Partial Reference Materials
from my research
Bucks County Newspaper Marriage Notices 1804-1834
Bucks County Pennsylvania
- 18 Feb 1830 Baily, James to Mrs. Mary Smith, both of Tinicum, by Rev. Thos. Neall (22Feb 1830)
- 30 Apr 1812 Baird, Miss (see James Hart)
- 1 Dec 1830 Baird, James of Philadelphia to Levina B. Snyder, daughter of Col. Snyder of Moreland Twp., Montgomery Co., by Rev. R. Steel (6 Dec 1830)
- 28 Dec 1820 Baird, Robert of Warwick to Clarissa Foster of Southampton, by Rev. Mr. Montanya. (9 Jan 1821)
- 16 Mar 1825 Bakeman, Elizabeth (see Jones Thatcher)
- 15 Oct 1818 Baker, Abr to Susan Swartz, both of Franconia by Rev. J.A. Strausburger (27 Oct 1818)
- 3 Apr 1834 Baker, Charles of Doylestown to Jane Minny of Hunterdon, NJ.
- 23 Apr 1807 Baker, Hillary of Philadelphia to Elizabeth Creed of Bucks Co., by Rev Philip Moyer (30 Apr 1807)
- 30 Apr 1812 Baker, Jacob of Bedminster to Susanna Hager of Rockhill, by Rev. Mr. Reller (4 May 1812)
- 25 Feb 1820 Baker, Lewis of Philadelhia Co. to Mary Paxson of Sole bury, by Levi Bond, Esq. (21 Mar 1820)
- 7 Nov 1816 Baker, Margaret H. (see Thomas Betts)
- 28 Mar 1833 Baker, Margaret H. (see Samuel Taylor)
- 28 May 1832 Baker, Matilda Emma (see Col. Robert M. Lee)
- 27 Dec 1822 Baker, Rachel (see Jesse Vansant)
- 29 Jan 1807 Baker, William to Maria Psalter, both of Germantown (5 Feb 1807)
- 14 May 1823 Balderston, Ann (see James Simpson)
- 20 Dec 1804 Balderston, Elizabeth (see Mordecia Martin)
- 16 Mar 1826 Balderston, Linda (see John Harmon)
- 15 May 1806 Balderston, Rachel (see Jacob Walton)
- 2 Jan 1834 Baldin, George merchant, to Elizabeth M. Moore both of Philadelphia.
- 21 Dec 1807 Baldwin, Eleanor (see Joseph Kirkbride)
- 8 Apr 1817 Baldwin, John to Hannah Bailey, both of Bristol Twp. by Louis Bache, esq. (15 Apr 1817)
- 18 Nov 1824 Baldwin, Margaret (see Ephraim Pittman)
- 23 Oct 1817 Baldwin, Walter to Cristianna Bunting of Bristol Twp. by Isaac Hicks, esq. (4 Nov 1817)
- 22 May 1828 Bales, John E. to Mary Hegeman of Bristol, by Samuel Allen Jr., esq. at Bristol (2 June 1828)
- 12 Oct 1815 Ball, Aaron of Richland to Sarah, daughter of Eleazer Jones of Plumstead, at Friends Meeting House, Plumstead. (23 Oct 1815)
- 27 Aug 1833 Ball, Benjamin of Bensalem Twp., to Elizabeth Adams of Phildelphia, by Rev. George Chandler.
- 17 Jan 1830 Ball, John P. to Mary Samsel, both of Trumbowersville, by Rev. Mr. Waagge (25 Jan 1830)
- 8 Oct 1818 Ball, William to Nancy Dolby, both of Richland (20 Oct 1818)
- 23 Dec 1805 Ballance, John of Upper Makefield to Elizabeth dtr of John Kinsey, of Buckingham by John Shaw, esq. (30 Dec 1805)
- 29 Apr 1824 Banes, Ann (see Jesse Doan)
- 26 Aug 1824 Banes, Dr. B.R. of Byberry, Phildelphia Co., to Sarah Walmsley of Phildelphia by Elmen Banes esq. (30 Aug 1824)
- 21 May 1818 Banes, Eliza (see Andrew Scott)
- 1 May 1834 Banes, Joel J. of Phildelphia to Euphemia Davis of Hatfield, Montgomery Co.
- 20 Oct 1818 Banes, Dr. Josiah D. to Sarah C. Carver by Seaman Rodman esq. (10 Nov 1818)
- 17 Apr 1827 Banks, Edward, editor Belvidere Apollo, to Sarah Brown of Easton by Rev Mr. Hicks in Easton. (23 Apr 1827)
Index to Bucks County References in the Pennsylvania Gazette
- Grummond, Ichabad, 1781 May 16, adv Trenton-Elizabeth stage via Bristol (22:79)
- Gruver, Nicholas, 1782 Apr 3, of Nockamixon tp.; notice that peddler John Harris died at his place (22:278)
- Gurly, John, 1772 Mar 19, sheriff's sale at his inn, Plumstead (18:232)
- Gurney, Thomas, 1751 Apr 11, land in Middletown adv. by Sheriff (9:146)
- Guy, Thomas, 1776 Oct 23, of Bristol Tp.; LF (20:348)
- Guyant, John, 1775 May 17, vendue of real estate at his house, Bristol (20:20)
- Haase, Hans Yerrick, 1749/50 Mar 6, runaway servant of Thos. jones, Hilltown (8:477)
- HAddock, Walter, 1767 Oct 22, of BC; LP (16:169)
- Hagan, William, 1757 Apr 7, of "Cross Roads"--letter at Phila. P.O. (11:493)
- Hagerman, Henry,
- 1767 July 30, his land in Bedminster adv by sheriff (16:117)
- 1769 Mar 30, his land in Plumstead adv by sheriff (17:57)
- 1769 Apr 27, his land in Plumstead adv by sheriff (17:76)
- 1769 Nov 23, his land in Plumstead adv by sheriff (17:218)
- 1777 Apr 23, adv. horse for stud, Northampton tp. [Hegeman] (20:418)
- Haight, Jonathan
- 1765 Apr 4, his tavern in Bristol mentioned in adv of Dr. john Denormandie est. (15:179)
- 1765 Jun 6, suspected stolen horses at his house, Bristol (15:179)
- 1767 Feb 12, adv tavern in Bristol for sale.
