The Husted Family from Dorset, England
To Massachusetts, United States in 1635

By GENE HUSTED, Clark County, Ohio
UPDATED March 6, 2009



Husted Family Lines is a web page giving information on my small part of the Husted Family. Here I can add information on my direct family, and I have listed other links that may help give information. This Information Is Free for Anyone to use, copy or share.

A click on the link below will give you my Husted Gedcom Family File. This file has my Latest Genealogy Information on the Husted and other Related Family's. It can be used with most any genealogy software.
Husted Ged

This web page is a "Timeline" of events in the life of our English Ancestor Robert Husted and his Family who came from England to this country in 1634/1635.

HUSTED FAMILY PICTURES, Here I have family pictures, documents and headstones,that relate to my direct family and relatives.

Family Tree DNA is a company that specializes in genealogical DNA testing. These DNA test help give an answer to the relationship of the many branches of our Husted Family. Researchers are using Family Tree DNA testing to genealogically track and compare the HUSTED, HEUSTED, HUSTIS, HUSTEAD families, and any other Husted's with the various spellings, hopefully following back to our immigrant ancestor, Robert Husted. There have been Husted, Heusted, Huestis, and Hustead's from different areas joining in the test so far. Many types of tests are available, and Any and All Husted Men and Women with a blood related Husted Family Member can add to the growing list of Husted Family DNA. Type your Last Name in the Family Tree search area and follow the links to the Husted Site.
Family Tree DNA

I add any information that is freely available about our Husted Family. Be sure when doing your family search to save or copy all resources. Some Genealogy Information Available on the Internet is Copy-Written by Companies That Collect, and Sell Genealogy Information. Use family pictures and stories, obituaries, wills, land deeds, census records, or your grandmothers calendar from 1950 that had birthday's and anniversarys. Many other families have married into the Husted family,and research on them may give a name or a date. Remember, Do not take what you find in one book, the internet, or this web page as the absolute answer.
Comments or ideas are welcomed.


Ewstead, Huste, Heustis, Heusted, Husted, Hustead.

These variations of our family name have been found by numerous researchers, and are the basis for our present day surnames. They appear from the 1500's in England, to the time of our immigrant ancestor Robert Husted [Huste], along with his sons Angell [ Heusted ], and Robert [ Heustis ]Jr. The sons of our ancestor Robert Husted, Robert Huestis Jr. and Angell Heusted lived near each other, Angell living in the Greenwich, Connecticut area, and Robert Jr. living northwest of Greenwich in what is now New York. The Angell Heusted line of our family came to be Husted at some point in time and descendants of Angell Husted, later living in the border areas of Pennsylvania, and West Virginia, [Pre Civil - War Virginia ] changed to Hustead. The Robert Heustis Jr. line in the New York area continued the Heustis family name [with variations of spelling]. Ann Husted, the daughter of Robert Husted [Huste]and his wife Elizabeth, married Richard Hardy of Stamford, Connecticut.

Some Husted researchers include a John Husted b.1510 in Newport, Isle Of Wight, as being a chaplain to the " then Queen Elizabeth " and his son Lawrence Husted b.1545, in Dorsetshire, as the father of our ancestor Robert Husted. The COUNTY RECORD OFFICE in Newport does list a John Eustice who was baptised in 1544, the son of John Eustice, but neither were in the service of the Queen. A Chaplain to the Queen, Richard Eades, of Newport, was born in 1544, died in 1604, and is buried in Worchester Cathederal.

Richard Ewstead, who is documented, sailed with a Reverend Francis Higginson party to Massachusetts in 1629, and he was in the area of Salem Massachusetts. It is unknown if Richard Ewstead is any possible relative to our immigrant ancestor Robert Husted.


Robert Husted [Huste] [Hewstead] [Heusted] [ Hustis ] ca.1595 - 1652

Some Husted researchers say that Robert Husted had a possible first wife, Anne Moon, and the children born to them in Bridgeport, Dorset, England were Morgan, Anne, and Deanes.

