

Family News

Fun Stuff




Welcome to The Roundabout
Our Family Newsletter.


This is now an archived newsletter. All information for the July newsletter appears on this one page. All links, except HOME and EMAIL, have been disabled.


Welcome to the July 2000 edition of the Roundabout, our family newsletter. We are still offering you freebies, research information, shopping, music to listen to or download* family news to catch up on, fun things to do with the family, food links to great recipe sites, and much more! As usual, we are on the lookout for anything fun, informative and original.

To navigate the rest of The Roundabout you may either click on any of the buttons on the left and you will be transported to that page, or scroll down the page and investigate for yourself. If you leave the Roundabout page click on your "back" button to return here.

The Hunger Site

Every 3.6 seconds someone dies of hunger. 75% are children.

Every time you click on the button you donate food. There is no charge to you for the donation.

Visit the Other Sites

This is our new Family Fun Page. I've included a few things that may be of interest, such as a free recipe generator. Normally I review many of the new internet sites as they are announced and if it's family oriented and fun, I like to pass it on. In the past we've offered you numerous freebie sites (and they are still available at the online archives. To go there, simply click on the Home button and select the month you are interested in.)

A recipe-generator! A new recipe every day!

  • Games by MSN - Free online games. Play against yourself or others.

  • A 1900 Victorian House - An excellent interactive site. Shows what it was like to live in 1900 America. Hosted by PBS.

  • Big Flirt - This is eye candy for teens. One of the nicest sites for teens I've been to in a while. This is just pure fun. Play games, read a fortune cookie, find out about a favorite celebrity, get your birthday posted, etc. Interactive with great sounds and cool effects. Requires Flash and Macromedia.

  • Meet Sue - Sue is the largest, most complete, best-preserved Tyrannosaurus Rex skeleton in existence. I was here for a long time. Educational and fun. Hosted by Field Museum on the Web.

  • Space.com - Read the latest space exploration news at this site. You can also watch videos of space shuttle landings, look at spectacular photos of space, and play entertaining astronomy quiz games. If you're a kid or just feel like one, make sure you visit the fun and educational "spaceKids" part of the site.

  • Wet With Blood - Mary Todd Lincoln's Blood Stained Coat. By the Chicago Historical Society and Northwestern University - Join a team of historians and scientists to investigate the stains on the coat allegedly worn by President Lincoln's wife during his assassination in 1865. You can take a Quicktime virtual reality tour of the Chicago Historical Society's Textile Conservation Laboratory and learn how the team analyzed the coat. The site's epilogue examines the relic in a cultural and historical context.


    Select some music while browsing my site :

    To change the music, return to THIS page.
    Titles and composers on Credits page.

    Read my Dreambook!
    Sign my Dreambook!

    PetWork, a national database for lost and found pets

    In loving memory of Catherine "Taddy" Horsman, 1917-1999.

    * Any midi files downloaded from this site is for personal enjoyment and personal (non-commercial) websites only. I do not sell nor profit in any manner, nor claim these midi files as my property. I merely present midis for entertainment purposes. The songs and lyrics are copyrighted material and ownership is legally retained by these persons. Do not download to sell or alter in any way. If you wish to download for non-commercial sites, please provide credit to the composer(s) and performers. See my Credits Page. Thank you.
    The Webmaster.

    Updated July 1, 2000