Where is God. Where are the answers. Some say he's in the church.
But churches can't speak. The only thing they do say is "dark, damp
and gloomy".
Where is God. Can I hear him speak. Some believe he's in all nature.
The birds and bees and trees. But do they talk to me? Not so I can hear.
Where is God. Can I see him, feel his passion. Some believe he's in the
bible, Read the book, see for yourself. Life's already full of damnations.
Stories, loves and hates. But all I can see are the bad things,
Perhaps for me it's too late.
Where is God. Why did someone not say, That he is right here. The answers
to questions. The spoken word, feelings and passion. He's here, right here
with me, I've found him!
He's in my soul, my life. Every heartbeat, every thought. He's in the
pauses,when words don't fit. He's in the words and scents of love.
Call him God, Allah or Divine Spirit. Call him what you want.
But your God and my God are the same.
Look inside and feel the shame.