Morgan - b.08/10/1617
Anne - 03/14/1619-1620
Deanes - 09/23/1621
The given date for the possible marriage of Robert and Anne Moon is April 16th, 1616 and a death date for Anne Moon of February 1st, 1622
In this country, no records of census, death, will, or probate records have been found or seen for Anne Moon, or the children, Anne, Morgan, or Deanes.

"1623 Visitation records " for Dorsetshire, or Somersetshire, do not seem to list Robert Husted, other Husted's, or imaginable variations of the Husted name that will connect to our ancester, Robert Husted. These records show an Elizabeth Miller being the daughter of Lawrence Miller and his wife Joane Smith. Joane was the daughter and sole heir of Angell Smith of Stratton, Dorsetshire, and apparently Joane was married first to a George Graye.

Robert Husted's possible second wife, Elizabeth Miller, was Christened in Stratton, Dorset, and their children, who were born in Dorset, England were Angell, Ann, and Robert jr.

In 1628, from tax records, Robert Husted had a home in or around the town of Pilsden, in Dorsetshire, England.

Copies of the wills for our ancestor Robert Husted and his wife Elizabeth are available, Robert Husted names his wife as Elizabeth. Land purchase deeds that Robert and his son Angell were witnesses for can be found. Wills and Deeds of land ect., are available from Robert Hustis jr., and Angell Huested sr.

Around March 20,1635, Robert was a member of the Weymouth Parish, and left England with the Crewkerne Parish Leader Reverend Joseph Hull, sailing from the Port of Weymouth, England, on a ship [Unknown], also possibly registered as the MARYGOULD, [Marygold]. They landed in Weymouth, Massachusetts.

Robert lived somewhere in the area near Weymouth, Massachusetts, and on January 27,1640, Robert and his family were offered a grant of land in Mount Woolaston, later [Braintree], Massachusetts of 32 acres of land, 4 acres for each family member, at a price of 3 shillings an acre. We know of five members of Robert's family, somehow there were three other members living in Robert's household to be eligible for the 32 acres of land. ?
"Names of those who came here to reside, and are to be found on the Braintree town and parish records: Each member of a family recieved four acres."
Heads - Acres
1638. Feb, 19th., Hawkins, James 4, 16
1638. Feb, 19th., Hawkins, Thomas 4, 16
1640. Jan. 27th. Hewstead, Robert 8, 32
1640. Mar, 30th., Haven Robert 4, 16
1640. Mar, 30th., Hathaway, Nicholas 9, 36

On July 18, 1640, Robert Husted and Andrew Messenger signed as witnesses on a document for Captain Daniel Patrick and his Lieutenant, Robert Feakes to purchase land from the Native American Indians in the area now known as Greenwich, Connecticut. Robert's son Angell Husted and Richard Williams signed as witnesses for a purchase of land by Jeffry Ferris on this same document. Angell Husted had to be at least 14 years old to sign as a witness [as 14 was the legal age at that time].

Robert, by October,1642, was granted 7 acres of land in Stamford, Connecticut.
The words in {parenthese}, are not readable in the original document. Recorded in Stamford,Connecticut: "As of October,1642,in a general town meeting was given these, following,these lots as other men, marsh & woodland, viz:{ }ine,Jo.Underhill,eight acres; to Robert Hustice seven acres; { }acres; Jo.Miller,five acres, to Jo. Finch,six acres; { }ree acres; & to every of them woodland after the same proportion,& to William Newman two acres marsh and three acres woodland".

Robert had a home in Stamford, Connecticut and lived there until 1645, when he purchased land in Greenwich Connecticut from Robert Feakes, and built another home. Robert Husted was living in Greenwich at least until September 18, 1649 when Robert, along with Thomas Sherwood, Richard Crab and John Coe sent a letter to the Dutch Governor of the area, Peter Stuyvesant concerning problems between the towns of Stamford and Greenwich. The will of Robert Husted is dated July 8, 1652, and leaves his land in Stamford to his son Robert [Robert Hustis], his land in Greenwich to his son Angell [Heusted].


