Explore the Frontiers of Time and Space

Bloodlines--The link between Yesterday & Tomorrow

Genealogy Offers Personal Perspectives on Historic Themes--History is the Context of our Lives

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The study of one's personal family history offers a fresh understanding, not only of our own unique backgrounds, but of larger historical themes. Individual stories shatter assumptions, waylay stereotypes, and offer us a new appreciation for all that has gone before and all that lies ahead. This is what brought me to genealogy. My purpose in creating this website was to share resources in my possession, to find and list resources available on the web in my areas of interest -- particularly original source materials -- and to share information on my own family. I've been able to expand several branches of my own family tree through contact with "cousins" who spotted a familiar name on my site. And I've been thrilled to see more and more original source materials being digitized and made available online.

Genealogy is more than identifying our ancestors. If approached with an eye to experience and context, we learn a great deal about our history and culture, our personal family dynamics, our humanity, and ourselves. We see that we are not alone here on the edge of tomorrow, that everything we face has been faced before, that we have a wealth of examples from which to draw sustenance, understanding and courage. And yes, I confess to a love of Star Trek which inspired exploration, respect for all species and optimism for the future.

  1. ALERT! Many of my pages are still carrying a defunct email address @webtv.com. If you try to contact me and get bounced, use mjjodoin@yahoo.com


Site Index--In Progress


My Direct Line Surnames

Grab Bag Pages -- Items collected, not related to me...

Topics of General Interest

These are documents or memoirs that illustrate family life, community relations, business transactions, land use, etc.

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© 1997 by Marjorie J. Jodoin, all rights reserved. Please do not reproduce or republish my pages, text or photos without my express permission. mjjodoin@yahoo.com

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