Brandon's Page

Brandon is our pride and joy. We like to call him no-no the go-go. He is a typical little boy into everything. Sometimes I like to think that he needs a tail because he climbs EVERYTHING. He is a real cutie as you can see.

He is 3 YEARS OLD!!!! We are very proud of him. Here is another picture of him that I like. He has Tracheomalicia with a vascular ring. I will be posting links here to sites about this. It has helped me greatly knowing that this is something that is not life threatening. I know that there are others like him with the same problems. I hope that these links will help other parents like us who knew nothing about this when we started. We will keep you updated on his progress.

It took me some time but I finally found the link that has the best info.

We went to Childern's Hospital San Diego at the end of June for the surgery. He is doing just fine. You would never know that he had the surgery except for the scar. He is a great trooper, he recovered better than his Mother did. Now we can move on with his development. I am grateful to all of the staff and the personal at Childeren's Hospital for all of their kindness and support that they gave us while we were there. Childeren's is a wonderful hospital. Please check out their site.

Here are the links to his brother and sister.



We can't forget Dad

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