Robert Husted had a sense of adventure and opportunity, probably with less money than those he traveled with. Obviously joining with Reverend Joseph Hull, to America; knowing or meeting Daniel Patrick and Roberet Feake, which brought his family to Stamford, Connecticut.

Robert Heustis jr. and Angell Heusted, the sons of Robert Husted seem to have chosen seperate areas to live, Angell Heusted staying in the Greenwich, Stamford area of Connecticut, and Robert Heustis making a home in New York. During their lives, Robert and Angell lived in areas either under the control of the British, or the Dutch, and Religion was also a serious part of every-day life. It seems that those who left England for freedom, still lived in areas under English control of life, religion and protection. Areas under Dutch Authority seemed to be more tolerent of a person, a family, or a town's lifestyle. The change of the spelling of the Husted name between these two brothers appears definite.

Richard Ewstead was in Salem, Massachusetts in 1629 with "Frances Higginson's Fleet". Did he stay, die in Salem, Massachusetts, or go back to England. Could Richard Ewstead have been a brother or relative to Robert Hustes [Husted], our known ancestor.? On January,27,1639, Robert Husted was given a grant of of 32 acres of land in Braintree, Massachusetts. Parish Records show 4 acres for each family member, apparently 8 family members under the name of Robert Hewstead. Did our Husted family do the same in England? Each identified with his own pronounced name, Heustis - New York area, Heusted [ Husted ]- Connecticut, and and New Jersey, with Moses Hustead - Pennsylvania, Virginia [ later West Virginia ]. Another question is if, most times it was common to name the first - born son after the father, why was the first born son of our ancestor Robert Husted named Angell and not Robert Jr., if our family dates are correct?

ROBERT HUSTED - b.1595 - d.1652.....marr. Elizabeth Miller - b.1606-d.1654
* Angell [ Heusted ], Husted*
- Robert [ Huestis ], Husted jr. - b.1626 - d.12/23/1704....marr..Elizabeth Buxton
- Ann Husted b. - 1623 - d.12/13/1707....marr..Richard Hardy

ANGELL HUSTED - b.1620-1628 - d.1706....marr..Rebecca Sherwood - b.1625 - d.aft.1706
Rebecca Sherwood was the daughter of Thomas Sherwood and Alice ? (Seabrook), being nine years of age when the family came to Massachusetts in 1634.
- Rebecca Husted - B.1645 - D.04/1708..Married..Jonathan Reynolds
- Jonathan Husted - B.1647 - D.1705..Married..Mary Lockwood
- David Husted - b.1649 - d.1706....Unmarried
* Moses Husted *
- Joseph Husted - B.1662 - D.1718..Married..Sarah Seymour
- Elizabeth Husted - B.1656 - D.?..Married..Joseph Baldwin
- John Husted - B.1661 - d.?..Married..Elizabeth [Unknown]
- Samuel Husted - B.1665 - D.1741..Married..Sarah Knapp
- Angell Husted jr. - B.1654 - D.1728..Married..1st Mary Mead,..2nd Rebecca Reynolds

*MOSES HUSTED * B.1659 - D.Unknown..Married..Unknown
- Moses Jr. - B.1710 - D.08/23/1773..Married..Elizabeth Stanley
* David Husted *

*DAVID HUSTED* - B.1713 - D.1775....Married..Priscilla Ann Whiticar
- David Husted Jr. - B.1737 D.06/19/1804..Married..Priscilla Diament
- Zephaniah Husted - B.1741 - D.?..Married...?
- Jeremiah Husted - B.1743 - D.1786..Married..Annie Bacon
- Rhoda Husted - B.1749 - D.07/30/1829..Married..John Burk
- Hosea Husted - B.02/06/1753 - D.05/25/1823..Married..Mary Mountgomery
* Reuben Husted *
- Joel Husted - B.1758 - D.05/17/1796..Married..Mary [Unknown]
- Jonathan Husted - B.1768 - D.?..Married..Hannah Bacon

