The Sticky Whiskers Gang
Ms Kitty
My real name is Blind Kitty. However, I much prefer to be called Ms Kitty. I was born sometime
around 1988. I lived on the street and had given birth to quite a few before my mom, Lynn, rescued me.
I was not well due to living on the street and having given birth so many times. Mom fed me and eventually
brought me into her home to live. I don't remember how long I had been blind in my right eye. It was
quite painful to me. When mom took me to the doctor for my hysterectomy, she had them look at my right eye.
It seems I had cataracts on it and it would never get better. My doctor decided the best thing was to remove my
right eye. Since it would mean relief from the pain, Mom and I agreed. I now get along quite well with just the
one eye. It puts a different prepesctive on things, but living inside has insured me a life of leisure. I am
the second member of The Sticky Whiskers Gang. Several of the original members are related to me. My daughter,
Bit Bit (now deceased from a brain tumor) and her daughter (my grandaughter) Pepper (now deceased ... cause
unknown), and Henrietta. Henrietta and I got separated a few months after she was born. Someone found her and
took her to the same doctor that was my surgeon. She became a blood donor for other cats for several years. Henrietta is handicapped with
a turned under right front paw. She is amazingly courageous and I trully believe she was so good at her volunteer
work at the doctor's office because of her handicap. Our mom, rescued Henrietta from the doctors office when she
developed a bad habit of biting visitors. It's good to have at least one of my children living with me.
I enjoy sleeping on top of my Mom's computer monitor. It is always nice and warm there and I am usually very
close to her while there. I too like junk food, but my diet mostly consist of Meow Mix.
I have borrowed the Tennessee State Flags' emblem of the three stars in circle as
my page background.
I like to think of it as my three bloodline contributions to The Sticky Whiskers Gang.
Bit Bit
I hope you will come back to visit often.
Deceased....... November 2003

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