This is a charcoal drawing I did of my first U.D.T. German Shepherd "Jessie".
This is of a pet lab I did for a friend of mine.

These are mugs that I hand thrown on the potters wheel and then the carved animal head,tail and paw was added later. The mug itself is carved to appear jungle-like. Then after bisque firing it is hand glazed and refired.

These are ceramic octarinas. A octarina is a whistle that plays 8 notes. The dolphin plays a octive and a half. I have made a whole zoo of animals from ardvarks to zebras. Each whistle is hand-formed, then the animal parts are added on. The animal is carved individuality by hand. After drying the whistle is bisqued fired then painted with glaze and then fired again. Watch for more, I will be rotating them and adding a archive page to help with download time. I call the whistles "PET-TOOTERS"© ..See more whistle..

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