* REUBEN HUSTED * - b.1755 - d.1827......marr..Ruth Johnson - b.1757-d.aft.1843
* Reuben Husted Jr. *
- Josiah Husted - B.1778 - D.?..Married...Polly Fithian
- Daniel Husted - B.09/12/1787 - D.07/22/1860..Married..Rebecca Cossiboon
- Elijah Husted - B.1789 - D.09/13/1855..Married..Clarissa Buck
- Ebenezer Husted - B.1800 - D.?....marr...?
- Violetta Husted - B.1807 - D.?..Married..?
- Elmer Husted - B.? - D.?..Married..?
- Sarah Husted - B.? - D.?..Married..Samuel Moore

* REUBEN HUSTED Jr. * - B.12/06/1778 - D.aft. 1856..Married..1st Sally Mountgomery, Married 2nd..Mary Kellough
- Matthias Husted - B.1799 - D.?..Married..?
- Daniel Husted - B.1801 - D.?..Married..?
- Reuben Husted III - B.1805 - D.?..Married..Amy Fisher
- Sarah Husted - B.1807 - D.?..Married..?
* Aden Husted *
- Nathan Husted - B.05/01/1823 - D.11/13/1903..Married..1st Mary Willis..2nd Mary Stockwell
- John Husted - B.1828 - D.06/13/1886..Married..Jacqueline Griffin
- Charles Husted - B.06/10/1831 - D.01/09/1903..Married..Elizabeth Lawson

* ADEN HUSTED * - B.1822 - D.1905..Married..Sarah Pummell - B.1823 - D.1903
* Isaac Husted *
- John Husted - B.1853 - D.1932..Married..Rebecca Dowler
- Samuel Husted - B.1857 - D.1933..Married..Emma Ross
- Mary Husted - B.03/13/1859 - D.01/16/1934..Married..Lewis Harvey
- Orlando Husted - B.07/20/1861 - D.1939..Married..Anne Rinehart
- Emma Husted - B.1863 - D.1954..Married..Samuel Rhodes
- Sarah Husted - B.1866 - D.?..Married..?
- James Husted - B.1868 - D.1935..Married..Margaret Lawson

* ISAAC HUSTED * - B.12/21/1852 - D.06/27/1934..Married..
[1] Martha Peniston - B.08/09/1852 - D.04/05/1884
- Maggie Husted - B.04/24/1878 - D.?..Married..?
- Edward Husted - B.06/20/1879 - D.1972..Married..Martha Shoemaker
- Nora Husted - B.06/14/1881 - D.1914.. Unmarried
[2] Minney May Bayham - B.08/02/1862 - D.02/09/1919
- Marion Husted - B.10/25/1891 - D.02/04/1950..Unmarried
- Charles Husted - B.12/20/1892 - D.12/20/1892
* Lee Roy Husted * - B.06/17/1896 - D.09/09/1980..Married..Anna Dunlap
- Hazel Husted - B.01/05/1900 - D.1969..Married..Fred Robinette

Any comments, questions, or additions are welcomed.

Thank you's to Grand-Dad Husted for getting me intersted, Aunt Lois for giving me more more interest, along with information on my direct family. LeRoy Husted, the Founder of the Husted Family National Association, and Other Husted Cousins: Melvin, Grace Mr.Ayers, Jeffery, Karl, Wil, Vern, Harris, John, Phyllis, Dr. Sam, Shirley, Beth, [thank you for the information on "Pet Husted"], and cousin Terry. Many other Husted cousins have stories to tell. If you have a Husted Genealogy Web Page, and would like to link to this page, or if anyone want's to share information, or family stories on this web page, I will place it here, and credit it to you and your research.

