Think Happy Thoughts
it keeps you healthy....
Have you all noticed how much of our life is negative. We complain about
rules, regulations, taxes, not enough money, too many bills etc. I think you get the point. We gossip about our "friends"
and complain about our family. We whine about wanting this or needing to have
that. OK I am going to try to be positive in my life and am asking you to try
to do this in yours also. No this is not one of those "oh no a love everything, peace to the world person"
actually, I just want us to love ourselves, the rest will fall into place.
Did you also notice that IF we all followed the "golden rule" that there would be no need for
any other rules or laws. THINK about wouldn't talk bad about someone because you
wouldn't want them doing that to you. You wouldn't kill someone because you wouldn't want to die.
Now I am sure someone will say wait a minute! there are exceptions to every rule...yeah sure there are but for the most
part if we respected and tried to love our fellow personkind then there would be no need for wars or fences or equality rules because
we would all be equal. OK now I am trying to keep this a positive site so I will
attempt to put only positive things on here. If you feel you have one that should be included send me mail and we can put it up and give you the credit
for the positive saying. And since I am the writer of this page I reserve the right to edit, and sometimes ignore someone's ideas.
BUT if you are positive and say happy thoughts then why would I ignore you.
Lets all try to be a little more positive and pass on those happy thoughts to our part of the world!!
- Give someone a wink
Let them think they are the most important person in the world to you. Wouldn't we all love to be special in someone's thoughts. Just remember if you are reading this you are special in mine.
- I whistled the "BEEP-BEEP" song when I wanted to yell at something or someone. Don't know the beep-beep song? Call a local oldies radio
station and ask them to play it. When you hear it, think of this page and smile!
- I looked at the blue sky and the sun and was happy to be able to see the colors so vividly. Take your time look
at things around you and find a warm, loving color!
- Isn't it great when you smile at someone and they smile back? try doing that to each person you meet today and you will find it makes you happy! And it also will add a bright moment to each person's life that you saw.
- Today, not tomorrow, don't put it off, CALL an old friend and say you appreciate them for being there for you. This will make them happy and you will get that cozy feeling of sharing your feelings.
- Think about your childhood and one very happy moment when you felt like you owned the world. Now hold those feelings close to you and feel that way today.
- Hug your child, parent, grandparent, friend, loved one for no reason other than the warm feeling it gives you. Ask them to pass it on.
- Listen to the birds singing, the wind blowing, the rain falling, a child's laughter, your families voices and be happy that you can hear those things.
- GO for a walk and let all your troubles go...with each step you take think about the things that make you happy and let go of the negative thoughts. Deep breaths let them out slow and if you want sing a song. One that comes to mind is is the one that goes "well I ran through the briars and I ran through the brambles, I ran through the bushes where the rabbits coudln't go" BTW does anyone know the name of that song it is something like 17?? ro something the British kept a runnin, sure hope no one takes offense it is just a song and a great one to walk to.
- When I was growing up I used to sit outside with my older sisters and count the stars. Think this is silly? Try it and see how much more open and relaxed you are as you realize you are a tiny,tiny part of the universe.
- GO visit one of your older relatives and ask them to tell you a story about their life and remember that this has affected you by the choices they made.
- Take off your shoes, go outside. Close your eyes and remember how it feels to have the sun shining on your face as your toes wiggle in the cool grass.
- Put on one of those oldie songs and remember what it made you feel like when it was at the top of the charts. A song that takes me back to high school and "buzzing the ave" as we called was Louis, Louis. It makes me smile and thank God I don't have to go through the teen years again.
- Send a thinking of you card to someone. Pick a name of one of your friends, someone from your church or someone you work with. Don't sign your name just sign it a loving friend. This will let them know someone cares and you have just made their day. Of course if they are like me it will also make them call everyone they know wondering if it is them but while they are doing this they will be keeping in touch and letting others also know they are being thought of.

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