Love Poems of the Military

As a Military wife I have encountered many things. One of the greatest being separation.  It is a hazard of being married to a submariner.

I have asked many of my friends to contribute what they have encountered as far as Military related poems, sayings and other assorted goodies so that other military wives can read this information in one place.  Some of them are directly related to the Navy but many of then can cross over to all branches of the armed forces.

"Absence is to love what wind is to fire;
It extinguishes the small,
It enkindles the great"

Most of these works are by unknown authors. I have seen many of these through my 17 years of living a Military lifestyle and being a Navy wife.  One of which I am darn proud to say that I am.

Here is what I have collected so far and I do hope to be adding to this in the near future.

A Sailor

A Navy Marriage

The Military Wife

Why did I marry a Sailor?


The Winsome Warrior

If you happen to know of any more please e-mail them to me Laughing Eyes.  Thank you and please enjoy.

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