Mint Creek Valley Kennel

Mint Creek Valley Kennel



Mintcreek Milo the Magnificent

November 23, 1997-October 25, 1998

I had a talk with God today,

He said my pain would go away.

He told me that you were there,

Happily playing in His care.

I said to Him, "I want to come too!"

But He said to me, "Your work's not through."

You told Him to tell me, "Please don't cry,"

"The time will soon pass swiftly by."

So, someday I'll join you, in Heaven above,

Meanwhile, I cry softly and send all my Love.

Milo, I Love and Miss you,


October 31, 1998

I had a talk with God today,

It's been four weeks since you went away.

My pain's still there, it is very real,

There's not been time for my heart to heal.

I miss you more and more each day,

I miss the way you used to play.

I know you're happy, there is no pain there,

You are safe and loved in His tender care.

I took a cake and candle to your grave today,

You would have been one year old, it's your Birthday.

"Happy Birthday" Milo

I Love and Miss you,


November 23, 1998

It's been a year since you've been gone,

Time passed swiftly bye.

There's not a day I don't miss you still,

There's not a day I don't cry.

You were my special little Pei baby,

I loved you more than I can say.

I only hope I can join you again,

And be with you in Heaven someday.

Milo, I Love and Miss you,


October 28, 1999

Milo developed breathing problems at an early age due to a benign growth in his trachea. They are unsure as to the cause of the growth, but think that he may have inhaled a foreign body that caused enough irritation for a polyp to grow. He has had two scopings and finally surgery on the trachea itself, to remove a large mass that was growing in his trachea and on into his bronchial tubes. His heart stopped during the surgery, but with massage and drugs, they were able to revive him. Milo was able to come home from the hospital after staying there for 12 days. He is now recuperating and has a tracheostomy to help him breath. He is very small ( only 11" tall at 5 months ), as his growth has been stunted due to his breathing problems, but he is a real trooper and is trying very hard to hang in there and get better. He is the biggest sweetheart, always full of tail wags and lots and lots of puppy kisses! Milo and I want to give an extra big
Thank You!!!!!!!

to Dr. DeHoff and all of the Technicians and Staff at Med Vet of Columbus, for all of the hard work and great effort they have put forth to help Milo get through this crisis. And to all of those who have thoughtfully offered their thoughts and prayers for Milo during his hospital stay and surgeries.

UPDATE: Milo now at 9 months measures about 14"-15" tall at the withers and weighs in at a whopping 40 pounds!!!!!

Last Update: Sadly, Milo's trache tube became dislodged while I was away on the evening of October 25, 1998 and he couldn't get his breath and died at 11 months of age. I love him very, very much and he will be very sadly missed. Goodbye my very sweet Milo, I Love You, Mommy.

The following is a poem written by Patti Brooks, and sent to me in loving memory of Milo:


He was a mommy's baby, a real little momma's boy,

he filled the heart's of many, with so much love and joy.

His life is wasnt easy, so much burden he did face,

we tried our very best, to keep him very safe.

the surgeries, the hospital trip's, stitches, staples and pill's

Im sure the little guy, had his share and had his fill.

I know he's waiting at the bridge, he see's the tear's I cry,

If only I could have had the time, at least to say good-bye.

yet he chose the time to leave, thinking best I not be there,

knowing I would have done anything, to show how much I care.

Maybe he was right, it was best I wasnt at home,

he had a place to go, and needed to go alone.

He wouldn't want me crying, he know's I loved him dear,

and that deep down in my heart, I would have done anything to keep him here.

" Milo I know you see me, and know the hurt I feel is deep,

and I know the day will come, to cross that bridge, together we will leap"


Oct. 26, 98

Milo at home before he got really sick

Milo taking a nap

Milo up at MedVet Hospital

Milo, finally, back home again taking another nap!

Milo, again doing his favorite thing, taking even another nap!!!

Milo, having yet another nap, but this time at the motel at Nationals!!!

Milo, at 8 1/2 months, enjoying the nice summer weather

Mint Creek Valley Kennel/Chinese Shar-Pei


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