so is this is the place where your suppose to get to know me better.
Well, here goes
On the next few pages you will find some information that may help you get around the web
as well as some information about me. If you have any questions or comments about the site
Drop me a line. mailto:swhitehead@gallop.ca
Well lets start with the basic stuff,
When you first get online, the first thing your going to want to do is head to a search engine
There are so many these days, and in my expierance there are certain ones that are better for certain types of searches
If your looking for Canadian content, Try
Yahoo.ca or
There are lots of other search engines out there and each one is good for finding certain things. There are three ones that I have found work best for me. Google, Ask Jeeves and GoSnoop. Click on the links to go to any of the three.
There are tons of other search engines, the ones above in my opinion provide better results.
So what else would I recomend on the web?
At my job working for The Virtual Billbord Network, I deal and come into contact with alot of cool web sites.
Check out some of the following ones:
Now ever since I can remember I have been a fan of Comedy. As a Canadain I have many local hereo's to look up to. Although many of them often head south to practice there trade, it is here that most of them gain their first real stardom. Shows like Saturday Night Live, SCTV have been personal favourates of mine since the firts time I saw them. Those two shows alon have produced some of the greatest Comedians and sketches of all time. Through the popularity and success of those two shows, others have followed. Lorne Micheals, famed creator and producer of SNL (who is also Canadian) has also gone on to produce another fav. of mine, The Kids in The Hall. Now besides all of these Canadian based shows, I am a fan of everything from Monty Python to The Honeymooners. Nowadays you can find me watching The Simpsons or Southpark. You can find links to some great comedy sites in my Links Section. | ![]() |
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Ok, so now that I have gotten the stuff that some may call uncultured,
I'll move on to the rest of the "arts". Recently a special person
in my life introduced me to a singer named Emm Gryner. She
was on tour with the Lilith Fair at selected venues. Although she was performing
here when the tour rolled into Toronto, I was unable to see her because
she was on a smaller stage which was placed in an awful spot. Who makes
a performer do a show beside the concession stand? Anyway, you can find
out more about Emm Gryner as well as a couple other local acts by clicking
on the album cover. The other artist I highly recomend is Sarah Sleen.
I have seen her at a small intimate venue here in Toronto, and it was amazing.
I of course enjoy many other styles of music, except really Pop'ish type
music and Country. You can read more about my musical dislikes in my section
of the same name.
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