- Haight, Joseph
- 1765 Jun 6, Burlington, ment. in notice of Jonathan Haight of Bristol (15:179)
- 1768 May 5, of Burlington; NRS (16:317)
- 1772 Apr 16, adv tavern for sale in Burlington (18:250)
- Haight, Stephen, 1764 Mar 15, of Bristol; LP (14:452)
- Hains, Matthew, 1758 Jan 12, of BC; LP (12:78)
- Hair, John (?) 1762 Dec 9, of Buckingham, BC; LF (14:181)
- Hair, Joseph 1769 Jul 6, of BC; agent for subscriptions to Jonathan Edwards' "Orig. Sin" (17:131)
- Hair, Thomas, 1748 Nov 24, est. notice; schoolmaster who formerly taught at New Britain & Buckingham, BC (8:191)
- Half-Moon Inn, Newtown
- 1746/47 Mar 10, Jos. Thornton adv. (7:376)
- 1755 June 26, adv by sheriff (11:60)
If we might be linked in anyway PLEASE let me know!
© 1997jennylinn@hotmail.com
Baptisms of Southampton Dutch Reformed Church (Neshaminy) Bucks Cty, Pa.
- Abraham of Loodewyck Metselaer (Ludwig Metzler), bapt. Sept (or May) 30,1732.
- Gerardus of Gerardus Wyncoop and Susanna Wyncoop, bapt. Sept 30, 1732.
- Sara of Jores Neefies (Naevius) and wife Willemtie, bapt. Sept 30, 1732. Spon: Gerret Kroese and Ariaenje Kroese.
- Sara of Adrian Bennet and Josina Bennet, bapt. Sept 30, 1732. Spon:Isaac Bennet and Sara Bennet.
- Abraham of Abraham Bennet and Jannetje, bapt. Sept 30,1732. Spon:Abraham Bennet and Jannetye Bennet.
- Elsie of Dirck Croese and wife, bapt. Sept 30, 1732. Spon: Gerret Kroese and Elsie Kroese.
- Antie of Josua Boskerk and Marytye, bapt Sept 30, 1732. Spon: Ari Schoute and Marytie Schoute.
- Jannetie of Abraham Bennet and Jannetye Sydam, bapt. Apr 23, 1734.
- Sara of Jores Nefes/Neses and Wellepche, bapt Sept 15, 1734. Spon: Nicklaes Kroesen and wife Marytye.
- Jacob of Hendrick Croesen and Aelsye Van Derbergh, bapt. Oct 3, 1734. Spon: Dirck Croesen and Cornelye Van Denbergh.
- Abraham of Jan Wagelum and Sara Bennet, bapt. Apr 14, 1735.
- Isack of Isaack Bennet and Elizabeth Aersen, bapt. Apr 14, 1735.
- Symon of Benjamin Hoeften and wife, bapt. Apr 14, 1735.
- Jenke of Jacob Slecht and Elisabet Van Hooren, bapt. Apr 14, 1735.
- Ryeck (Richard) of Abraham Bennet and Jannetye Sydam, bapt. Apr 19, 1735.
- Else of Hendrick Kroesen and Else Van Derbergh, bapt. Dec 18, 1737. Spon: Gerret Croesen and Adriaty Nefe.
- Areyan of Hendrickes Hegeman and Tryntye Van Hooren, bapt. Mar 26, 1738. Spon Barent Van Hooren and his mother Wellepche Van Dyck.
- Blandina of Cornelis Corsen and Antye Van Hooren, bapt. Mar 26, 1738. Spon: Abraham Stevens and Marytye Corsen.
- Areyantye of Gerret Croesen and Are˙antye Nefe, bapt. Aug 13, 1735.
- Marytye of Nicklaes Croesen and Marytye Roellen, bapt. Aug 13, 1735. (Nicholas Cruise and Mary Rowland, married in Abington Pres. Church Nov 23, 1721.)
- Cresteyan/Elisebet of Derck Hogelandt and Maryye Sloet, wife, bapt. Oct 22, 1735.
- Wellem of Cornelius Crosen and Aentye Van Hooren, bapt. Apr 21, 1736.
- Johannes of Gerret Wyncoop and Susanna Vliet, bapt. April 21, 1736.
- Elisabet of Wellem Klenkenbergh and Jannetye Klenkenbergh, bapt. Apr 21, 1736.
- Daniel of Jaen Boskerck and Marytye Hogeland, bapt. June 26, 1736.
- Lena of Aentone Schotte and Marytye Krefven, bapt. Oct 21, 1736. Spon: Aere Schoten and wife.
- Gereitye of Jacob us Van Saent and Greitye Bress, bapt Apr 21, 1737.
- Elisabet of Jacob Hagevot and Anna Van deGrift, bapt. Apr. 21 1737.
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