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Welcome to my home (page). Feel free to browse around the sites. If you are interested in having a website designed for your needs, contact me at Enjoy!! Featured as
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Greetings from one clown to another!

I was born on the tropical island of Guam. on the same day as Johnny Carson, the year Albert Einstein died. I grew up in Chicago on the same Southside Jim Croce described in the early 1970s. There my eyes were opened by an Invisible Man.

While I consider myself a "city kid", I spent my summers at my uncle's farm in Indiana.
Here I learned the value of hard work, sweat, and watching where you step. Cow manure was something you shovelled, literally. One of those character building experiences we are told are good for us.

Young Farmer

Finally is was off to college where I got an interesting education, but an impractical degree in Psychology, with a Chemistry minor. How's that for an unusual combination?? Anyway, given my readiness for the workforce, I chose the obvious, I went to graduate school. After two years of that, I had a degree in Audiology, and had to face the "real" world.

I landed a government job as an audiologist in California, where I have been ever since. As an audiologist, my area of special interest has been in the assessment of central auditory system lesions and processing problems. "What" or "huh" can indicate more than a simple hearing loss. Most recently I have been studying the hearing processing problems found in people suffering from Alzheimer's disease. Serious stuff can also result in hearing problems.

Other wonderful things in my life are my wife, a native New Yorker, and my two very special miracle daughters who were born in 1986 and 1991. In fact, because of the events surrounding the creation of our family, we were profiled on "The Home Show" back in 1992. Nothing like being a regular person on nationwide TV, LIVE!!! I guess I've used up my 15 minutes of fame.

Besides hanging out with my family, encouraging my elder daughter's soccer aspirations, being silly with my youngest or a Saturday night date with my wife (and no kids), I actually find time for other hobbies. Two of them originated from my wish to shape up because of hitting the BIG 40. Swimming is relaxing (no distractions), a high calorie burner and easy on the knees for those of us stupid enough to play full contact, no pads football in our youth. Rollerblading is something I just recently started to do. I got a pair for my 40th birthday. I don't know if it was a result of my baby boomer refusal to grow old, or a quest to try something new (like break bones). But you don't need to know about my neuroses. Another interest, which I hope is obvious by now, is computers and the Internet. I have been working on refining my HTML skills for the last two years. It is actually relaxing and helps satisfy the creative needs that are central to the human experience.

I hope I haven't bored you too much and I hope the links have proved to be interesting, enlightening, entertaining and/or educational. Any feedback, unless you are wearing a hearing aid (whoops, sorry - audiological joke) would greatly be appreciated.---chuck

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