Winners of the "Fisher of Men" Award

These pages are well worth your visit. Stay awhile and enjoy getting to know Jesus and finding sites. Maybe even meet a friend or two. I am delighted to give the award to these pages. They represent a love for our Lord Jesus Christ as well as a lot of very hard work.
Please be sure and sign their guestbooks. And if you have not signed mine, PLEASE DO.

Christian Corner

LeAnn's Page

Annie's Home Page

Mercy In Jesus

Quiet Heart's Quiet Home Page

The Narrow Gate

Mandy's Page

Jesus Loves Me

Christian Country CONTACT

4 Ever His

The Christian Surf Shop

The Denman's Christian Fellowship Home

Hughes Family Homepage

Chuck's Homepage

Wisdom's Window

Aravis's Page

JabulaniCat's Praise Page

First Baptist Church of Central Florida

New Spirit Full Gospel Word Church & Seminary

Lansing South Church of the Nazarene

Calvary Temple Worship Center

The Gims Newsletter

Christian Connection Radio

Salt Factory


You are listening to "Father I Adore You"

This page last updated 3/08/98