Think Happy Thoughts

it keeps you healthy....

Have you all noticed how much of our life is negative. We complain about rules, regulations, taxes, not enough money, too many bills etc. I think you get the point. We gossip about our "friends" and complain about our family. We whine about wanting this or needing to have that. OK I am going to try to be positive in my life and am asking you to try to do this in yours also. No this is not one of those "oh no a love everything, peace to the world person" actually, I just want us to love ourselves, the rest will fall into place.

Did you also notice that IF we all followed the "golden rule" that there would be no need for any other rules or laws. THINK about wouldn't talk bad about someone because you wouldn't want them doing that to you. You wouldn't kill someone because you wouldn't want to die. Now I am sure someone will say wait a minute! there are exceptions to every rule...yeah sure there are but for the most part if we respected and tried to love our fellow personkind then there would be no need for wars or fences or equality rules because we would all be equal. OK now I am trying to keep this a positive site so I will attempt to put only positive things on here. If you feel you have one that should be included send me mail and we can put it up and give you the credit for the positive saying. And since I am the writer of this page I reserve the right to edit, and sometimes ignore someone's ideas. BUT if you are positive and say happy thoughts then why would I ignore you. Lets all try to be a little more positive and pass on those happy thoughts to our part of the world!!


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