THANK YOU #3, Keep On Racing


There is a story of three Husted brothers, James, David and George, who came from England in 1804, setteling in Patterson, New Jersey. All three brothers and their descendents later moved to different areas of this country.
James Husted was in the Kansas City, Missouri area and his son James D. Husted settled in Colorado and had the Husted Land and Cattle Company. Husted, Colorado was the Post Office there, named for James D. Husted
David Husted stayed in the east and had five sons; Harrison, Calvin Richmond, Hosea, William and Charles Woodruff Husted. Some descendents of David Husted lived in Madison, Wisconsin. Charles W. Husted lived in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania and had two sons; Edward and Paul Stanger Husted. Paul Husted had a daughter Gladys G. Husted who never married and in 1958 was living with her mother in Williamstown, New Jersey. Calvin Husted went to Colorado having two sons and three daughters; Herbert, Walter, Frances, Grace and a daughter who died young.
The third brother, George Husted came to live in Ohio at what is now the villiage of Hustead, located between Springfield and Yellow Springs in Clark County, Ohio. George apparently gave one of his buildings to the government to use, known as the Hustead Post Office with the villiage of Hustead growing around it. There is a cemetery here named the Ebenezer - Husted Cemetery which is the resting place for the family of Joseph Newcomb Husted. This cemetery is located near Collier Road. George Husted was married to Matilda Collier. Their children were; Anne, James Ladley, Benjamin and David Husted, all born in Hustead, Ohio. James Ladley Husted and his wife Sarah May had nine children. One son, Shepard Newcomb Husted, was a famous guide for Estes Park in Colorado. Another relative was Stanley N. Husted, a well known attorney and prosecutor in Clark County, Ohio. More information on some members of this family from Hustead, Ohio is available.
The 1804 immigration story of these three brothers may be questionable. Many of the names seem to exactly match those of families who were living in New Jersey, all descended from our ancestor Robert Husted. In particular, Joseph Newcomb Husted who was a son of Moses Husted and his wife Content Newcomb.
Joseph Newcomb Husted and wife Hanna Jenkins are listed with eleven children ; David, James, Newcomb, George, Phebe, Ann W., Matilda, Jeremiah, Content, Ruth and Rachel Husted. No positive proof but some "daughters" could be wives of sons. Those buried with Joseph Newcomb Husted and his wife Hannah Jenkins are; David Jenkins, Phebe Husted, Ruth Husted, Newcomb Husted, George Husted, Mary Ann Husted, Mary Jane Husted. The headstones of Joseph, Hannah, David, Phebe, Ruth and Newcomb are the same style, while the stones for George, Mary Ann and Mary Jane are of a different style, and from the dates, Mary Jane is the daughter of George and Mary Ann Husted.
If there is anyone who has information to add or corrections to this story ?

Walter Hustis. From New Jersey Colonial Documents, Vol XXIII First Series, Calendar of Wills: June 20, 1707. HUSTIS, WALTER, of Pen's Neck, Salem Co. Wife ______. Children: James under age), William and John, son-in-law William, daughter-in-law Mary. Lands bought from Andrew Andrewson and Abraham Vanhyle. Personal property (seven silver spoons, silver shoe buckles, books). Executors - the wife with William Hall and Nathaniel Brading as trustees for son James, until he is 17, when he is to be sole exe-cutor. Witnesses - Cornelius Copner, William Gill Johnson and John Johnson,Proved 2 Apr 1708. ____ ____ ____ Inventory of the personal estate made by John Robison and Thomas Ramson. ____ ____ ____ Inventory of the personal estate of the Widow Houstens incl. a Bible bound with silver and silver clasps and old books.

Family researchers have not found to whom Walter Hustis is related to. Along with Walter Hustis in 1707, the only other known Husted owning land in this area of Salem County, New Jersey was Moses Husted b.1659, the son of Angell Huested Sr. Moses was deeded 16 acres of land in Salem County, New Jersey on October 24, 1697. Walter Hustis and Moses Husted [and or their families] may have been the first or only Husted's in New Jersey at this point of time.

The Husted's of my family will be up-dated when possible.


Robert; Angell; Moses; David; Reuben; Reuben; Adin; Issac; LeRoy Husted.

Moses Husted Born 1659 - Died

Moses Husted was born in Greenwich, Connecticut, the son of Angell Husted [ Huested ] and Rebecca Sherwood. By October 24,1696, Moses held a deed of sixteen acres of land in Salem County, New Jersey, from Jeremiah Beacon. Moses Husted, along with Captain Joseph Seeley are said to have founded the first settlement in what is now Fairfield Township, Cumberland County, New Jersey. Whom he married, his date or place of death, and any children other than sons Moses and David are unknown so far.
[ Moses was about 37 years old when he purchased land in New Jersey, and was he was 51-53 years old when his sons David and Moses were born. In my opinion it's possible that he was married more than once with other children younger than David and Moses.

