I am stationed on the USS Louisville out of Pearl Harbor. I am a torpedoman of course. So what you will see here are links to the Navy, Desert Storm in which I participated, Ship Wrecks and anything else that I find that is neat. I am proud to be a veteran fo the Gulf War. The submarine that I am currently stationed on was the same one that I was on during the Gulf War. The USS Louisville, we recived the most publicity for launching the first Tomahawk Missles that were ever launched in anger against an enemy since World War II. Check out Family Day 97 aboard the USS Louisville (SSN-724) Or take a look at Family Day 98. Here are some good Military links Kings Bay, GA This is where I was stationed before the USS Louisville (SSN-724) Navy Fact File: Attack Submarines This is a good link about Fast Attack submarines Submarine Weapon Systems This link is about some of the weapons that we carry. Sub Insignia All about Submarines. Ship Wrecks Titanic Live Online A good link from The Discovery Channel Back to the main page Robert Caity Brandon E-mail me! © 1997 A Laughing Eye's Production This page has been accessed times. This page hosted by Get your own Free Home Page
I am stationed on the USS Louisville out of Pearl Harbor. I am a torpedoman of course. So what you will see here are links to the Navy, Desert Storm in which I participated, Ship Wrecks and anything else that I find that is neat.
I am proud to be a veteran fo the Gulf War. The submarine that I am currently stationed on was the same one that I was on during the Gulf War. The USS Louisville, we recived the most publicity for launching the first Tomahawk Missles that were ever launched in anger against an enemy since World War II.
Check out Family Day 97 aboard the USS Louisville (SSN-724)
Or take a look at Family Day 98.