Adopt a Bunny Baby!
Can you give one of these little guys a good home?
Sure you can!
Just right click on the Bunny baby you want and choose "save as"
Leave me a message
So I know that one of my Bunny Babies has gone to a good home.
All I ask is that you add my URL with your new Bunny Baby to your page, so others will know
how to adopt their own.
Adopt a Little Tumble Bear To Keep you busy!
Here's a Baby Girl Bear To Adopt!
I Have some Back to Back Bunnies For You!
Adopt My Twins! Twice The Fun!
I Have some Baby Girls up for adoption!
I Have some Baby Cyber Teddies up for adoption!
I Have some Rainy day Puddle Jumpers up for adoption!
Adopt a Little Bear To cheer up Your Place!
Adopt a Snuggle Bunny To cuddle up with!
Pick a Party Animal To Party at your Place !
Here's a new Little OrphanWith a face you can't resist!
Pick a Guardian Angel To watch over your site for You !
Some new Baby Cyber Kitties Need to be adopted!
Take Home a Little Web Crawler!
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Since December 18, 1998.
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Copyright © 1997, Wendy Mannell.