David Husted Born 1713 - Died 03/1775

David Husted was born in Fairfield Township, Cumberland County, New Jersey, the son of Moses Husted and his Unknown Wife. David married Priscilla Ann Whiticar and they lived in the area of Fairton in New Jersey. David and Priscilla were members of the Fairfield Presbyterian Church [Old Stone Church]. David died in March of 1775, his will is dated March 15, 1775, and was proved on April 06/1775. David's wife Priscilla was born about 1726, and died about 1762, in Fairton, New Jersey. Both are buried in the "Old Stone Church Cemetery".

Reuben Husted Born 1755 - Died 05/14/1827

Reuben Husted was the son of David Husted and Priscilla Ann Whiticar, in the area of Fairton, Cumberland County, New Jersey. Reuben married Ruth Johnson on April 16, 1778, and established a home near Fairton or Cedarville, in Cumberland County. From the best information so far, eight children were born, apparently four being lost in infancy. Reuben served in the Revolutionary War, at the battles of Trenton and Princeton, and on April 16, 1818, at the age of sixty-three, he was granted a pension as a veteran of the Revolutionary War. Reuben died 0n May 14, 1827, in Cedarville, and was buried in the Old Stone Church Cemetary in Fairton, New Jersey. After legislation was approved allowing war widows to draw a pension, his wife Ruth Johnson, at the age of 86, was granted a widows pension on July 25, 1843. Ruth probably died in Cedarville, the exact place and date unknown so far.

REUBEN HUSTED Jr. Born 12/08/1778 - Died after 1856

Reuben Husted Jr. was born on December 8, 1778, in the area of Cedarville, Fairfield Township, Cumberland County, New Jersey, the son of Reuben Husted Sr. [b.1755], and Ruth Johnson [b.1757].
Reuben may have had three marriages, first to Sally Montgomery on October 4, 1803, later a second marriage, and a third to Mary Kellough between 1830 and 1840.
The 1803 marriage of Reuben to Sally Montgomery is curious since the 1830 New Jersey census lists Sally as between 30 and 39 years of age, making her born about 1790. This would have her married at 12 or 13 years of age, along with Reuben, born in 1778 being about 25 years old. Children born to Reuben and Sally were: Mathias -1799, Daniel -1801, Reuben 3rd. -1805, Sarah - 1807. Records of the Presbyterian Church of Fairton New Jersey show the death of "Daughter of Reuben Husted on July 18, 1811". The first two birth dates of Mathias and Daniel do not seem to fit with the marriage date of Reuben and Sally. Aden -August 8, 1822, Nathan -May 1, 1823, John -1828 and Charles -June 10, 1831 have the appearance from their birth dates of being from a second marriage. There is an obvious 15 year gap between the birth of Sarah in 1807 and Aden in 1822, which suggests that there was another possible marriage.
The 1830 census of Fairfield Township, Cumberland County, New Jersey gives a listing of Reuben Jr., wife Sally and four sons, Aden, Nathan, John and Charles. At this time Mathias, Daniel, Reuben 3rd. and Sarah were easily of age and had probably left the family home.

1830 U. S. Census M19 R81 P490
NJ, Cumberland Co., Fairfield Twsp. ___ ___ ___ ___/____ ____
Name 0 0 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1/0 0 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1/
Reuben /2 2 _ _ _ _ 1 _ _ _ _ _ _/_ _ _ _ _ 1 _ _ _ _ _ _ _/_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
(Reuben)_______________ 40-49MW
(Sally)________________ 30-39FW
_______________________ 05-09MW
_______________________ 05-09MW
_______________________ 00-04MW
_______________________ 00-04MW

Sometime between 1830 and 1840 the marriage of Reuben Husted and Sally Montgomery ended or Sally passed away, and in this time frame, Reuben married Mary Kellough [b.1789-d.1866].

