Walenty JENDRZEJCZAK was born on 9 February 1876 in Poland. He died on 5 March 1963 in Wisconsin. He was naturalized. They had the following children:

45 i. Bernhard JEDCZEJCZAK was born in July 1898 in Wisconsin.


11. Anne PAPROCKI was born in 1898. She died on 15 March 1939 in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. She was married to Edward CHYBOWSKI on 10 May 1922 in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Edward CHYBOWSKI was born about 1898. They had a daughter, Rita CHYBOWSKI.

12. Evangeline PAPROCKI was born in February 1895 in Wisconsin. She was married to Alexander KOSMATKA on 17 June 1919 at St Stanislaus Church, in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Alexander KOSMATKA was born in 1890 in Wisconsin.

14. Roman L PAPROCKI was born on 10 August 1893 in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. He died on 18 June 1967 in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. He was married to Viola ROZMARYNOWSKI on 1 September 1914 in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Viola ROZMARYNOWSKI was born on 8 February 1892 in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. She died on 31 May 1977 in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. They had the following children:

47 i. Roman G PAPROCKI.
48 ii. Evelyn PAPROCKI.
49 iii. Esther PAPROCKI.
50 iv. George S PAPROCKI.
1 v. Irene PAPROCKI.
52 vi. Rita PAPROCKI Born on 21 January 1923. Died on 26 April 1923 in Milwaukee.
53 vii. Jerome A PAPROCKI.

15. Pauline PAPROCKI was born on 17 October 1894 in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. She died on 4 May 1946 in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. She was married to Joseph TARCZYNSKI on 1 September 1919 at Sts. Cyril & Methodus Church, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Joseph TARCZYNSKI was born on 10 February 1884. He died in December 1968 in Wisconsin. They had a daughter, Helen TARCZYNSKI.

16. John B PAPROCKI was born on 8 April 1896 in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. He died on 26 January 1972 in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. He was married to Celia ZIARNEK on 24 June 1919 at St. Hyacinth Church, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Celia ZIARNEK was born on 26 November 1893. She died on 15 March 1977 in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. They had a son, Daniel J PAPROCKI.

17. Anna PAPROCKI was born on 13 July 1897 in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. She was married to Barney SMERLINSKI in 1914. Barney SMERLINSKI was born in 1892. He died in 1934. They had the following children:

56 i. Conrad G SMERLINSKI.
57 ii. Aster SMERLINSKI.
58 iii. Virginia SMERLINSKI.
59 iv. Delores SMERLINSKI.
60 v. Alvin John SMERLINSKI.
1 vi. Rudolph SMERLINSKI Born on 1 January 1927. Died on 21 April 1930.
62 vii. Rosemary SMERLINSKI.
63 viii. Arlene SMERLINSKI.

18. Francis PAPROCKI was born on 3 October 1898 in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. He died on 30 November 1968 in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. He was married to Roselie PIETRZYNSKI on 20 May 1924 in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Roselie PIETRZYNSKI was born in September 1901 in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. She died in November 1965 in Wisconsin. They had the following children:

64 i. Ann Marie PAPROCKI.
65 ii. Daniel PAPROCKI.

19. Frances Magdeline PAPROCKI was born on 14 May 1900 in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. She died on 19 November 1969. She was married to Benedict E KOSMATKA on 30 July 1923 in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Benedict E KOSMATKA was born on 21 August 1897 in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. He died on 27 July 1966. They had the following children:

66 i. Benedict J KOSMATKA.
67 ii. MaryAnn KOSMATKA.

20. Helen PAPROCKI was born on 20 October 1901 in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. She died on 21 June 1953. She was married to Steven KUBACKI on 30 August 1921 in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Steven KUBACKI was born on 15 October 1891 in Prussia. He died on 30 December 1959. They had and infant which was born and died about December 1921 in Milwaukee, Wisconsin

22. Walter PAPROCKI was born on 10 August 1904 in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. He died on 20 October 1979 in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. He was married to Lucille PISKURIC on 27 April 1926 in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Lucille PISKURIC was born in 24 August 1906 in Wisconsin. She died 1 January 1999 in Lakeland, Polk, Florida. They had the following children:

69 i. Richard PAPROCKI.
70 ii. Robert PAPROCKI
71 iii. James PAPROCKI.
72 iv. Thomas PAPROCKI.
73 v. David PAPROCKI.
74 vi. Maryjane PAPROCKI was born in 1929. She died in 1930.

23. Felix PAPROCKE was born on 17 November 1905 in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. He died on 22 June 1979 in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. He was married to Agnes HAPKE in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Agnes HAPKE was born in 5 May 1912 in West Allis, Wisconsin. She died April 1990 in Wisconsin. They had the following children:

75 i. Katherine PAPROCKE.
76 ii. Margaret PAPROCKE
77 iii. Susann PAPROCKE.

24. Cecelia Marcella Pauline PAPROCKI was born on 22 October 1907 in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. She died on 4 September 1982 in Milwaukee. She was buried on 7 September 1982 in St. Mary's Cemetery, Port Washington, Ozaukee, Wisconsin. She was married to Eric Karl Hermann PAGEL on 19 September 1925 in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Eric Karl Hermann PAGEL was born on 22 July 1897 in Kirchhagen, Cammin, Pommerania, Prussia. He immigrated on 28 April 1901 through Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. He was naturalized on 22 January 1952 in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. He died on 25 July 1966 in Port Washington, Ozaukee, Wisconsin. He was buried in in St. Mary's Cemetery, Port Washington, Ozaukee, Wisconsin. They had the following children:

78 i. Eric Laurence PAGEL.
79 ii. Carl PAGEL Born and died on 16 May 1930 in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
80 iii. Patricia Louise Margaret PAGEL.
81 iv. Frederick Paul PAGEL.

26. Paul P PAPROCKI was born on 11 October 1912 in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. He died on 28 February 1972 in Wauwautosa, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. He was married to Irene B LESNIEWSKI about 1934. Irene B LESNIEWSKI was born on 28 July 1913. She died on 30 September 1971 in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. They had the following children:

82 i. Robert Paul PAPROCKI.
83 ii. Gilbert John PAPROCKI.
84 iii. Gerald Francis PAPROCKI.

For information on additional generations, contact Denise Pagel Moskovitz

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