Savage Jaycees -- Upcoming Events

October 26th, 1997

Pumpkin Carving.  This years event will be at Linda Ampe's house at 2:00 PM.

October 30th, 1997

Lynn Court Fall Social.  Come help serve our friends in Lynn Court a special meal!

November 5th, 1997

Chapter Thanksgiving Project.  Come to the Numainville residence at 6:00 PM  and do Thanksgiving projects with the kids!

Poinsetta Sales  -- Call the Savage Jaycees (at the number below) to order TODAY! Delivery on December  first -- price - $10.00 each.


Mens Weekend Away

Breakfast with Santa

The Savage Jaycees meet the first Tuesday of each month at the Knights of Columbus Hall in Savage, Minnesota at 7:00 P.M.  The Knights of Columbus Hall is located at the intersection of 135th Street W. and County Road 27.  You are welcome to attend the meeting and learn more about the Savage Jaycees. You can also call our local number and leave a message.  A representative will call you back as soon as possible.  The number is 612-447-7991.

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