The 1840 census for this area of New Jersey does not list Reuben Jr., or his family because Reuben and his family had moved to the area of Bainbridge in Ross County, Ohio. The 1840 Census for Twin Township, in Ross County, Ohio does show Reuben Jr., with his wife Mary and four sons. One son is between the age of 5 and 10, [Charles], two sons are between the age of 10 and 15, [Nathan and John], and one son is between the age of 15 and 20. [Aden]. Reuben is listed as between the age of 60 and 70, while his wife Mary is shown between 50 and 60 years of age.
The 1850 Ross County, Ohio Census for the town of Bainbridge, in Paxton Township has "Reuben age 72, occupation none; Mary age 71, and one son Adin age 27, occupation chairmaker. The place of birth given for Reuben, wife Mary, and son Adin is " New Jersey." Reuben's wife, Mary Kellough could have been from, or may have had relatives in Ohio. Families with the Kellough name were allready living in areas of Bainbridge and Ross County, Ohio.

This concerns Reuben Jr.,'s father Reuben Husted [b.1755].
Abstracts of Revolutionary War Files:
"Soldier applied April 16, 1818 in Cumberland Co., New Jersey. Married Ruth Johnson April 16, 1778, both were of Fairfield Twp. in Cumberland Co. Soldier died there on May 14, 1827. Widow applied there on July 15, 1843 aged 86. Soldier and wife had eight children. Son Reuben was born December 8, 1778 and in 1843 he had recently moved to Ohio from Fairfield Twp., New Jersey. A son Daniel [ 4th child ] was born September 21, 1787 and in 1843 was living in Fairfield Twp., New Jersey. A son Ebenezer was aged 20 in 1820 and a daughter Violetta was 13 in 1820. A grandson Daniel was aged 6 in 1821 and living with soldier. Charles Johnson of Cumberland Co., New Jersey was mentioned in 1778 but no relationship was stated." After Congress approved legislation allowing war widows to draw a pension, at the age of eighty-six, Ruth Johnson was granted a widows pension on July 25, 1843. Her application stated that the year of her birth was 1757.

Sometime between the years 1830 and 1840, Reuben moved from Fairfield Township in Cumberland County, New Jersey to the area of Bainbridge, Twin Township in Ross County, Ohio, and any reasons for the move, or why he chose the Ross County area are unknown, as is the date and where Reuben Husted Jr. married Mary Kellough.

One family story about Reuben Husted was related by a 2nd cousin, "Husted". He told of an auction in Ross County, Ohio, in which Reuben sold all the family goods. Supposedly he also tried to sell his wife, Mary [Kellough] and apparently a son or son's either kept her out of the auction, or bought her before someone else could. Other family stories say Reuben's son Adin bought her and never allowed Reuben around her again.
Another Husted "cousin" had a similiar story about Reuben Husted. "What I know and have been told about the Husted Family". Great Grandfather and Great Grandmother: Ruben and Pet Husted was their names. My great grandfather's name was Ruben. He was a very cruel man. He sold my great grandmother at public auction, when he had a sale. My Grandfather, Adin, bought her and never allowed great grandfather to live with her after that. But before this sale, he would come home often drunk and would drag great grandmother around the house by her hair, of course all women wore long hair at that time. Her sons sometimes would hide her in the tool chest when they knew their father was drunk. I think great grandfather must have been a cave man--ha. To this union was born 3 sons that I know of - Namely : Isaac, John and Adin.
According to various other family descendants, Reuben was a "rough individual, who was prone to a drink, and was not overly kind to anyone, especially his wife or children". At times, his wife Mary [Kellough ], who was also known as "Pet Husted", was hidden for protection.

Strange that Mary [Pet] Husted's sons protect her, yet, after "Reuben's Sale", three of his sons left Ohio in 1856, and Mary lived out her life in the home of her son Adin. The other sons, Nathan, John, and Charles, who lived and married in Ross County, Ohio, were living near the town of Marshall, Clark County, Illinois in 1856, never returning or making contact with the family in Ohio. Some of their descendants were in the apple orchard business and at one time the father of the musician Burl Ives worked for them in the orchards. Family stories say Reuben himself may have moved to Illinois, and is buried, some family think, in the Danville, Illinois area. So far, no one has been able to provide exact information on Reuben's place of death, the date, or a place of burial. His wife, Mary Kellough, is buried at the Bishop Hill Cemetary in Ross County, Ohio, and her gravestone states that: "Mary, wife of Reuben died January 19, 1866, aged 77 years 9 months 24 days." By 1860, there is no trace of Reuben, or Mary in the Ross County Ohio census, even though Mary was supposedly living with her son Aden.

Nathan married Mary Willis 12/02/1847 in Chillicothe, Ohio, with a daughter Josephine. Mary Willis passed away and in Illinois, on 4/21/1856, Nathan married Mary Stockwell, and they had children, John, Thomas, and Mary.
John married Jacqulien Griffin 03/08/1849 in Ross County,Ohio with children Ella, Claude, Alice, and Ullrich. Some descendants related to Claude Husted later moved to Michigan.
Charles married Elizabeth Lawson, with a son Grant Husted.

Located in Ross County, Ohio, close to Bainbridge, the headstone of "Mary, wife of Reuben" does not give any information concerning her husband Reuben, only her death in 1866. There does not appear to be any un-marked graves near Mary.

ADIN HUSTED Born 08/05/1822 - Died 12/27/1905

Adin and his wife Sarah Pummill were farmers, and after ca. 1856, Adin's mother Mary [Kellough] lived with them, [away from her husband Reuben], until her passing. Adin and Sarah, in their later years, were living on Potts Hill Rd, near Nipgen, in Ross County, Ohio. Pictures of their home ca.1895 and pictures taken nearly 100 years later, reveal new windows and roof, but the basic home is there.

ISSAC HUSTED Born 12/21/1852 - Died 06/27/1934

Issac Husted and his first wife Martha Penniston lived near Nipgen, Ohio, with their two children, Edward and Nora. Ed Husted married Martha Jane Shoemaker. Nora passed away in her early 30's. There is a a picture of a Gladys Husted who may be a sister of Ed Husted or Ed husted's son Melvin?? At a time around 1890, Issac came home to find Martha had passed away, and he later married Minnie May Bayhan, daughter of Gilead Bayhan M.D. of Pike County, Ohio, with children Hazel, Marion, and Roy.

LEE ROY HUSTED Born 06/17/1896 - Died 09/09/1980

Lee Roy Husted was one of the children of Isaac Husted, and married Anna G. Dunlap. Roy was a veteran of World War One, and survived the influenza outbreak of 1917 - 1918. He told me that he was at Camp Sherman in Chillicothe,Ohio, during the winter and there was no room for him in a barricks with so many soldiers being sick. Along with others, he had a cot outside and many blankets to hopefully stay warm. He thought being outside in fresh air helped him survive, as many other soldiers died. Later, in the 1930's and 40's, in Springfield,Ohio, Roy raised his family on a farm, and used other available land in the area for truck farming. Starting in the late 1940's, Lee Roy was building homes around the northern city limits of Springfield,Ohio. The Dunlap family apparently came from Ireland in the early 1800's. My grandmother, Anna G. Dunlap, was born in Yellow Springs, Ohio, and her mother worked as a maid on the Whithall Farm near the city limits of Yellow Springs, Ohio. Somewhere between Yellow Springs, and Bainbridge, Ohio, they met.


Husted Family National Association
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GenForum: Husted Family Forum
A forum for the exchange of Husted Family Information.

The Husted Family & Boulder Knoll Stables
This web page is by a Husted cousin who lives near Tacoma, Washington, and carries their line of the Husted Family.

Janes/Hopping/ Husted Links
A Web Site of Genealogy for the Janes, Hopping, and Husted Families.

Pike County Genealogical Society
Web Site for the Pike County Genealogical Society of Ohio.

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